Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 157: Who killed Iron Man parents

"Then this Thanos, why does he collect gems?" Clint Barton asked.

"This is not known for the time being." Bruce Banner said, "However, we and Thanos are fighting, will it be because Thanos is coming to grab the infinite gem? We already know that the soul gem was on the vision head at that time. And Strange, the gem of time has been hanging around his neck."

   "So, as long as the gem is not on the earth, Thanos will not come to the earth?" Natasha Romanov said, "A powerful enemy can be avoided."

"Impossible." Steve Rogers said, "Thanos once said that when he succeeds, half of the people will survive. What does it mean that half of the people survive? Doesn't it mean the other half of the people? Will die? Thanos is definitely not coming to the earth purely for gems. He must have a plan to slaughter half of the earth's population!"

   "Opening his mouth is to kill half of the people, he is really a lunatic!" Wanda Maximoff, who didn't speak much, couldn't help but uttered.

   "For the question that Thor got fat before, Hulk said in it that he lost half of the people." Tony Stark said, "It's also half the population, so it is indeed Thanos who did it."

"But there are some discrepancies here." Clint Barton said, "Thanos clearly stated that only half of them will survive. The implication is that the other half will rise, but the half of Asgard, they don't seem to be dead. Just got caught, Hulk still wants to rescue them back."

   "Maybe his conspiracy against the Earth and Asgard is different." Thor said in a deep voice, "For the earth, he will kill half, and for Asgard, he will capture half."

"This is even more desperate." Pietro Maximov expressed his opinion again, "It is much more difficult to catch than to kill. Moreover, Asgard, the legendary God's Domain, Thanos can capture half of the population. , I'm afraid that his strength is something the earth can't resist at all."

"Pitro, don't be too pessimistic." Steve Rogers patted Pietro Maximoff on the shoulder, "No matter how strong an enemy is, it has its weaknesses. If you find a weakness, you can defeat it. We are now We already know Thanos in advance, and know some of his methods and purposes, we still have time to prepare, we can defeat him!"

   "Will his weakness be his left hand?" Tony Stark said suddenly.

"Stark, are you kidding?" Thor said, "Did you not see what was on Thanos' left hand? There are four infinite gems on that glove! One infinite gem can be invincible in the world. He has four in one breath!"

"Of course I know this." Tony Stark glanced at Thor and said without rush, "But you didn't notice that I had hit a piece of iron on Thanos's left hand during the battle? Why would I do this in that difficult battle?"

"I've noticed this too, and I'm also very strange." Stephen Strange said, "At first I thought it was a bomb or some other weapon, but the piece of iron was gone after it was shot into Thanos' left hand. The movement was quiet, and Thanos was detained and thrown away. It seems that the effect of that piece of iron is just being launched into Thanos' palm?"

"Strange is right. The effect of that piece of iron seems to be stuck in Thanos' palm." Tony Stark continued with Stephen Strange's words, "I think about it, why do I Would you do that kind of thing at that time? There is only one possibility, that can defeat Thanos! That is the weakness of Thanos!"

   "Although I don't understand it now, I agree with Stark." Steve Rogers, "The left hand, or the glove, is Thanos' weakness."

   "That glove can hold four infinite gems, obviously not a mortal thing." Stephen Strange turned to look at Thor, "Tor, do you know what it is?"

   "I've never heard of it." Thor shook his head, "But there are exactly six grooves on the glove, corresponding to six infinite gems. It shouldn't be formed naturally, but made specifically for placing gems."

"So we find the person who can make gloves in advance, and tell him not to make gloves?" Bruce Banner said, "Although this should not stop Thanos in the end, it can delay his plan and buy us some time. It's also good."

   "I think I probably know that a place is capable of making that kind of gloves." Thor said, "I'll go there."

   "Where is that place?" Tony Stark asked, he was quite interested in the places where he could make Infinite Gloves.

   "Nidawi, the dwarves live there," Thor said. "They are natural weapons experts. The weapons they build are frightening and famous throughout the universe."

   "I didn't expect it to be true that dwarves are good at forging." Tony Stark expressed surprise.

