Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 833: Guru Palace hands-on

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

At this moment, Xiao Ye clearly felt that his body had undergone a certain change, and the whole body's blood was thicker. The blood in the body was as thick as mercury, and when a little actuated, it made a thunderous sound.

"Did my royal body reach the state of perfection?"

"No, my royal body is still a great state, what is going on?"

Xiao Ye frowned and thought back, and finally thought that he was playing against the red-haired old man's magic knife before being comatose. He immediately woke up and was frightened with cold sweat.

At this moment, his flesh was still in pain, and his body was numb. It was a sequela of excessive exertion. There were still many places in the flesh that were injured and unable to run Wang Wu's power. This made him immediately notice something was wrong.

Although this injury is not a big problem for him, he remembers that he was seriously injured before being comatose.

The most important thing is that although he tried his best to attack the red-haired old man, but whether it worked or not, he did not have confidence in killing a strong man in the Imperial Realm.

"No, how long have I been in a coma? In case the red-haired old man hasn't been killed by me, and it's still nearby, then I will definitely die!" Xiao Ye looked up and saw Elder Yang, a little tired, and The law enforcement elder of the main hall of the Holy Palace is looking at him with a smile.

"Elder Yang, elder elder?" Xiao Ye stunned slightly, looked up, and found that other elders also looked at him.

At this moment, Xiao Ye understood that these elders must have saved him.

Xiao Ye was immediately excited.

"Elders, are you all out of the gate? Was the magic sword of the imperial martial arts strongman of Jidao Palace killed by you?" Xiao Ye asked quickly.

Because he collapsed physically and fell into a severe coma, he didn't know what happened later.

"You stupid boy, it's really desperate. Why do you make us elders love?" Boss Yang Chang asked Ye Xiao with a face, but he finally smiled helplessly.

"The magic sword of the imperial martial arts strongman of the Ji Dao Palace, was not killed by us, but your beast Xiaobai." Elder Yang pointed to Xiaobai at the foot of Ye Xiao.


At this time, Xiaobai was excited when Xiao Ye woke up. His body turned into a white lightning and flew into Xiao Ye's arms, his head arched continuously.

"Xiao Bai... killed the magic sword of the Emperor Wu Realm?" Xiao Ye was still in a daze.

What happened when he was in a coma?


Xiaobai seemed to know what Xiao Ye thought, and looked up at Xiao Ye with ostentation.

Xiao Ye listened quickly.

He and Xiaobai have been together for a long time and can understand the meaning of Xiaobai's cry.

After Xiaobai's narrative, Xiao Ye discovered that Xiaobai's strength had improved a lot. Although his breath was very weak at this time, his own strength had obviously touched the threshold of the Emperor Wujing, and it was faintly distributed. An imperial martial arts pressure.

"Xiao Bai, you mean that after you woke up in a coma, your strength has increased many times, and there are a lot of powerful combat skills and mysteries in your mind, which made you kill the magic sword of the powerful Emperor Wu Realm?"

Xiao Ye was shocked when she heard Xiao Bai's meaning.

Xiaobai's strength has always been fast, faster than his intent cultivation, and encounters with various adventures, he knows this.

However, in Xiao Bai's mind, there are many more powerful combat skills and secret techniques, and even a powerful Emperor Wu Realm can be killed, which is very against the sky.

It is worthy of the fierce beast brought out from the emperor's hard work, and it really is not simple. It is estimated that Xiaobai's origin is very against the sky.

Xiao Ye smiled at the thought of this.

He regarded Xiaobai as a brother and a partner. The stronger Xiaobai's strength is, the happier he is of course. As for the deeper reasons, he is too lazy to investigate.

Now Xiaobai is awake, and his strength has greatly increased. This trip to the palace of the Jidao Palace will definitely help a lot.

"Sister, don't chat with your fierce beast, hurry and adjust your breath. Although you have been rescued by us, you still have a big problem. After you recover, we will kill these poles together. Remnants of the palace!"

When Elder Yang saw Xiao Ye talking with Xiaobai, he couldn't understand it and couldn't help but laughed and scolded.

"it is good!"

Xiao Ye nodded with a smile, and put down Xiaobai.

Anyway, there is still much time. The secret of Xiaobai can be explored slowly. The most important thing at present is the task of killing the palace of the Jiji Dao Palace.

After these things, he had hated the extreme palace of the extreme palace.

You must know that this mission alone, the loss of Taiyi Holy Palace is still small, like the misty gate, the Taixu Gate is the heavy loss. If the Jidao Palace is fully recovered, then the entire true continent really needs to be charcoal. Too.

So in this battle, no matter how difficult the process is, they will win!

Xiao Ye saw that Xiao Bai's breath was very weak, and learned that the other party had killed a magic knife because of a super secret technique, which caused serious wear and tear, so he took out dozens of high-grade elements from the space ring. Shi Bai and Wang Jing, as well as all kinds of Tiancai Dibao, are given to Xiaobai.

After dealing with this, Xiao Ye sat cross-legged on the ground and began to exercise power to adjust the breath. The purple light rose from him, which is a sign of the operation of the royal body.

If you look closely, you can find that the purple light radiated by Xiao Ye is obviously much stronger than before. Obviously his royal body has made great progress, and at the same time, Xiao Ye also felt that something happened to the blood in the body. This change is full of divine material.

It is a pity that Xiao Ye did not find that there was a mysterious connection between his blood and the mysterious martial artist in his body.

Just as everyone was rested on the spot, ready to fight against the Dao Palace, in the deep part of the palace, a majestic figure was sitting on the throne.

"I really didn't expect that the magic sword of our Jidao Palace would actually die in the hands of a kid in Wang Wujing and a fierce beast, and that fierce beast even felt the heart palpitations of the palace master. simple."

This magnificent figure, burning with black magic energy, is rising like a flame, very strange.

"But it is also time to destroy these denominations. Do you really think that the Lord's Palace is so easy to break through?" This majestic figure stood up from the throne, and the terrifying pressure suddenly seemed like a tide. Stirring in all directions, the ground was sunken.

"By the order of the master of the palace, start the strangulation plan from the four emperor domains!"