Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 989: Six reincarnation punches

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

When he saw this handwriting, Xiao Ye felt as if he saw a picture of a young man invincible in the world, clear-hearted, and quietly retreating on this island.

And those who can leave this line of writing in a treasure in the middle of the world, needless to say, must be the invincible emperor.

And the arrangement in this stone house is very simple, the most conspicuous is the two rows of bookshelves, on which are placed a book of scrolls and booklets, all covered with dust.

Xiao Ye's face full of excitement.

Are all the combat skills and secrets on this shelf?

Can be collected by the invincible emperor

Xiao Ye quickly walked over and picked up a booklet to read it.

"The Emperor of No Phase, the Real Spirit Continent eight thousand years ago, the best emperor martial arts method. The emperor realm that was cultivated was colorless and phaseless, but it could simulate the power of any martial arts world.

Seeing the introduction on the title page of this booklet, Xiao Ye suddenly shuddered, and his eyes bloomed with two fine awns.

"Can you simulate the power of any imperial warrior in the world?" Xiao Ye was shocked.

This kind of imperial martial arts method is unprecedented. It is estimated that it has been lost in the True Spirit Continent. It is really abnormal. If you can practice it, you will definitely be against the sky.

"I have already practiced the Four Emperor's exercises, and any imperial martial arts exercises are no longer suitable for me, but I can stay and wait for the cultivation of Xiaomeng's warriors in the future, or I can exchange treasures with others in the future." Xiao Ye was excited I thought, and then put this booklet into the space ring, and continued to check it.

This kind of imperial martial arts practice will definitely attract countless people to fight outside and is of great value.

"The sword honors the emperor's merits. Eight thousand years ago, the real imperial continent, the top emperor's martial arts method, and the emperor realm he cultivated is called the sword realm.

Another set of imperial martial arts skills!

Xiao Ye put this exercise method, continue to consult.

A powerful copy of the imperial martial arts method was incorporated into the space ring by Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye found that there were a total of two rows of bookshelves in this stone house, and the bookshelves on the right hand side were all imperial martial arts techniques, and there was no combat skill.

Xiao Ye was too lazy to waste time to check one by one, collected all the more than 100 exercises, and then went to the left hand shelf to check it.

"Imperial martial arts skills, six reincarnation punches, six paths are divided into heaven path, human path, asura path, beast path, hungry ghost path and **** path. The power of this combat skill will skyrocket with each training."

"When the highest state is reached, the six ways in one can suppress all the eight wastelands, respect the world, and call the Emperor Wu Realm the Half-Step Emperor, but it is the top combat skill in the combat skills of the Emperor Wu, but it is extremely difficult to practice."

I rely on!

Xiao Ye looked at the booklet and was shocked by the domineering sight.

The six-in-one unity can be regarded as respecting the world, and the emperor Wujing can be used to challenge the emperor?

This power is too exaggerated!

But he has seen the missing half-step emperor. That kind of power can't find his opponent in the real spirit continent. It can be called terrible, not to mention the incomplete half-step emperor.

The power of this combat skill is also terrible.

"Haha, it’s really God’s help. With my current practice, I can’t fully demonstrate the power of imperial warfare. This set of imperial martial arts skills just happens to be a boxing technique. I use my domineering body and four imperial realms to show it. The power is definitely A higher level."

Xiao Ye excitedly put this set of six reincarnation punches into the space ring.

Next, the imperial combat skills that Xiao Ye saw on the bookshelf, although not as exaggerated as the six-round samurai fist, were equally astonishing, with body techniques, sword techniques, sword techniques and so on.

Xiao Ye's comers refused, and all of them were included in the space ring.

It is worth mentioning that for this trip in the realm of the realm, Xiao Ye asked Wuming for a few space rings to spare, so as long as there were good things, he would take them all away.

"Haha, it's really cool, the harvest is too great."

Xiao Ye ransacked the exercises and combat skills in this stone house, and found another half a day to find that there was nothing left, and then left with satisfaction.

The first treasure land let Xiao Ye feel, what a huge treasure is the middle realm left by the invincible emperor.

When Xiaobai came to the island, he acted alone, and found some rare treasures. Xiao Ye checked it and found that it was of little use to himself, so he swallowed Xiaobai. .

"There isn't much time, and I won't be allowed to practice these combat skills. Let's find other treasures as soon as possible." Xiao Ye's mind emerged in the magma world, and he saw the Great Palace, and his eyes became hot.

The Great Palace in the magma world, although only an illusion, is very likely to exist.

I am afraid that the Great Emperor Palace is the most valuable treasure in the whole realm.

"However, besides the Great Palace, you must pay more attention to the talents that can increase my blood." Xiao Ye thought secretly before thinking of leaving, secretly said.

Now the second layer of his body has been cultivated to the first stage. Although the blood of the body is just weakened, but as long as he finds a treasure that can increase the blood of the body, the second layer of the body can be Quick cultivation succeeded.

Thinking about the next plan, Xiao Ye took out the map and studied it for a long time, and finally determined the second destination.

"Emperor, the younger generation was offended." Before Xiao Ye left, he clenched his fists in front of the stone house and Lao Kuishu, and then rose into the sky, leaving Bingxin Lake.

The wasteland is very vast. There are only seven treasures, and Xiao Ye found a treasure.

And his second goal is the treasure land called "Jubaogu" in the wasteland.

This name sounds exciting!


Xiao Ye was flying fast over the sky in the wilderness, and suddenly his eyes narrowed and his figure stopped.

I saw the void in front of him suddenly tremble, and then a space crack appeared. Seven young people fell out of the crack, and then climbed up in embarrassment, looking around excitedly.

"Haha, it turns out that this is the real realm of the realm, damn, actually fooling us with the "Great Emperor's Sword", fortunately we are smart."

"Yeah, that holy beast guarding the sword is not very strong."


The seven young men talked in excitement, and suddenly they were quiet again. They looked at Xiao Ye: "He... is he Xiao Ye?"

Xiao Ye frowned slightly.

It seems that there have been youth supreme one after another, and he has entered the realm of the realm through the entrance examination, which shows that he has run out of time.

When a large number of youth supreme come to the realm of the realm, it will inevitably cause a **** storm because of the treasure.

"It seems that we must be cautious when we go to Baodi next." Xiao Ye didn't know these seven young men, his figure turned into a streamer and disappeared above the sky dome.