  【The sixth question starts, please be prepared. 】

  【There are two small questions in this question, and all the two small questions are answered correctly. Mark 42 is rewarded for making drawings. Answer a small question correctly and reward a set of Mark 42 armor. All answers are wrong, deducting two years of life. 】

   [1. May I ask who the parents of Iron Man Tony Stark died and whose hands? 】

  【Baron A Zemo】

  【B Red Skull John Schmidt】

  【C Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes】

  【D was assassinated by a gang】

   "For so many years, I have always thought that my parents died in a car accident, but they were murdered!" Tony Stark's face became extremely difficult to look.

"I also thought Howard was an accident." Steve Rogers also felt very surprised. He said to Tony Stark, "Tony, Howard is not only your father, but also a good friend of mine. I'm sorry to hear this. information."

"Thank you, Captain." Tony Stark's voice was a little choked. "My father and I have been in a bad relationship. I used to hate him very much, but now, I, I miss him..." Tony Stark fisted He clenched, his voice became cold, "No matter who killed him, I will avenge him! I was not a good son when he was alive. He died. This is the only thing I can do for him, I I will do it well."

"Howard is the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., if he died of homicide, S.H.I. Disguised as a car accident, even S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't notice it."

"Yes, Howard died. It was impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time to not investigate, but the final result was an accident." Natasha Romanov also said, "Such a perfect deception of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not ordinary. The forces can do it."

   "Who is Baron Zemo?" Stephen Strange said, "Is this a nobleman?"

   "Never heard of it." Tony Stark asked Clint Button, "Does S.H.I.E.L.D. know this person?"

   "Others may know, but this is the first time I have heard of it." Clint Button shook his head.

   "I don't know either." Natasha Romanov said.

"Since you don't know anything, put it aside and continue to look at the other options." Tony Stark's eyes fell on the B option, "Red Skull, this is another super soldier during World War II, the leader of the Hydra. He was in a hostile camp with my father at the time. If he wanted to kill my father, I wouldn’t be surprised, but his status is impossible to do it himself. Option B is not selected."

   "Yes, Red Skull is the one who gives orders. He has many executioners who can help him pull the trigger. He doesn't need to do it himself." Bruce Banner said.

   "If B is excluded, then C......"

   "Stark, it won't be C, it won't be Bucky!" Tony Stark was interrupted by Steve Rogers before he finished speaking, "It's definitely not Bucky!"

   "Captain, how do you know it's not him?" Tony Stark asked rhetorically.

   "Bucky is my best friend, we grew up together, I know him even more than I know myself!" Steve Rogers said, "he is kind-hearted, he is not an executioner, he will not kill innocents!"

"Bucky isn't the executioner?" Tony Stark sneered at the time, "Rogers! Do you treat us as fools! Bucky is now Hydra's executioner! He was involved in the murder of Nick Fury and tried to assassinate him." You, his hands don’t know how many people’s blood was stained. Are you telling me now that he is not an executioner?"

   "Bucky is controlled by Hydra, he has no idea what he is doing." Steve Rogers said, "He..."

"He couldn't help himself? It wasn't his intention to kill? Or is he still very painful? Rogers, you keep these words to the families of those who were killed by Bucky, and you see if they will listen." Tony Stark sneered again and interrupted Steve Rogers, "Captain, this question, in my opinion, the answer is Bucky Barnes. It is impossible for my father to die under the hands of a gangster. ."


"Captain, do you tell me that my father may have been killed by a gang!" Tony Stark asked loudly, "My father is the founder of SHIELD. His background was killed by a gang, and the scene was faked after the gang's killing. The clothes are so seamless that even S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau can't find it. Is it possible?" After questioning, he didn't wait for Steve Rogers to reply, so he made a direct choice, "I choose C!"

【correct answer! 】

The video began to play. At the beginning, it was in the same place as a military base. Two extremely heavy iron doors slowly opened. A soldier wearing a red hat stepped forward and entered the password on the wall inside the iron door. The smaller iron door opened, revealing a red book.

   Everything in the lens, the picture came to a place like a laboratory, a white coat was tapped on the computer twice, a large glass cover rose, and a thick white mist suddenly spread out.

