Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 136: The fear in Iron Man's heart

"No, it shouldn't be the case." James Rhodes shook his head. "Based on what I know about Tony, if Mandalin really advertises in the newspaper that he is going to kill him, he might have gone to the other party first. Will you wait at home?"

"You mean..." Sam Wilson said.

"Compared to The Mandalindon, I think if things are reversed, it will be logical," said James Rhodes. , And this incident was reported by the media."

"Openly provoking terrorist organizations, it sounds like Stark's style." Sam Wilson said.

"Tony, this is the lesson." James Rhodes said, "Don't be so arrogant in the future. There are still some **** who can clean up you."

"But it's definitely not this Mandalin." Tony Stark said directly, "I choose B, not dead!"

[Answer is correct, the reward life span is five years. 】

The paused picture continued to play. Tony Stark and a large number of ruins sank on the bottom of the sea, and there was an unknown tube in the ruins, which entangled Tony Stark's neck undeadly and forced him to life. Drag to the bottom of the sea.

Lying on the bottom of the sea, Tony Stark finally removed the tube from his neck, and a large ruin fell again, crushing it to death.

On the surface of the sea, Pepper Potts ran forward, and saw that Tony Stark’s original mansion was located, but there was nothing left, only the vast sea.

"Tony!!!" Pepper Potts shouted heartbreakingly.

In the air, the guy chewing gum was hovering on the sea, looking down at the sea leisurely, seeing that the entire villa was gone, he flew away in a helicopter.

On the bottom of the sea, one arm of Tony Stark's battle armor suddenly took off, and that arm grabbed Tony Stark's hand and pulled Tony Stark out of the ruins.

Then the detached arm returned to the battle armor, and both palms of the battle armor shot out palm cannons, and the force of recoil brought Tony Stark up.

"Flight power is restored." Jarvis's voice sounded at the right time, and Tony Stark soared into the sky in the armor and flew into the clouds.

Tony Stark, who had been crushed for most of the day, had a fortune at the last minute. He flew to the clouds in the direction of the helicopter that just turned around and flew away. The helicopter did not find that Tony Stark was actually still there. Alive.

Everything is dark at this moment of the lens.

Just when everyone didn't know what this meant, Jarvis's voice rang: "Sir, sir!"

Then Tony Stark closed his eyes and said, "Turn off the alarm clock, I'm awake."

"This is a system alarm that the energy of the armor is less than 5%." In Jarvis's voice, Tony Stark appeared in front of data and graphics, and the armor began to fall to the ground.

Everyone knew that the darkness just now was that Tony Stark fell asleep, or passed out in a coma, when the armor was flying in the air.

"Ah!" The long scream cut through the night sky, and Tony Stark hit the ground and chased after a car.

Then the battle armor rolled out on the ground and knocked down several trees along the way before stopping on the snowy ground on one side.

Above the sky, snow is also floating eloquently.

"It was the season when I was still wearing a shirt, and in a blink of an eye I actually got to the snowy place." James Rhodes said, "Tony, it looks like you flew far away when you were asleep."

"Maybe it flew into the closet!" Tony Stark shrugged. "To be honest, I have always longed for the world of Narnia."

"Give up the fantasy, Tony, the fairy tale world is for those innocent children." James Rhodes said, "Whether it is'innocent' or'child', these two words are far away from you."

In the video, Tony Stark turned his body over, lay on the ground, took off his mask, and cold snow fell on his face.

"It's snowing, is this in the north?" Tony Stark said while looking at the night sky.

"We are 5 kilometers outside Rose Hill, Tennessee." Jarvis replied.

"Why are you here?" Tony Stark was taken aback when he heard of this place. "Jarvis, it's not my idea. What are we doing here? It's a thousand miles away! I'm going to save Pei. Per, I want..."

"The flight plan you want, this is the destination." Jarvis said.

"Who asked you to do it?" Tony Stark said, "Open the armor."

"I think I am going to fail, sir."

"Open it."

The next moment, the battle armor split, and Tony Stark sat up from the battle armor. He was still wearing a thin piece of clothing, and he was trembling in the ice and snow.

