Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2073: Ancient array

If it has passed through ancient times and time, it will make people feel uneasy, and the blood in the body will boil!

After the land, the enemy is learned by the enemy

Under such temptations, there are souls that cannot resist. They must first be strong, and if they are lightning fast, they will rush to the front and want to take the treasure.

In the lineup of the country, some people want to shoot, and the piles of holy devices are almost in front of them. This kind of temptation is too big!

"Everyone is careful, this place is not good!"

Du Shaozhen's brows are slightly embarrassing, just intuition, I feel that this place is not good, and it is spread out.

Listening to Du Shaozhen’s warning, the people of the wilderness, the phoenix, and other people who want to be shot immediately stagnate.

But not everyone will listen to Du Shaoqi, and some people will directly go to those treasures.


Suddenly, those who thought that they would be close to the treasures, and when they were overjoyed, broke through the air, and the flames of the heavens fell into the bodies of those creatures, and the strange disappeared.


For a moment, these creatures screamed at the same time, their eyes were wide open, their eyes were round and full of fear.

Then, from one of the individuals, there was a hot high temperature climb, and a flame emerged from the seven scorpions, and the body became a skeleton in an instant.

The five internal organs of these raw flesh and blood were burned, and finally the skeleton was turned into ashes.

"Oh la la..."

More than a dozen powerful players, in a moment, are broken in this strange way.

This makes the rest of the people feel creepy and sweaty!


At the same time, there was a fierce vibrating around, and there were ancient charms and secrets that appeared out of thin air.

A large blaze of flames permeated from the void, as if falling from the sky, coming from the front.

The terrible high temperature is fierce, and the void is submerged and burned into a vacuum.

There are not close to the creatures to escape, and in the hustle and bustle, they push the cards and treasures and do their best.


Endangering the local endemic battle

But the flame was too horrible, and everything burned in the past, burning the treasure into a melt, destroying the soul and burning it into ashes.

A scream of screams kept coming and letting people listen to it.

"Everyone is going back, fast!"

Du Shaozhen was shocked, his face changed and he screamed out loud.

Suddenly, Du Shaoqi’s figure plunged forward and stopped in front of everyone in the wilderness.


After the Far Branch is not alone, hate the cold test

In all directions, the screams of the moment are one after another.

In other areas, the same chaos is at the moment.

There are lightning flashes in the area, thunders fall, killing everything, no one protects the people under the thunder.

There is a knife in the area, killing the meaning, killing everything.

There is ice freezing in the area, and the ice cone falls like a sword, which can freeze the gods!

There are squalls in the area, hurricanes and bones, and the world is discolored...


The entire ancient battlefield is roaring, and the runes are dazzling.

The changes in each space area are different, but they are all the same.

There are many creatures that are not protected by the strong, and many are damaged.

After the hatred of the land, the grandson of the Sun


Yue Sheng, Jia Lou Ba Tian, ​​Feng Chi Sheng and other guardian family, the younger generation of the younger brothers as far as possible to retreat, shot against the terrible flame, each also looks dignified.

Fortunately, those terrible flames were just squatting in front of them, and they never continued to sweep toward the crowd, but they covered the road ahead.

Du Shaoqi retreated to the rear and saw that the strange and terrible flame never continued to approach, and this was a little relieved.

Then Du Shaoxuan looked at the surrounding space, and the situation in each area was similar. There were regional thunders, regional ice freezes, and regional hurricanes, blocking the way for everyone.

"This is an ancient array, it has been touched!"

The scent of mellow mellow light, clues, this is clearly an ancient array, they are trapped in it.

"Well, I will try it!"

Du Xiaoyue stepped out, his body shrouded and plunged directly into the front.

The general array method is useless to Du Xiaoyue and can be immune to him.


When Du Xiao Yao figured out, the flames in front of the volcano erupted like a volcanic eruption, drowning Du Xiao Yao.

There are ancient runes in the void, changing the flames of various behemoths.

The various things of the flames have changed thousands of times, and the atmosphere makes Jialou tyrants, and Xuangu also secretly frowns.


It didn't take long for a dazzling red-haired macaque to scream out from the blazing flame rune, which was extremely embarrassing.

The flame hits and comes back from behind.

Du Xiao Yao's body of the red monkey is rushing away, and the body is filled with the mysterious lines of the sky, so that the surrounding space ripples and swells, and the ancient symbol of the void is also worn.

If lightning is fast, Du Xiaoyue retreats to Du Shaoxuan, Jialou Batian, Yuesheng and others.

The terrible flame did not continue to catch up, but the terrible breath that swallowed everything had already made the creatures creep again.

Du Xiao Yao's body converges, and the handsome face is full of surprise shocks. The golden blouse is rendered with the blazing flame, and there is still a lingering look in the look. He said: "If you see the machine is not good, there are some means, or else you are afraid. Can't walk out, this ancient array is not ordinary, I can't help it!"

Du Xiao demon can be immune to the general array method, can directly ignore it, this is his terrible talent, but just inside, let him be very taboo, do not dare to chaos.

Du Shaozhen looked at Du Xiao Yao, and his look dignified to the extreme.

Du Xiaoxuan is the body of the red monkey, Xiaoyin Yang, will personnel, good entry and exit, tend to die, but at this moment can not survive this ancient array, which shows how powerful this ancient array.

Just if it’s not Du Xiao Yao, just put on any one person, I’m afraid it’s enough to go back!

Du Xiao Yao personally played, but also wandered back, Du Shaoyi did not intend to try it.

Looking at the other regional spaces that can be seen around, Du Shaozhen found that there was another movement in those regional spaces, and there were strong people who were tempted to explore and display various means.

However, the result is that it has provoked the punishment of the heavens. In those areas, the wind and rain are thunder and lightning, the swords and swords are smashing, and the wind is like a knife. Many people are waved and screamed in the screams.

Others are studying the invisible barriers that separate the space of each region, only to find that the invisible barrier is not broken at all.

There is a strong shot, but the attack power falls into it, just like falling in the bottomless hole, it disappears, but it causes a little space fluctuation around it. If the calm lake is thrown into a few stones.

"Hey, let me try."

The little star opened and there was a golden flame in the eyes. She wanted to try.

After the section, the ship is not alone.

"Don't rush into." Du Shaohao stopped the little stars.