Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 638: I have been waiting for you for a long t

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

No one knew that the shocking changes in the Emperor Valley, even the turbulence of the tragic war, did not escape.

Outside the Emperor Valley, it is still as quiet as before, and there is a strong contrast with the interior of the Emperor Valley that has become cloudy, like it is in a different time and space.

Xiao Ye couldn't remember how many Yin soldiers he had smashed.

If it was one-on-one, he would have won.

However, with a siege of more than two thousand Yin soldiers, his mind is always tight. This kind of battle is no less than fighting against Wang Wu's fourth-level strongmen.

"Ah, leave me alone!"

Xiao Ye shouted, from the Fire King Realm and the Earth King Realm, poured endless divine light into the body of Xiao Ye, and merged together under the action of the Four Emperors' power, becoming the power of fusion.

At this moment, Xiao Ye's body seemed to become a volcano, and the terrifying fusion of Wang Wu's power turned into a majestic Wang Wu's power.

Bang Bang Bang!

A series of impact sounds, and I saw that the Yin soldiers within ten steps of Xiao Ye all flew out and hit the ground fiercely. Many of the Yin soldiers were broken and lost their power, making it difficult to climb up. .

Xiao Ye, who had a temporary breathing opportunity, quickly took a piece of Wang Jing from the space ring and swallowed it, running the Tongtian Baolu, compensating the consumed Wang Wu's strength and repairing the physical injury.

There is no way, the number of these Yinyin soldiers is really too much, although the strength is all Wang Wu level three, but Xiao Ye dare not have the slightest care.

And because of the fierce fighting before, he already had a lot of wounds, and the blood that was flowing out stained half of his body.


Looking at the Yin soldiers who were temporarily lifted off, there was a tendency to pounce again. Xiao Ye roared his head upwards, a thick black hair danced, waved his fists, and set off a majestic fist. He rushed up.

After Xiao Ye swallowed Wang Jing, he became a dragon and a tiger, and his blood was surging like the ocean.

All the Yin soldiers hit by Xiao Ye's fist, together with the Yin horse under the crotch and the weapons in their hands, will be turned into powder, like dust, drifting in the wind and disappearing in this world.


Xiao Ye became crazy, and his eyes were full of boiling war intentions. When he trained Wang Wu's fourth grade and became completely proficient, he became more and more fierce, just like an invincible **** of war swept among the Yin soldiers.

Fortunately, Xiao Ye was practicing the Four Emperors' exercises, and has already realized a part of Wang Wujuan. You can combine the two forces of Wang Wu. The Yin Bing was torn apart.

The four types of attacking Wang Wu's combat skills, which radiate an unparalleled brilliance in the hands of Xiao Ye, have become the most amazing weapon.

Half an hour later, Xiao Ye had completely mastered the attack methods of these Yin soldiers, as well as their biggest flaw!

That is not flexible enough!

These Yinbingkong have a powerful force, comparable to the warriors of the third level of Wang Wu, but they are not real warriors in the end. They do not have the intelligence of human beings. They only know that they wield weapons in their hands and attack Xiao Ye.

After discovering this shortcoming of Yin Bing, Xiao Ye suddenly changed from passive to active.

Overwhelming the power of eight wilderness skills, he exerted great power on Xiao Ye. With this skill, Xiao Ye could fly to the other side to attack when the Yin soldiers attacked.

Taking advantage of this gap, he took Wang Jing from the space ring and took it to repair the injury and supplement the consumed power of Wang Wu.

After half an hour has passed, Xiao Ye will not even be injured, even killing a large number of Yin soldiers, but the consumption is still very huge.

At this time, these Yin soldiers had no threat to Xiao Ye.

He changed from passive to active, and even regarded these Yin soldiers as opponents who hone his combat skills. He actually felt that these Yin soldiers were not as grim and terrible as before.

Before the banquet, he stepped into a martial arts paradise, and upgraded all his training skills of Wang Wu to the state of Dacheng, exerting great power. However, after all, he did not reach the state of consummation, and he still had defects.

And these Yin soldiers in front of him, it is a good opportunity to deal with him. After all, after he took control of the initiative, he is no longer injured, let alone life-threatening.


Every time Xiao Ye flashed, he could knock off a Yin Bing's body.

Compared with these Yin soldiers, he was like a messenger in hell, who came to conquer these Yin soldiers specifically.


Finally, the last Yin soldier was also blown away by Xiao Ye. Xiao Ye exerted his dominance and fell from the sky, crushing the Yin soldier's body with one foot.

"Huh?" Xiao Ye looked up with excitement, preparing to continue to find a Yin soldier to hone his combat skills, and suddenly found that his eyes had become empty, and there was no longer a Yin soldier.

"This is gone?" Xiao Ye froze a little at first, then shook his head with regret.

When fighting with these Yin soldiers, Wang Wu's combat skills he practiced have been tempered to a great extent, and the progress has been very great. If you can continue to maintain it, you don't need too much time just to break the sky. Even reached the state of perfection.

"It's a pity, are there any Yin soldiers?" Xiao Ye looked around.

It was still a dark night, but no Yin soldiers appeared.


Just when Xiao Ye was disappointed, Emperor Gu suddenly shuddered again, a high, detached momentum suddenly reverberated in the shadows, as if there were 10,000 beasts roaring on his head.

This momentum, driving the night and darkness, shattered the gloomy scene in front of me, and the space was twisted again.

"Is there anything wrong?" Xiao Ye felt dizzy for a while. He closed his eyes slightly, and Wang Wu's idea was released. He carefully felt the changes in the Valley of Emperors.

After a few breaths, this huge movement disappeared.

Xiao Ye opened his eyes and looked, suddenly surprised.

Because at this time, he was in the sunny Emperor Valley again. The scene of intense fighting between him and the Yin soldiers before was like a dream, real and false, so that he could not distinguish between true and false.

"Is that just an illusion just now? But that's too real." Xiao Ye sighed in his heart, but his eyes were fixed on the thatched house under the giant tree.

Just as he lifted his feet to walk over, a lonely, lonely voice suddenly rang.

"You, finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The moment he heard this, Xiao Ye's body shivered fiercely.