"This is really exciting." Tony Stark croaked, "Maybe it's better to stay inside."

"I think I'm going to bed now, sir..." Jarvis's voice became lower and lower.

"Jarvis!" Tony Stark called, but Jarvis did not respond.

"Jarvis?" Tony Stark called again, and Jarvis was still quiet.

With everything in the lens, Tony Stark used a rope to pull the armor, and walked hard in the snow step by step. Snow flakes fluttered, setting off his back a bit tragic.

The screen pauses here, and the text reappears.

[Who helped Tony Stark who was desperate? 】

[A little boy]

[B a bar owner]

[This small question and answer is correct, rewards life span of five years. If the answer is wrong, one year of life will be deducted. 】

"It seems that there is nothing worth reasoning about on this topic, I can only rely on guessing." Tony Stark said, "What can a kid do for me? I choose B, the bar owner!"

[Answer wrong, deduct one year of life! 】

"A little boy actually helped me?" Tony Stark was slightly surprised.

The paused screen continued to play. Tony Stark dragged his armor to outside a convenience store, saw a shawl on an Indian statue outside the convenience store, and unceremoniously took it away and put it on his body.

Then he made a call to Pepper Potts from the public phone booth to report that he was safe and apologized at the same time. Then he pried open the door of a garage and dragged the armor in.

"Don't move!" Just as Tony Stark was sitting there studying the sensor injected into his arm, a little boy came over with a potato gun in his hand.

"I surrender." Tony Stark put down his pliers and raised his hands. "The potato gun is good. The barrel is a bit long. This design will reduce your firepower by half."

The little boy didn't speak, and fired a shot directly at a glass. With a crash, the glass broke.

"Now the bullet is out?" Tony Stark put down his hands.

"What's on your chest?" The little boy potato gun still pointed at Tony Stark.

"It's an electromagnet," Tony Stark said. "You know, you have a box here."

"What is it for?" the little boy asked.

Tony Stark stood up and adjusted the angle of the desk lamp in front of him so that the light shone on the armor on the side.

"Oh, my goodness!" When the little boy saw the armor, his eyes lighted up, and his potato gun fell to the ground with excitement.

"That's..." The little boy stepped forward, his big eyes full of curiosity, "Is that Iron Man?"

"In theory, I am." Tony Stark said.

"Theoretically, you are dead." The little boy patted a newspaper in Tony Stark's hands.

Tony Stark opened the newspaper. The first thing that caught his eye was the big picture of his portrait, followed by the words "Mandalin attacked, Stark is dead" and so on.

"It makes sense," Tony Stark said.

The little boy was very curious about the battle armor, and when he used to sit next to the battle armor, he asked Tony Stark about it.

"I need something." After talking with the little boy for a while, Tony Stark said, "Notebook, electronic watch, mobile phone, the gas compressor on your potato gun, a map, a coil of wire, and There are tuna sandwiches."

"What good do I have?" the little boy asked innocently.

"Save." Tony Stark thought for a while, and said a word, "What's his name?"

"Who?" The little boy didn't understand Tony Stark.

"What is the name of that classmate who bullies you?" Tony Stark asked.

"How do you know?" the little boy asked.

"I'll give you a baby." Tony Stark pulled out a metal cylinder that he didn't know what it was from the armor. "This is a high-tech cricket pot... funny, this is a very powerful weapon. He gestured on the cylinder with his hand, "Stay away from your face and press this button to protect you from being bullied. It won't die, it's just a self-protection device. Is it a deal?"

"Deal." The little boy accepted the cylinder.

Everything in the lens, Tony Stark and the little boy are walking down the street together.

"The sandwich is good, the wire is a little rusty, and the others are OK." Tony Stark said, stretching out his wrist. "By the way, you said this is your sister's watch?"

"Yes," the little boy said.

"I thought she was more mature than this." Tony Stark rolled up his sleeves, revealing a very cartoony pink watch with a cartoon little **** it.

A big bearded man wearing this pink cartoon watch is as funny as it looks.

"Hahaha!" Thor smiled and bent over when he saw this place, "Stark, you are really laughing at wearing this kind of watch, do you think you are only five years old?"

