Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6222: The luck of ignorance

The luck of ignorance

The chaotic trend of the true spirit fluctuated and never declined, rising at a constant speed, and the birth of high-level Primordial Beings continued to increase.

The leaders of the true spirits are all practicing hard, and take turns to train the army to prepare for the future war.


Even some of the eighth-order powerhouses on the edge of the beginning domain were introduced by them, just to expand the number of troops.

The forty statues of the ninth-order peaks who surrendered to Xiao Ye are also constantly shuttled in the Jiuli space to the realm of Mingwu giants.

compared to the past.

The attitude of these forty ninth-order peaks towards the real spirit chaos has also undergone great changes.

In the years of guarding this chaos, they will also point out the true spirit powerhouse.

As for Xiao Ye, he disappeared.

He was invisible, and he no longer entered the Jiuli space. No one could tell whether Xiao Ye was still alive.

Forty statues of the peak of the ninth order are all emotional.

Xiao Ye is completely different from the Hunyuan-level beings they have seen, and he has a big heart.

First of all, disregarding the previous suspicions, invite them to step into the Jiuli space and help them understand the giant domain.


They handed over the safety of the entire True Spirit Chaos to them, which was a sign of trust.

How can they live up to this trust?

Forty statues of the ninth-order peak, unconsciously, regarded themselves as a part of the true spirit.

to this.

True spirit beings, don't worry.

What Xiao Ye values ​​is the pure heart of these ninth-order peaks.

In order to step into the giant field, you can pay for the pureness of everything.

And over the years.

The behavior of these forty ninth-rank peaks has also been recognized by them.

not to mention.

Xiaoguang is still in the Xiao family land.

As long as these forty statues of the ninth-rank peak still want to live and step into the giant realm, they will definitely not mess up, and they will join Xiao Ye in the grand event.

Xiao Ye did leave the real chaos, but he was still on the edge of the beginning.

He moved forward in this Fang Haohai, silently watching the evolution of Haohai.

He doesn't show his qi, he walks through parallel chaos one after another, watching the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and comprehends the universe of all sides.

In the Jiuli space.

The many scenes that Xiao Ye could see were all reflected by the Gate of Jiuli, illusory scenes, and long-lost lives.

No matter how much you feel and how much you are touched, there is still a lack of realism.

It's easier said than done if he wants to ascend to the sky in one step and become a giant.

Therefore, Xiao Ye started his journey with a heart of seeking nature.

The vast sea at the edge of the Beginning Domain is quite vast.

Seventh-order and eighth-order powerhouses are hard to find.

But to Xiao Ye, it can only be regarded as a small place.

"For many years, the forces here have also completed a major change of blood, but the Bailian Palace is still there."

Xiao Ye's gaze plunged into an eighth-level chaos.

Searching for this chaos, there are also many eighth-order powerhouses, but Fushang is nowhere to be seen.

This genius of the Fallen Primordial Immortal Phoenix Clan, who once returned to Bailian Chaos as a ninth-order powerhouse, renews the master-disciple relationship with the Bailian Palace Master, has now left.

"Is it the core of the Returning Origin Domain, guarding the origin of the Fallen Primordial Immortal Phoenix Clan?"

Xiao Ye murmured, thinking of Luo Liuli.

This genius who likes to compete with him, how far has he cultivated now?

With the opponent's talent, it should be the pillar of the Fallen Primordial Immortal Phoenix Clan.

Xiao Ye's figure flashed and disappeared.

He went to the ruins again.

This is the old Qingxiu Chaos.

Qi Tai once opened a clock tower here, set up gambling battles, and became the most lively place in that era.

Years go by in a hurry.

There is nothing but desolation left here.


"Qi Tai people are still alive."

"He is in Qingcheng, why should he break through to the middle stage of the ninth order?"

Thinking of the old man, the corners of Xiao Ye's mouth twitched slightly.

He continued to walk on the edge of the Beginning Domain and went to many old places, such as Maha City and Chaos Chaos, and he had an unspeakable emotion in his heart.

Evolving into a Primordial Life, it cannot be eternal in the world!

With the evolution of Haohai, one after another life is changing, and the new generation replaces the old one.

Now he stopped, suddenly looking back.

It was found that apart from the life around him, there were not many familiar faces to be seen.

"The way of cultivation is too ruthless."

Xiao Ye couldn't help sighing when he thought of the scene reflected in the Jiuli space.

Aren't those ninth-order peaks that once amazed Haohai turned into dust?

He jumped, disappeared on the edge of the beginning domain, and came to the secluded domain.

The Inner Sea is divided into four regions.

Youyu is second only to Shiyu.

There have also been born here, many powerful eighth-order powerhouses, and ambitious, to launch a charge against the Abyss, but fortunately they were blocked by the White Deer Academy.

Bailu Academy bears the abyss and has been fighting with the Youyu for many years.

Xiao Ye walked through the Nether Realm and came to the Abyss Realm in retrograde.

This place is full of vitality and prosperity. There are many seventh-order powerhouses scattered all over the place.

They either created a Taoist tradition, or held a power, and shined on their own stage.

The battle between the primordial giants has no effect on this place.

The life here is also unaware of the situation in the Beginning Domain.

"Sometimes ignorance is a blessing."

Xiao Ye smiled slightly.

Like him.

If they were in the outer seas, after controlling the way of heaven, they would live in seclusion with Bingya, and they would not come into contact with the secrets of the Primordial Yuan level, nor would they be involved in the vortex of right and wrong.


Xiao Ye has no regrets.

His destiny must be in his own hands, and he must not passively wait for the disaster to come.


The real spirit chaos now is afraid that it will become a ruin.

Xiao Ye's body flickered, and he came to a mountain gate that was a hundred feet high.

This mountain gate.

It is shaped by a profound Hunyuan method, which releases the elements of the world and supports a world in the abyss.


There was nothing behind the mountain gate.

"White Deer Academy!"

Xiao Ye stared at the mountain gate.

Since the victory of the localized war, the White Deer Academy has been relocated as a whole, leaving only this mountain gate, quietly narrating the splendor of the past.

"There are a lot of memories here."

Xiao Ye whispered to himself and sat down in front of the mountain gate.

"Hehe, there is another one who is not afraid of death."

At this time, near the mountain gate, a group of mid-level seventh-order beings were standing.

Seeing Xiao Ye approaching the mountain gate, they all sneered.

In this mountain gate, there are remnants of Bailu's Primordial Law.

In the vast abyss, it can be called a treasure.

The remaining Hunyuan method of the mountain gate can not only help people to practice and realize various attack techniques, but once the strength is not enough, it will be wiped out by the mountain gate breath.

Xiao Ye's breath is not obvious, and they are regarded as weak life.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Xiao Yewu and I both forgot about it, Shen Xin was enlightened, and soon the sneers were stunned.

Xiao Ye is safe.

And a vision erupted from the mountain gate that was hundreds of feet high.

(End of this chapter)