Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 650: Taking Tiansheng Water

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

In the underground world of Chaoyang Valley, the liquefied heaven and earth were surging like waves, surging beside Xiao Ye, and then turned into pure energy, which was swallowed by his four kings. ︽ Apex novel,

This is a rapid transformation!

With such a huge advantage, Xiao Ye's consciousness sank to the third floor of the Tower of Time, and with the help of Tongtian Baolu, he had just broken through to the fourth level of Wang Wu's cultivation practice, and began to rise rapidly again.

If it is placed in the outside world, it will definitely cause a huge sensation, because this speed, placed in any sectarian forces in Zhongzhou, is a terrifying existence.

In addition to improving his cultivation level, Xiao Ye also took time to cultivate various combat skills.

The words of the invincible emperor were consulted in the emperor valley that day, just like the sound of the avenue roared in his ears, every word sound directed at the essence of martial arts, making the battle level he played full of charm.


Xiao Ye jumped up, his feet stepped on the water like a wave, closed his eyes slightly, and squeezed his fists while waving freely. Every punch he made could cause the tremor of the void to provoke Wang Yang to scroll. .

Even Xiao Ye's fist didn't even show a ray of light, full of unpretentiousness.

This is a fist!

However, Xiao Ye has detached from the previous routines, completely detached, and puts his mind and body on display.

"This feeling is wrong!"

"It's still wrong!"

After each show, Xiao Ye stopped to reflect on his mind, which also made his boxing approach closer to completion.

Finally, after half a month--


I saw that in the time underground, Xiao Ye's feet stepped on the surface of the sea, and the eyes that had been closed suddenly opened, and the two gods burst out of the eyes, and the black hair danced wildly, like the same king of martial arts woke up, Full of unstoppable momentum.

Xiao Ye looked up and shouted, but he didn't see him doing the same. He stepped on the waves and rushed into the air. Between his fists and pours, there was a burst of light, which caused the void to explode one after another. There was a vacuum.

Wherever he fists, everything will be exploded into nothingness, a pair of fists seems to become the most terrifying weapon in the world, representing the world, can also destroy the world, and the cave is shaking and the mountain is shaking Following the cracks, the sky was full of smoke and dust.

This is an invincible power, you can blow everything through the world without too gorgeous moves!

"Wang Wu's combat skills, Po Tianquan is finally complete!" Xiao Ye stopped, a pair of eyes filled with joy and excitement.

Between the perfection of Tianquan and Dacheng, the power that can be exerted is really terrifying, and there is no comparison at all.

In other words, just like Xiao Ye under the same cultivation base, she can perform a complete Sky Breaking Fist, and can defeat herself using Dacheng Ground Breaking Fist within ten strokes.

This is an essential transformation!

Po Tianquan cultivates consummation. I believe that he can practice several other martial arts skills of Wang Wu in a short time. However, Xiao Ye did not understand it anymore, but stopped and continued to reflect.

"Batiantian is certainly powerful. It belongs to the flesh-like combat skills. As if it is exhibited with the king body, I am afraid that the power will increase again. I should now focus my main thoughts on ascending and training the king body."

"Other Wang Wu combat skills, I can slow down the speed of cultivation." Xiao Ye thought about it, his eyes flashed.

In a place like the True Spirit Continent, Xiao Ye was seriously aware of his lack of cultivation and strength, otherwise he would not be oppressed in the Holy Palace.

In the final analysis, it is still not strong enough!

Moreover, Elder Yang’s injury and Bingya’s affairs require him to have strong strength to solve it.

Now that it was decided, Xiao Ye took action immediately.

First of all, he sinks his mind, and in the Wang Yang of Liquified Heaven and Earth, he worked hard for a month, feeling that his cultivation behavior is about to reach the middle of Wang Wu fourth grade, and then he stopped.

I saw him flipping his palm, and took out the porcelain bottle holding the heavenly water from the space ring.

"Every time you take it, and then transport the matching Tiansheng tactics, you can quickly absorb and upgrade the level of the king's body." Xiao Ye recalled the warning of Elder Huang in his mind. After confirming that it was correct, he unplugged the bottle stopper.



A strong mysterious atmosphere wafted out of the porcelain bottle, and turned into a little starlight suspended in this underground world.

Xiao Ye raised his head and took one of the drops of Tiansheng Water.


This drop of heavenly holy water had just entered the body, and Xiao Ye uttered a painful wailing sound. The whole body became hot, and his skin became very hot, and he was blazing hot, as if a large furnace had risen.

This kind of pain penetrates into the bone marrow. It is a kind of inhuman torture.

Due to the pain, Xiao Ye's body was twitching violently, and he fell into the vast ocean of liquefied heaven and earth, and even evaporated a large area of ​​liquefied heaven and earth.

"Hurry up and run the Tiansheng tactics!" Xiao Ye shivered with pain, barely sitting cross-legged at the bottom of Wang Yang, resisting the painful operation of the Tiansheng tactics.


With the operation of the natural tactics, Xiao Ye really felt a strong imprisonment force, driving the drop of Heavenly Holy Water, swimming in a fixed line in his body, gradually evaporating into countless small water, which was used by his The bones, membrane, and meridians are all absorbed, which is growing his foundation.

From Xiao Ye's body, a purple light rose automatically and enveloped his whole body. Under his skin, it seemed that there was a divine dragon swimming, making his muscles tremble.

It was not until this moment that Xiao Ye felt the pain was relieved, and began to concentrate on a drop of Tiansheng Water. As time went on, the purple light of his body became more and more dazzling.

After three days, the energy of this holy water was finally refined and completely absorbed by his body.


Xiao Ye squeezed his fist at random and smashed it towards the void, suddenly causing a large collapse of the void, a straight gully, swelled open on the sea, and then was submerged by the surging seawater.

"My royal body really improved a lot. This is a rare treasure!" Xiao Ye's eyes burst into excitement.

As long as he can elevate the king's body to the state of Dacheng, with the breaking of Tianquan, not only the power surge, but also the fusion of the three kinds of Wang Wu's power can be successful, he really looks forward to that scene.

"Continue to practice!"

Xiao Ye was so motivated that he took out a porcelain bottle containing Tiansheng water and took another drop.