Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6231: Restoration of order

Restoration of order

The evolution of Jun Meng Haohai interprets the mystery of the Hunyuan level.

In addition to the chaos of the real spirit, the edge of the beginning domain has also ushered in vigorous development.

The ninth-order powerhouses who have fled here are used to the environment here.

Based on this, they formed various general trends and radiated one parallel chaos after another.

They will grab the Hunyuan-level treasures that were nurtured on the edge of the beginning domain, and at the same time, they will also pass down the Taoism to help the seventh- and eighth-order life strength sublime here.

Experienced the battle of the giants.

They are more and more deeply aware that the uncertainty of the future, the only thing they can do is to improve their strength as much as possible and build a barrier to resist catastrophe.

From time to time, there are ninth-order powerhouses who raise their eyes and look at the real chaos, their eyes are full of yearning.

The Chaos of the True Spirit is located at the ninth level, standing on the edge of the Beginning Domain, so that most of the power of the vast sea is poured into the True Spirit.

The most terrifying is.

The essence of the real spirit chaos is surging, and it can spontaneously breed Hunyuan-level treasures, just like a small ocean.


These ninth-order powerhouses who escaped naturally yearned for it.

"I heard that the core of the Origin Domain has not broken out for a long time, and the order there is gradually being restored."

"There are Hunyuan giants who use peerless means to pull the Ancestral Qi plane into the core of the Beginning Domain. Many natural Hunyuan began to be born, and they mixed the Ancestral Qi in the meal."

"The core of the beginning domain has begun to glow with vitality, and it is very likely that it will restore its original prosperity."

A piece of news, like a comet piercing the sky, echoed in the edge of the beginning domain, making the listeners stunned and unbelievable.

The giant battle is over?

Among the giants of mixed yuan, are they going to return to the previous pattern?

"Could it be that those giants found that they couldn't do anything to Master Xiao Ye, so they gave up targeting and wanted to create a new prosperity together?" A ninth-order peak burst into tears, and was extremely excited.

He didn't ask the Hunyuan giants to change his mentality, and began to care about the life and death of Hunyuan's life. He only wanted the order of the past to be able to reproduce.

in that environment.

He can survive and have the opportunity to explore a higher realm.

I thought.

That day will not come until Xiao Ye turns into a giant and breaks through the accumulated contradictions with absolute strength.

Never thought it would come so quickly.

"I want to go back!"

"The core of the beginning domain is where I wait for the ninth-order powerhouse to live."

Figures, with hope, rushed towards the core of the beginning domain through the Haohai channel.


Some ninth-order powerhouses also stayed.

They think it's all just an appearance.

As long as Xiao Ye's camp and the giants like Tieqi haven't completely resolved their grievances, the apparent prosperity will be the moon in the water, and it will collapse at any time.


They also think.

The restoration of order in the core of the beginning domain may be the conspiracy of some giants.

The two completely different viewpoints caused a lot of uproar on the edge of the Beginning Domain.

"The environment at the core of Shiyu is recovering?"

"It's not a good thing for us."

In the chaos of the real spirit, a group of leaders also gathered together to discuss.

They don't have much yearning for the core of the beginning domain.


In the near future, they have deduced that the power of Haohai at the edge of the beginning domain is constantly improving.

And the reason for all this is that the gap between the edge and the core of the primordial domain is slowly disappearing.

This is a terrible sign.

It seems that the two domains are going to be blended. From now on, the edge and the core will no longer be divided, and they must be completely integrated.

By the time.

Once the giant war breaks out again, the Chaos of True Spirit is bound to be most directly affected.

"Everything today is beyond my control."

"We'll continue to wait until Lord Xiao Ye returns."

In place of Xiao Ye, the ninth-order peak guarding the true spirit, also attended the meeting and opened his mouth one after another.

they said.

With Qingteng and Mo Yuan, they attached importance to Xiao Ye.

Once the real spirit is chaotic and really faces a crisis, then there will definitely be news from the Qingcheng side.

No more.

The Honglong clan headed by Tu Shi and Tu Lie would not stand idly by.

Since it is calm now, it might as well just let it go.

As soon as these words came out, the true spirit leader was silent.

The Qingcheng side is calm, representing the two giants of Qingteng and Moyuan, and they are not clear about the future direction.

True spirit chaos, as always.

Like a paradise in the vast sea, it does not have too much connection with the outside world.

With the passage of time in each parallel chaos, the core of the beginning domain also took on a new look.

The destructive aura here is no longer, and the pure power of the vast sea converges.

One treasure after another, exudes auspicious colors, and there are Hunyuan-level treasures born.

The figure of the ninth-order life galloping in the vast sea gradually increased, not only returning from the edge of the original domain, but also the innate Hunyuan who traveled from the ancestral plane.

They reached the ninth order.

Begin to officially set foot on the core stage, and you must show your strengths.

Coupled with the instructions of some giants, many giant-level forces quickly rose from the ruins.

The conquest of the giants is no longer, and the core of the beginning domain is no longer in crisis.

Looking around, I can no longer see the figure of the giant, this Fang Haohai is like a paradise for the ninth-order life.

"For the giants, it's too simple to interfere in the evolution of Haohai, it's only at the click of a finger."

"It seems that the previous disaster was just a game for them."

The three geniuses, Pang Feng, Wu Xiangzi, and Ning Beihong, walked out of Qingcheng and galloped in the vast sea.

They have experienced the darkness of giant battles.

To the prosperity in front of you, it is like a dream of Nanke.

Needless to say.

It is certain that the giants can use terrible means, and the environment at the core of the beginning domain can recover so quickly.

"Lord Qingteng and Mo Yuan said that today's scenery is also a rare opportunity for us."

"We can seize the opportunity to grab the Hunyuan-level treasure, and then make a breakthrough."

"That's the real thing."

The cold and stern young man Pang Feng opened his mouth and said, his body was rushing, and he had fallen into a treasure land.

The restoration of order at the core of the Origin Domain has only just begun.

Although the giant forces of all parties have re-emerged, but no ninth-order high-level people have been born.

With the overall strength of Qingcheng, it is completely possible to seize the opportunity.


In addition to these three geniuses, Qi Tai, Bai Lu, and Chao Yan and other Qingteng disciples also scattered, looking for resources everywhere.

Since those giants want to push the core of the beginning domain to restore order, they will follow the trend.

Xiao Ye didn't notice this.

He was still standing in the desert of soldiers, immersed in the refining of the power of death.

Colorful rays of light spontaneously surged out of Xiao Ye's body.

It reflects a towering tree, with lush branches and leaves like giant umbrellas, covering Xiao Ye in, and all weapons in the desert can't get close to him.

Xiao Ye is like a big dragon in the abyss, struggling in the boundless darkness, trying to ascend to nine days.

(End of this chapter)