"Yes, I'm only five years old, and I'm about to enter the Narnia world." Tony Stark asked rhetorically, "Where is there a rule that five-year-olds can't grow beards? Is Asgard?"

"Seriously, Tony, that watch suits you well. It looks much better than your millions of pieces." James Rhodes also laughed so hard, "Tony, hurry up and buy a piece of the same thing That’s it."

"How about buying one piece?" Tony Stark said, "Everyone present, one piece per person, I'll treat you."

"Hahaha!" The little boy in the video also laughed, "My sister is only six years old, so how can I say this is a limited edition. Can you tell me something about New York?"

"Can't now, change the subject." Tony Stark said.

"What about the Avengers, can you talk about them?" the little boy asked again.

"I don't know, let's talk about it." Tony Stark also didn't want to say, "Hey boy, let me be quiet."

Speaking of this, Tony Stark stopped, and in front of him was a house with only a few walls left, and there were many flower baskets, candles and other things.

"What the **** happened here?" Tony Stark asked, "What's the matter?"

"The guy named Chad Davis lives nearby. He won a lot of medals in the army." The little boy squatted and said, "One day, people said he was crazy. He made a bomb and put I bombed it myself, right here."

Tony Stark listened to the little boy's narration while looking at this place. It was obvious that something happened in this place, because there were a few dark shadows on the wall, the kind of dark shadows that were smoked by flames or thick smoke, weird. It is that these shadows are in the shape of human beings.

"Six people died, right?" Tony Stark asked.

"Yes," the little boy said.

"Including Chad Davis?" Tony Stark asked.

"Yes," the little boy said.

"But it doesn't make sense." Tony Stark looked at the dark shadows on the wall, then sat next to the little boy, "Think about it, six people died, but only five shadows."

"Yes." The little boy whispered, "They all said that these shadows were left by people who went to heaven, and the guy who made the bomb, they said he did bad things and went to hell, so he has no shadows."

"Do you believe it?" Tony Stark asked.

"Everyone says that." The little boy replied, and then he asked, "Do you know what this pit reminds me of?"

"I don't know, and don't want to know." Tony Stark didn't know how to be considerate of children.

"That huge wormhole is in New York." The little boy danced, looking excited, "Did you remember?"

"Leave me alone, I don't want to talk about this." Tony Stark said.

"Will they come back?" The little boy was obviously very interested in this, and continued to ask, "Those aliens?"

"Maybe, can you shut up!" Tony Stark said sharply, "Remember what I said, I have anxiety."

"Does things about aliens make you anxious?" the little boy asked.

"Yes, kind of." Tony Stark's expression was obviously wrong at the beginning, "Can you let me catch my breath first?"

As for Tony Stark’s performance at this moment, everyone in the answer space also understands that Tony Stark has already had a psychological shadow after the New York War. This has been shown in the previous video, but this time it is more straightforward. White, Tony Stark is equivalent to confessing in person.

"Those bad guys are in Rose Hill?" the little boy asked again, "Do you need a plastic bag to adjust your breathing? Have you taken medicine?"

"No," Tony Stark said.

"Do you need to take medicine in time?" the little boy asked again.

"Maybe," Tony Stark said.

"Do you have sequelae of trauma?" the little boy continued to ask.

"I don't think so." Tony Stark said.

"Are you going to be insane?" the little boy said, "I don't have to ask, do you want me to shut up?"

"I told you to shut up!" Tony Stark lost control of his emotions and shouted in a low voice, "I swear you will drive me crazy!"

"Boy, you succeeded, be happy!" Then Tony Stark glanced at the little boy, turned and ran away as if evading.

"What did I say?" The little boy chased Tony Stark behind, "Wait a minute!"

Tony Stark ran to a corner, sat on the ground, and rubbed his face with a lump of snow, calming himself down with this coldness.

"What's wrong with you?" the little boy chased over and asked.

"It's all your fault." Tony Stark threw the ball of snow on the little boy. "You scared me."

The little boy smiled and said nothing.

"Returning to the topic just now, who gave the flowers?" Tony Stark asked, "Relatives? Mom? Mrs. Davis? Where is she?"