   Although there is white steam blurring the vision, it can still be seen that the person in the glass cover has a metal arm and a mask on his face. The dress is exactly the same as the "Insight Project Incident" who used to hunt down Steve Rogers on the flyover.

   There is no doubt that this is the Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes.

   "Bucky, he has been frozen all the time, and he will only be awakened when he has a mission!" Seeing this scene, Steve Rogers's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect his friend's situation to be so miserable.

   But even worse was still behind. Bucky Barnes was tied to a chair with his hands, and an unknown instrument was stuck on his face, and blue arcs could be seen flowing on his face.

   Directly energizing people, this is equivalent to electrocution. Steve Rogers, who has experienced war, naturally knows how painful electrocution is. This can also be seen in the screams of Bucky Barnes.

"Desire, rust, seventeen, dawn, stove, nine, kindness, return to the motherland, one, train carriage." Ens read a string of seemingly meaningless words in front of him.

   But after reading these words, Bucky Barnes, who was sitting there looking like a walking dead, had his eyes blank, reacted and turned to look at the soldier.

   "Good morning, soldier." The soldier in the red hat put the red book aside.

   "Ready to take orders." Bucky Barnes said.

   "I have a task to give you." The red hat soldier held a stack of documents in his hands, "Sanctions and retrievals, do not leave a living."

Everything in the lens, on a night road, a car drove past, and among the trees, Bucky Barnes watched the car pass by without a word, and then the lights of the motorcycle he was riding on, the motorcycle With a roar, he chased it up.

   There are no people here at all. Bucky Barns stepped up the throttle and passed the car. When driving side by side with the car, he broke the glass of the car with a punch. The car hit a roadside tree at that time.

Bucky Barnes stopped the motorcycle, walked to the car that was already on fire, and opened the trunk. There was a suitcase in it. Bucky Barnes opened the suitcase, and there were blue ones inside. Small bag.

   "Help my wife." Howard Stark climbed out of the car and begged Bucky Barnes for mercy, "Please, help."

Bucky Barnes grabbed Howard Stark’s hair with his right hand. Howard Stark recognized Bucky Barnes and called his name, but Bucky Barnes said nothing. , The left iron fist slammed two punches on Howard Stark's head.

   Then he let go, and Howard Stark's body fell to the ground.

   "Howard!" Tony Stark's mother's voice echoed in the car.

   Bucky Barnes held Howard Stark in one hand, placed it in the driver's seat, and strangled Tony Stark's mother alive with his hands.

   This is the end of the video.

   "Bucky Barnes!" Tony Stark watched as he was about to split, and said in hatred, "I will kill you!"

   "Stark, calm down, that's not Bucky's intention at all!" Steve Rogers said quickly, "I understand your current mood..."

   "Have your parents also been killed?" Tony Stark asked rhetorically.


   "Then you can't understand." Tony Stark said.

   "Well, Stark, I can't understand how you feel..."

   "I can't understand, what else are you talking about?"

"..." Steve Rogers was so choked that he almost couldn't tell, but after a pause, he said, "Stark, you have also seen it. Bucky is usually frozen, only when he is on duty. Thaw, and they have to read that series of instructions. The fact is obvious, you should be able to understand Stark! Hydra controls Bucky’s brain, he doesn’t even know what he’s doing, and you saw him even I don't even know it anymore."

   "But this can't obliterate the fact that he killed my parents." Tony Stark said coldly.

"Tony, Howard is also a good friend of mine. I am also very sad when he passed away. Now that I know he was murdered, I will avenge him. But we must find the right target for revenge. It was Hydra who killed Howard!" Steve Rogers became more and more anxious as he spoke, "Bucky, he is nothing but a hydra's weapon. The weapon itself is not guilty, but the person who uses the weapon is guilty."

   "I won't let any of them go." Tony Stark said, "Hydra, I will destroy them! I will destroy the weapons they used to kill my parents!"

