Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2690: Control the heavens!

With Du Shaoxuan's wave, the scene between heaven and earth changed rapidly and restored what it was.

From the day and night, the scenes of the sun and the moon, and now, it is already a few hours in the past.

At this time, it is the night when the night is thick.

The night hangs over the earth, and a round of bright moon hangs in the head, and Qing Hui sheds it and shines in the world.

The stone country of the wild country seems to be covered with a layer of silver yarn, with a mysterious brilliance in it.

Du Shaoqi stepped down and quickly landed on the ground, and gathered together with Du Tingxuan, Du Xiao Yao, Ou Yang Shuang, Xiao Xing, Yu Ye, Han Ao, and others.





Many strong people swarmed up and surrounded Du Shaoyu in the center.

Everyone’s eyes seem to have brewed some sparkling light.

"My good grandson, you are finally alive!"

The old lady Jialou Moro stepped forward, and the dry palm kept stroking on Du Shaozhen’s face. In the old and slightly muddy eyes, he couldn’t help but shed tears of excitement.

Although it has been more than three months since Du Shaozhen’s comprehensive rebirth has been restored to the present.

However, since his appearance, he has directly provoked repeated movements, and it is the first time that he is standing in front of the old lady.

Therefore, at this time, I really saw my grandson standing in front of me, how can I be upset to tears.

"Grandma, grandchildren are not filial, worry you!"

Du Shaoqi gently hugged the old lady and said with a smile.


The mother Han Aozhen was also tearful, and she took her son into her arms, and she was reluctant to let go.

"Mother, it's okay, I am back!"

Du Shaozhen opened the mouth, if it is comforting.

"Drinker Daddy!"

"younger sister!"

"Doctor old!"

"Clean brother!"


"Da Bo!"



Du Shaoqi smiled and greeted everyone, and looked at everyone's appearance, all excited.

At this time, not only other people are emotional, but even Du Shaoqi himself can not help but want tears to break the bank.

"Let everyone worry!"

Looking at the familiar faces in front of me, Du Shaozhen really has a feeling of being separated from the world.

In fact, he did experience a lot of life and death, and this is not a fake.

If it were not by the means left by the ancestors, he would not be able to come back again in any case.

In the battle against the devil and the origin of his own law, Du Shaoqi was ready to die. Who can expect that he will eventually survive, and the world is so unpredictable.

Therefore, his experience, and many relatives and love, is indeed a life and death.

"Hey, I want to hug!"

Xiao Qilin pulled out from Ouyang Shuang's shoulder and directly broke into Du Shaoyan's arms. The two front shovels licked Du Shao's neck, and his face kept grinding and his relatives were incomparable.

"Go, let's go home!"

Du Shaoqi converges on the emotions in his heart. He holds Xiao Qilin in his left hand and Du Xiaohuang in his right hand, and walks toward a large hall in the palace.

"Okay, finally reunited!"

Da Bo Du Zhenwu, Er Bo Du Zhixiong are very happy, keep up.

A large group of people separated in the hall, and everyone's emotions finally recovered, but the excitement is inevitable.

The presence of the people of the wilderness or the strong people who have deep roots with the wilderness, after the restoration of Du Shaozhen, naturally there are many words to tell him.

"Your kid made such a big scene this time, what the **** is going on, I don't want to tell us!"

Jialou’s domineering does not hide his curiosity, and he directly asks Du Shaoxuan.

When I heard such a question, other people naturally turned their attention to Du Shaoqi. Everyone wanted to know how much he had gained in the past three months.

"Actually, after I was awakened, I gave birth to some inductive feelings, spying on the invisible law of heaven and seeing what kind of existence."

Du Shaozhen did not hide how to say this.

"Less, are you integrating Heaven?"

Du Tingxuan’s mind was lifted up in an instant, and some asked in a panic.