"She is always there," the little boy said.

"I finally said something useful." Tony Stark said.

Everything in the lens, when I came to a bar called "Walker Bar", Tony Stark, wearing a peaked cap, was walking, and accidentally collided with a girl who had a scar on her face.

"Sorry." Tony Stark apologized immediately, but the Scarfaced Girl didn't seem to hear her, didn't pay attention to Tony Stark, and continued to walk on her own without noticing that one of her documents had fallen on the ground.

"Madam?" Tony Stark bent over to pick up the ID. "This is..."

The Scarface Girl turned around and took the certificate passed by Tony Stark, "Thank you."

"The hairstyle is very good, it suits you." Tony Stark praised.

"Your watch is also good." Scarface said the girl.

"Yes, a limited edition." Tony Stark said.

"Oh, I can see it." Scarface girl smiled, "Have fun."

The screen stops here, and the text appears.

[Excuse me, is this hot woman who Tony Stark ran into, an enemy? 】

[A is]

[B is not]

[This small question and answer is correct, rewards life span of five years. If the answer is wrong, one year of life will be deducted. 】

"Although the causes and consequences of this story are not very clear, one thing is certain. After Stark was attacked by Mandalin, the outside world believed that Stark was dead. And Stark came here by accident. He doesn't even know it." Thor, a guy who is not good at analysis, actually spoke first, "So it is unlikely that an enemy will come here to kill Stark."

"Besides, that woman doesn't seem to know Stark." Techara said, "She definitely didn't come for Stark."

"Here mentioned a person from Chad Davis. He made a bomb." Bruce Banner said, "Although I don't know what this person has to do with Stark being attacked, it must be related. Yes, right? Why else would Stark come here to investigate?"

"If this Chad Davis is related to the attack on Stark, then we have to assume that this person is also related to Mandalin." Steve Rogers said in a deep voice, "Mandalin attacked Stark. K, the best thing Stark should do is to deal with Mandalin, but he went to call Chad Davis, which is very telling."

"The Ten Commandments Gang was originally a terrorist organization, and bombings are their specialty." Tony Stark said, "If Mandalin was behind the Chad Davis bombing, I'm a little bit I am not surprised."

"So roughly we can understand the causes and consequences of this attack." Sam Wilson said, "The Ten Commandments created the explosion, and Stark didn't know why he decided to intervene in the explosion, and his words were provocative. Mandalin. Stark must have made a public statement. The newspapers and other media reported it. After Mandalin saw it, he sent someone to attack Stark and even the Stark family was flattened. Everyone thought Stark died in this attack, but it didn't. Stark was investigating secretly."

"And the timing of this event can be known in general." Thor said again, "after the New York war."

"So I have plenty of time to find these people." Tony Stark said.

"Tony, how much do you know about the acting style of the Ten Commandments?" James Rhodes suddenly asked.

"Have you found anything?" Tony Stark asked.

"Based on what I know about the Ten Commandments, they won't be so easy for people to find out." James Rhodes said, "That Chad Davis, if he really becomes traceable Clues, the Ten Commandments Gang will definitely deal with it."

"So, you mean, I'm likely to meet people from the Ten Commandments Gang in that bar." Tony Stark said, "They didn't go for me, but to destroy the evidence?"

"Yes, that's what I meant." James Rhodes said.

"Then that hot girl with scars on her face..." Tony Stark thought for a while and made a choose A! "

[Answer is correct, the reward life span is five years. 】

The paused video continued to play, and Tony Stark walked into the Walker Bar, looked left and right, and finally came to a woman in her fifties who was playing with a tag.

"Mrs. Davis?" Tony Starkla asked across the chair. "Can I sit here?"

"No one is stopping you." Mrs. Davis said.

"That's true." Tony Stark sat there.

"Okay." Mrs. Davis said, looking at Tony Stark. "Just say anything."

"I'm sorry about your son," Tony Stark said. "Tell me, what happened?"

"Let's see." Mrs. Davis put a document on the table, "I brought you the document, you can take it and go."

Tony Stark glanced at it. On the cover of the document, the words "Chad Davis Case Investigation Report" were written in large characters.