Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 967: Last hope

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Sixty-nine Emperor Tribulation!

Hearing this title Huang Wu mentioned this number, everyone recovered and took a breath.


Sixty is the emperor's robbery, this is the number is terrible, or the sky!

Only half a year later, Xiao Ye was promoted to the Imperial Martial Realm, that is to say, Xiao Ye was 28 years old this year!

The 28-year-old emperor of Wuwu Realm, this kind of speed of cultivation, looking at the martial art history of the entire True Spirit Continent, is absolutely second, second only to the invincible emperor.

So they all know that the emperor robbery attracted by Xiao Ye must be terrible, but they did not expect it to be so terrible, because the emperor robbery in the sand world continues to increase, and there is no tendency to dissipate and weaken. .

You know, most of the warriors in the True Spirit Continent, when they break through the Imperial Martial Realm, the number of emperor robbery attracted is mostly around forty roads, and it is very terrible to attract fifty emperor robbery. .

"The invincible emperor of our emperor's domain, when he first crossed the robbery, attracted a total of sixty emperors..." At this time, the emperor Shi Huang said, and he glanced at the invincible emperor while speaking.

"If the old man remembers correctly, and the invincible emperor of our invincible emperor territory, when he was in the emperor's robbery, he attracted a total of ninety emperors." Shi Huang continued.


Hearing the words of the Emperor Shi Huang, the field was once again plunged into deathly silence.

The number of emperors from Xiao Ye today has surpassed that of contemporary invincible emperors.

And this record of the invincible emperor is likely to be overtaken by Xiao Ye step by step, because the emperor in the sand world is still being strengthened.

Especially the invincible emperor, although he didn't seem to have any expression on his face, his hands were suddenly clenched tightly, and there were bursts of glance in his eyes.

"Xiao Ye, there must be a battle between you and me." Invincible Emperor whispered to himself.

"I didn't expect him to be so against the sky. After his breakthrough, maybe not many of us can suppress him."

In addition to the invincible emperor, Tang Rou and others among the 18 days of arrogance also felt great pressure.

The blond had no name, but his expression was worried.

Don’t look at the number of emperors that Xiao Ye attracted. The more emperors, the more powerful the emperor, the greater the danger.

"Stinky boy, I hope you must hold on." Wuming also became nervous.

Although he was worried about Xiao Ye, but a strong man like him, or a title of imperial martial arts, as long as he entered the scope of the emperor's robbery, he would not help Xiao Ye, but would stimulate the power of the emperor's robbery.

The most depressing is undoubtedly Wusha, the pioneer of the sand world.

At this moment, he produced a fingerprint, and the surging power of the imperial martial arts was instilled in the sand world in the void. The stability of the sand world was stabilized, his sweat was rolling, and his expression was pale.


In the sand world, the dust is overwhelming, covering the sky and the sun, and the range of the emperor's robbery is constantly expanding. Each young warrior hurries to find a place to avoid Xiao Ye's emperor's robbery.

"This **** thing can actually attract so many emperors, even if the inner territory is 18 days of arrogance, it is difficult to support it."

Emperor Dao's figure was embarrassed and stopped in mid-air. Looking closely, he could see above his body, and many places were black. Obviously, he was seriously injured under the bombardment of the emperor.

Even his cultivation practice, by this time, could not bear such a terrible emperor's power.

"Huh, that stinky boy is much worse than me!"

"Maybe a few more emperor robbers, he will be chopped to death by the emperor robbers, and I don't need to run away. When he dies, the emperor robbery will naturally dissipate." Emperor Dao snorted coldly, his eyes not far away Office.

At this time, I saw Xiao Ye standing violently in the desert, his hair scattered, and I couldn't find a good place on my body. Several bones were broken by the horrible thunder, and the blood was gurgling out. As a result, he was dyed as a blood man, and even taking the healing remedy, he could not suppress the injury.

Finally, his fusion king realm was also broken so fast that the light dimmed.

The fusion of the King Realm, but the cultivation of the four emperors' skills, was all split by the Emperor Tribulation.


At this time, the 70th Emperor Tribulation came!

I saw thunder and lightning that had spread for more than six hundred miles, as if the true spirit was rising in the void, dragging a huge light down, and the terrifying Tianwei almost suffocated Xiao Ye.


Although Xiao Ye was seriously injured, at the moment, two unmatched awns burst out of his eyes. The golden light rose from him, and the surging blood entangled into a golden ocean, sweeping the world of heaven.

The power of the first layer of the domineering body automatically formed a defense to protect Xiao Ye.

However, under the envelop of the 70th Emperor's Tribulation, he was hacked and flew out. His body burst out of a blood mist, swept away with intense pain, and almost let Xiao Ye fainted to death.

Xiao Ye was injured and injured, it was too heavy. If it were not because he had cultivated the domineering body, all the organs and parts of the body had been strengthened, and he had already died several times now.

"The horror of the emperor's robbery is beyond my imagination. It seems that I'm still too naive!" Xiao Ye took another pill again, struggling to get up from the ground, watching the emperor's robbery still gathering, God Wei increased sharply again, and immediately smiled bitterly.

Nowadays, his power to merge Wang Wu is almost exhausted, and the hegemonic body can't bear such a terrible emperor's robbery. He has reached the point where he is exhausted.

"Haha, Xiao Ye, you want to yin to me, but I didn't expect to give myself a pit in the end."

"Although I have no good feelings for you, I have to admit that you have terrible qualifications, which can attract so many emperors, but jealous genius, you are destined to fall today." Emperor Dao resisted the 70th Emperor Tribulation And he also spit out a bit of blood, he laughed sarcastically.

"I'm going to fall?" Xiao Ye's eyes were cold and he was too lazy to fight with each other. Instead, he flipped his hands out of the space ring and took out a black mysterious flower, exuding a misty light.


This is a very precious treasure of heaven and earth that Xiao Ye obtained from the ancient ruins. It is almost extinct in the True Spirit Continent. Its greatest effect is to help the warrior increase the chance of passing the emperor's robbery.

As for how to increase the probability, Xiao Ye did not know.

This is Xiao Ye's hole card.

He wanted to support it for a while, and then put out Tiankuihua to prevent it from being wasted, but now he can't support it at that time.

"I hope that Tiankuihua can really help me through the emperor's robbery as described on the totem. This is my last hope." Xiao Ye secretly swallowed it directly according to the method of taking it on the totem.