He understands that if you control the heavens, you can have the supreme power. No one can compete in this world. Even the existence of the 3,000-dollar world and the Dragon God must be restricted.

But inside of his heart, he really does not want Du Shaozhen to integrate heaven.


Other people have heard it, and they are all stunned. They all know what kind of restraint they will face in integrating Heaven.

If he did this, then there would be no Dapeng Emperor in the world for the sake of life and death, only a ruthless and cold-blooded Tiandao incarnation.

Not to mention Du Yu's achievements today, even if they are replaced by themselves, I am afraid that few people are willing to try.

Therefore, the result should be that the souls of the entire world are reluctant to see.

"Don't worry, I don't have a fusion of heaven."

Du Shaoqi smiled slightly and said to Du Tingxuan. At the same time, he also gave the rest of the people a reassuring look.

"Call... scare me!"

"No, just the power of the strongest!"

"Even if it is a fusion of Heaven, it is just an invisible rule, and it is subject to change!"

"That is, you have such a powerful force, but you can't use it for yourself. What is it for?"


A group of strong people screamed and sighed, and they also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was when these people were noisy, Du Shaoyan said a word gently, ringing in the ears of everyone, so that everyone was stunned, and all the clay sculptures were all petrified.

"I just control the heavens!"

Du Shaozhen said in an understatement, glanced at the expressions of everyone, and the end is infinitely wonderful.

The ones were wide-eyed, and they seemed to be able to stuff the next elephant, and they couldn’t tell the funny.

"No... no..."

After a long while, Du Xiao Yao’s first opening was extremely unbelievable.

"The meaning of control means that you can mobilize the power of heaven, but it will not be bound by the rules of heaven. Is that true?"

I was so uncertain that I couldn’t help but ask.

In fact, Du Shaoqi’s meaning is that he understands that there is nothing wrong with it. It’s just that the mind is extremely uncertain and wants to confirm it.

In fact, not only is the alcohol clear, but other people are also looking at Du Shaoyu with a gaze, and want to hear his specific answer.

"Clean brother, you are right!"

Du Shaoqi was still a smile, and nodded.

However, when such a discourse came out, all the people in the entire hall suddenly boiled up.

"I am Nima, this is OK, boss, you are too calf!"

"Controlling the heavens, it is control, not integration, it is too unbelievable!"

"The things that the ancestors of the Du family did not achieve were actually done by the Shaolin!"

"Metamorphosis, too abnormal, take control of the heavens and control the power of this world!"

"In the future, the old man is not only the Dapeng Emperor of the wilderness, but also the Dapeng Emperor in this world!"

"He was originally the Dapeng Emperor in this world, but with the control of the invisible Heavenly rules, this name is even more veritable!"

"In the future, even if a strong person like the devil comes to this world, I can't turn any waves anymore!"

"Yes, there are a few squats, you can shoot such a strong person by flipping your hands!"


Everyone is not excited, they all know something about the existence of heaven.

Even the ancestors of the Du family had not been able to control the heavens, but Du Shaoqi actually did.

With such a strong force, if you want to face the situation of a similar cult, you will never see the same thing in the past.

Even the existence of the 3,000-dollar world master and the dragon **** must come to this world to be suppressed by the invisible rules. It is obvious how powerful the world is.

"Don't be too excited, take control of the heavens, it doesn't mean you don't die!"

Du Shaozhen suddenly spoke, so that the entire hall was silent, waiting quietly for his words: "I always feel that if some people come to this world, they will not be suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth, but that is to say It’s not good for what kind of person, only some vague feelings."

He frowned slightly and said slowly: "So, no one can threaten the security of this world."

“Don't anyone still be stronger than the existence of the Three Thousands of Worlds and Dragon God?”

Du Tingxuan opened his mouth and some were suspicious.

Everyone believes that the lord of the world and the dragon **** are the strongest, and no one should be stronger than them.