"You want to destroy the weapon?" Steve Rogers couldn't help but his voice became louder. "Tony! Don't forget what you do. Now you are a golden basin and wash your hands. You have turned into Iron Man, but before you become Iron Man How many weapons did you sell before Xia? If you have to kill Bucky and then quickly, can those people killed by the weapons you sell also come to kill you?"

   "Rogers, I'm talking about Bucky killing my parents, don't get confused!" Tony Stark said.

"Confusion?" Steve Rogers pointed to Pietro Maximoff. "What did you say when Pietro wanted to kill you in the hospital to avenge his parents? Now another weapon kills you. Your parents, have you changed from "weapon innocence theory" to "weapon guilt theory"?"

Tony Stark was told by Steve Rogers that he was silent for three seconds, then walked up to Pietro Maximoff, bent down deeply, and bowed to him: "Kid, I'm sorry. , I'm very, very sorry. If you want to kill me to avenge your parents, just do it, and I won't blame you."

   Pietro Maximov looked at Tony Stark who was bending down in front of him. He didn't know what to say for a while. He never expected that the proud Tony Stark would bow to himself one day.

"Stark, you are right, we can't do it at all." Wanda Maksimov walked to Pietro Maksimov and said, "What you said is right, we actually know from the bottom of our hearts, You are not the murderer, you are not the murderer who killed my parents."

   "Thank you." Tony Stark looked at the two siblings and said, "I still said that. When do you want to kill me, come to me at any time. If the distance is too far, I will reimburse you for the ticket."

   "Tony, I hope you can understand like Maksimov brothers and sisters." Steve Rogers said, "Howard's matter, I am sorry, but the object of your revenge should not be Bucky."

"Rogers, do you know the difference?" Tony Stark turned his head and looked at Steve Rogers. "The two children, their parents, died in real weapons. My parents, Died in human hands. No matter what you say, being brainwashed is not voluntary, but Bucky Barnes, he is a living person. He is the murderer of my parents! He must die!"

   "Tony, then I have to apologize to you again." Steve Rogers said in a deep voice, "I will stop you, I will protect Bucky, he is my friend."

   "I thought I was your friend too." Tony Stark said blankly.

   [2. May I ask if Iron Man Tony Stark and Captain America Steve Rogers fought because of Bucky Barnes’s killing of Tony Stark’s parents? 】

  【A Yes】

  【No B】

   "Guys!" Natasha Romanoff watched Tony Stark and Steve Rogers quarreling really fiercely, and did not notice the two questions, so she reminded, "I think I should answer the questions now?"

   "I think you can see it everywhere, none of you can persuade anyone." Stephen Strange said, "If that's the case, why bother to waste this tongue?"

   "Tony, you need to be calm," Bruce Banner said.

   "What else is there to hesitate about this topic?" Tony Stark glanced at the topic and made a choice directly, "A!"

【correct answer! 】

   [Answer two small questions correctly, reward Mark 42 for making drawings. 】

   A thick pile of drawings appeared in the answer space, and Tony Stark picked up these and looked through them.

   Tony Stark did not speak, and Steve Rogers did not speak, just standing there.

  Because it involves the death of Tony Stark’s parents, it is not easy for others to speak.

   And Bucky Barnes murdered after being brainwashed, this matter is indeed a bit more complicated, and it cannot be judged by simple criteria such as who is right and who is wrong, or whether to kill or not.

   So no one else in the answer space spoke.

  There are so many people, but everyone remains silent.

   The atmosphere in the answer space is a bit heavy for a while.

   was so silent for not knowing how long, there was light in the space again, and a new video started.

   In the beginning, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes walked in the snow and ice. There was an iron gate in the snow and ice, and the two stood in front of the iron gate.

   "He must be a few hours away," Steve Rogers said.

   "That's enough to wake them up," said Bucky Barnes with the submachine gun.

  Then the two walked into the iron gate and took the elevator to the underground. When the elevator hit the ground with a "boom", the two of them walked out and began to search carefully.


   After searching for a long time, a loud noise suddenly came from behind, and both of them turned around and looked at the closed elevator door vigilantly.

   but saw the elevator door being pulled open by a pair of iron hands, and Tony Stark in a battle armor walked in.