Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 723: Through the first round

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

It took only one third of Yi Xiang's time to pass, but the Tianzidian disciples who were eliminated on the field passed by more than fifteen thousand. ※%,

"Elder, Master of the Palace, I was absolutely out of tune just now. Please ask your disciples to do it again!"

"Yes, Palace Master, my martial arts heart cannot be so weak!"


Among the more than 15,000 disciples who have been eliminated, many people are unbelievable.

They simply do not believe that their martial arts will be so weak.

You know, among these monstrous disciples, there is actually an outstanding disciple of the Temple of Heaven, which is very powerful, and even he was eliminated.

"Humph, come again?"

"Did you mean to say that we have so many elders and the palace owner is blind?"

The law enforcement elders in the main hall looked displeased and snorted: "The strength of the martial arts heart has nothing to do with Xiuwei. Our main hall will not accept disciples with weak martial arts. Wait until you hone your martial arts heart. Be stronger and come again!"

Hearing these words that almost determined life and death, the eliminated disciples paled.

In particular, the outstanding disciple of the Temple of Heaven is full of despair, and has been hit hard.

The martial arts heart has nothing to do with Xiuwei, is his martial arts heart really inferior to others?

The assessment is still ongoing.

The screams that followed one another continued to ring, and some disciples were popped out of the Mingyu Stone Terrace.

After half an hour of incense passed, the number of disciples who were ejected from Baiyu Shitai gradually decreased, and occasionally only one or two.

It is still possible to sit cross-legged on ten white jade tables, leaving only about eight thousand people.

Many disciples took a breath and secretly stunned.

Only half of the time had passed, and a full 70% of the disciples were eliminated, many of whom were trained as advanced disciples in the Temple of Heaven.

It is worthy of the assessment of the main hall, the difficulty is too much.

"This is just the illusion produced by the shock wave of the soul, after controlling my brain, I must stick to it, as long as I keep my own heart." Xiao Ye secretly said.

At the moment, his forehead kept sweating, and his black robe was wet with cold sweat.

He only felt as if he was caught in an endless vortex, and it was difficult to climb out again. Various terrorist attacks swarmed towards him, causing great pain to his body.

Of course, this pain is also a psychic shock wave, and the impact on the brain is not a real injury.

Xiao Ye can maintain a little reason, which is very rare.

"I must exceed this kid!"

At this time, Xiao Ye did not find that there were several outstanding disciples of the Temple of Heaven, who cast unsightly eyes on him, including Fang Jie.

In the Taiyi Holy Palace, Xiao Ye received the same attention as the holy palace. The fame in the holy palace was very great, and even exceeded the demon disciples in the main hall. This made them very jealous and wanted to give Xiao Ye to Step on.

However, at this time, they don't have much energy, they need to deal with the Mingyu Stone Terrace with all their strength, and they constantly emit the soul shock wave.

"Well, the performance of these disciples is very good, and should be able to pass the first round of assessment."

At this time, the ten law enforcement elders in the main hall nodded gently, their eyes swept over the remaining disciples.

Whether they can pass the assessment, they can see at a glance.

For example, a disciple whose face is full of pain and is obviously about to reach the limit will definitely be eliminated.

And like those disciples who have the same painful expression, but still sit firmly in the mountains, there is a high probability of passing.

Eradicating these experiences, they can probably judge which of these disciples has a very strong martial intent.

Of these disciples, two of them will enter the main hall. Of course, the law enforcement elders of these main halls should also pay attention to it, to see if they can find good seedlings to cultivate.

"I remember that the disciple was called Fang Jie. Among the disciples in the Temple of Heaven, his cultivation and strength have always been in the top three. Looking at him, his martial arts heart is certainly very good. It should not be too difficult."

"Yeah, Fang Jie is really good, but Xiao Ye, who is the main owner of the Holy Palace and the elders, is equally good." At this time, the law enforcement elders of a main hall opened their eyes, and suddenly caught the eyes of nine other law enforcement elders. , Looked towards Xiao Ye one after another.

Although Xiao Ye is also embarrassed now, her expression is painful and distorted, but it seems that the situation is better than Fang Jie.

"Uh, no wonder this kid is so powerful, his martial arts heart is really strong, I am afraid that among the demon disciples in our main hall, they can all be in the forefront."

"That's natural. When he first entered the Emperor Valley, he got the merits of the Emperor. It must be very good from any aspect."


The law enforcement elders in the main hall and the temple of heaven were amazed by Xiao Ye's performance.

At least among the remaining disciples of Tianzi Temple, Xiao Ye's performance is definitely ranked first and second, and the suspense that passed the first round of assessment should not be big.

The Lord of the Holy Palace sat in the first place, his gaze swept over Xiao Ye, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The surprise that Xiao Ye brought to him is really more and more. I believe that in the future disciples of the Holy Palace, Xiao Ye will grow into the existence of a big beam and contend with the four great emperors.

If the master of the Holy Palace knows that Xiao Ye had a fight with the peerless emperor before he returned, and would crush each other in the same realm, he would definitely be mad.

Time passed silently. When Yi Hongxiang was burned to the final position, in the first round of assessment, a large number of disciples were bombed.

They all stuck to the limit. Although they are only a little worse now, they can't stick to it anymore.

The disciples onlookers were infinitely sorry, as long as these disciples of the Temple of Heaven, persist for a little while, they will pass.

These disciples who were eliminated at the last minute also beat their chests one by one.

Finally, the incense stick burned to the bottom, and it was almost burnt out. This time there were only 3,000 people left on the disciples who were still on the Mingyu stone platform.

From 35,000 people, there were only 3,000 people left at once, and the elimination rate exceeded 90%, which is really terrifying.

"Time is up!"

At this moment, the law enforcement elder of the main hall said majesticly. With a wave of his palm, the light that shrouded the ten bright jade platforms suddenly disappeared.


Xiao Ye felt the shock wave of the soul and receded like a tide. He couldn't help being relieved and opened his eyes.

In this first round of assessment, he finally passed, and the difficulty was not too great for him.