However, since that strength is not suppressed by the power of the world, and thus threatens Du Shaoqi who controls the heavens, then the strength must be more terrible than the two.

When he heard Du Tingxuan’s question, Du Shaoqi could not help but shake his head. Then he glanced at the little star and said, “I don’t know how strong the Lord of the Three Thousands of the World and the Dragon God are. But I always feel that I can threaten My relationship with strength should not be too great."


Everyone looks at each other and feels very puzzled.

But think about it and relieve it. After all, thirty-three days are so vast, there are still many things, and their current strength can not be understood.

"Less, there is something I am afraid you still don't know."

Du Tingxuan did not think much about the previous problems. Instead, after the devil's robbery, Du De was resurrected, and the demon **** was resurrected again. Then he said the things that the minister suddenly killed.

"Will the minister? Is he the **** of the devil?"

When Du Shaozhen was shocked, he was shocked and unable to add. This shock is really a small matter.

Since his resurrection, he has been in contact with everyone for the first time and knows nothing about what he is after he is.

At this time, listening to Du Tingxuan, he suddenly felt his heart stunned.

Then, Du Tingxuan and others will hear Du Shaoqi from the words of the ancestors of Tianmu Shenshu.

But no matter how they think about it, they can't figure out where the connection is.

"I can't figure out the origin of the minister, and I should have some understanding after I have gone to the outside world."

Du Shaozhen sighed and said that although his friendship with the minister is not shallow, many things are not exactly what he knows.

Moreover, even the minister himself has been looking for his origins.

I just don't know if I remembered something before he completely killed the demon.

"Daddy, we can all feel that the repressive power of this world has weakened. Although it is very subtle, it has changed. Is this related to you?"

The little star was lightly lifted and looked at Du Shaoxuan.

Not only the little stars, but many other powerful people can clearly feel this.

Although the change is not particularly large compared to the previous ones, it does indeed have a weakening trend.

Therefore, everyone is very curious, the root of all this is not from Du Shaoqi.

"This thing is because of me, but it is not what I did. Although I control the power of heaven, I have no ability to change the rules invisible."

Du Shaoqi nodded and explained: "In the process of controlling the heavens, I can understand a lot of things. It seems that this world has always been artificially suppressed, not since ancient times. That is, I control the heavens. After that, the suppression was unwound in the invisible. Later, there will be more and more changes happening slowly."

Du Shaoqi said with a slight brow, when he took control of the heavens, he found some strange things.

He feels that the power of repression in this world, that is, the power of invisible rules, seems to have been generated by human intervention.

"Is this still the case?"

Minqing alcohol, Du Xiao Yao, Jia Lou, and other people are also shocked.

Can influence the intangible rules in one world, and what kind of person can the intervention behind?

Is there really much more powerful than the three thousand worlds and the dragon god?

"I will always know later."

Du Shaoqi gently looked up and looked at the innocent void.

The answer to all of this is that you can’t know it by yourself. You can only go to the outside world to find it.

Perhaps, the Lord of the Three Thousands of the World and the Dragon God can tell him that it is not necessarily.

The crowd did not say anything on this topic, and then talked a lot with Du Shaoyu.

What happened in the days before his resurrection, nothing happened, one by one.

"It turned out that there are still thirty-three days of existence in the outside world, there are countless small worlds, and there are eighteen layers of hell!"

"The realm of the cultivators there is divided into the consciousness of the Yuan, the Xuan Xuan, the vain, the gods, the truth, the immortality, the forgotten, the ruling, the nine levels of the image; and the heavenly environment is equivalent to the realm of the gods. ""

“The meaning is that if I go to thirty-three days, can I directly have the strength of the real world?”

"Xingyu that Shantou went with her master for thirty-three days, Tianmu Shenshu's ancestors are related to what the North Palace family, and East Qingqing also went to the outside world."

"Three thousand big thousand world owners and dragon gods, have sent people to help me, have a chance, have a good life thanks!"