Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 240: Captain America is in bad shape: Is the


Quentin Baker appeared again, with a green energy beam in his hand, attacking Peter Parker.

Peter Parker jumped around in the air, dodging those attacks.

But as soon as he landed, he saw a huge statue arm falling from the sky and smashing its head over.

He subconsciously blocked it with his arm, and the huge arm smashed down, forming a cloud of green smoke.

"If you were really capable, Tony wouldn't die." Quentin Baker's voice continued to sound, and as soon as Peter Parker looked up, he saw a grave in front of him with Tony Stark's name written on the tombstone. .

Just as he was staring at the tombstone, a steel arm suddenly stretched out from the ground, and then the Iron Man in battle armor also climbed out from the ground.

The Iron Man at this time is different from the majestic Iron Man before. The armor on his body is rusted and his head is rotten, which is similar to the Zombie Iron Man in the zombie world.

"In the bottom of your heart, you know that what I said is right." Quentin Baker continued to speak, and he walked neatly like a well-trained warrior in a row.

Peter Parker turned and ran, but with a "bang", he knocked over directly.

There was nothing in front of him, but he still bumped into a transparent wall.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, buildings on the ground rose up, and Peter Parker was actually locked in a crystal ball.

"You made a decision, originally you just had to step aside, but now..."


A gunshot sounded, and the surroundings returned to normal, Quentin Baker lay on the ground, and Nick Fury stumbled over with a gun in one hand.

Boom boom boom!

Cars also drove over, and agents with live ammunition surrounded Quentin Baker on the ground.

"Fury!" Peter Parker, who saw this scene, breathed a sigh of relief, and the difficult Quentin Baker was finally caught.

"Baker's mates are looking for anyone who knows him," Nick Fury asked as he walked over to Peter Parker. "Who did you tell me? I know you told someone else. Tell me now, you tell me. who said that."

"Only told my classmates MJ and Ned that Ned would probably tell his girlfriend Betty that there was no one else," Peter Parker said.

"Hehehe..." Nick Fury laughed when he heard it.

"What's wrong?" Peter Parker hadn't noticed anything wrong at this time.

"You're an idiot," Nick Fury said.


"I mean, you're smart, you're just a little stupid." Nick Fury began to have light on his body, and the next moment it "appeared", it turned out that it was not Nick Fury at all, but Quentin Baker.

Peter Parker just saw those, Nick Fury shot down Quentin Baker, all of them are fake, it didn't happen at all.

"Now your friend is dead," said Quentin Baker.

Then, the environment around Peter Parker turned into darkness again, and things kept crashing down from the sky.

Knowing that it was all fake, but it was too realistic, Peter Parker kept backing away, avoiding the things that fell from the sky.

"It's easy to deceive a self-deceived person." Quentin Baker walked forward step by step. "Anyway, Peter, I'm really sorry."

Peter Parker found that the illusion around him had disappeared, but before he could react, a train crashed over and devoured his figure.

As soon as the space darkens, the video ends here.

"Well, I despised this Mysterious Guest too much before." Scott Lang said as soon as the video ended, "This person is too difficult to deal with."

"It's hard to imagine that with technology, he can deceive people to such an extent," Thor said. "Although it's not a superpower or magic, it's just an effect, and it's no different from a superpower."

"I didn't expect his technology to be able to do this to such an extent that he can present almost any picture to the eyes," Steve Rogers said. "He not only controls your vision, but also your hearing. You You can't see or hear the real facts in front of you, you can only see and hear what he wants you to see and hear."

"In front of Mysterio, vision and hearing are completely useless, but instead become the weapons he uses to defeat you." Bruce Banner said.

"This mystery guest is also bullying and bullying Peter." Tony Stark said, "I met me and dealt with him in minutes."

This is true. Quentin Baker's method is nothing more than deceiving people's vision with advanced holographic projection technology. This technology may be useful to others, but in the face of Tony Stark, is it possible that holographic projection can still deceive Got Jarvis?

"Why don't you close your eyes?" Bucky Barnes asked. "If you close your eyes, won't the holographic projection work?"

"Although you can't see anything with your eyes closed, it's better than falling into the illusions created by the enemy," Steve Rogers said. "If you can't see those illusions, the confusion of the voice can be minimized, and Peter should be able to pass. Find the location of Mysterio by listening to the sound."

"Mysterio itself has no offensive power. Once his true location is exposed, it means failure." Bruce Banner said.

"Colson, are you interested in Mysterio's technology?" Nick Fury asked suddenly.

"Sir, what do you mean?" Phil Coulson asked.

"Mysterio's technology is actually quite powerful. Although Tony and Captain don't like it very much, it is still very effective against ordinary people. It would be a pity to discard it like this." Nick Fury said, "I plan to Let you become the new Mysterio, and then I will give you my Green Goblin skateboard. Mysterio's 'outfit' plus the Green Goblin skateboard, I believe even the superheroes present will feel a headache."

"Have I become a superhero too?" Phil Coulson was a little surprised.

"Yeah Coulson, you're a superhero too," Nick Fury asked. "What do you think?"

"Thank you, sir." Phil Coulson didn't refuse.

[The third question begins, please be prepared. 】

[May I ask the following characters, who has not seen the Red Skull with their own eyes? 】

【A Hawkeye Clint Barton】

【B Black Widow Natasha Romanoff】

【C Gamora】

【D Nebula】

[If you answer this question correctly, you will be rewarded with the "Arrow Strengthening Technique", which can strengthen arrows and give them certain special abilities. If the answer is wrong, the life expectancy will be deducted by one year. 】

"What do you mean? The Red Skull is still alive?" When Steve Rogers saw this topic, his whole person was not well. He always thought that the Red Skull was wiped out, but it didn't happen at all?

"Red Skull is still alive?" Nick Fury frowned, "If he is alive, will Hydra really be wiped out?"

"Anyway, I haven't seen the information of the Red Skull in the mind of any Hydra, including Alexander Pierce." Wanda Maximoff said.

"If Red Skull is related to Hydra, it shouldn't be a snake..." Nick Fury pondered, "Alexander Pierce is a snake, Red Skull is another snake, and the two snakes have nothing to do with each other, so you invisible."

"Is it so certain that there is still a snake?" Pietro Maximoff said. "Perhaps the Red Skull and Hydra have nothing to do with it?"

"Even if there is no Hydra, there must be seven-headed snakes and eight-headed snakes." Steve Rogers said, "That guy is not a mediocre person, as long as he lives, he will definitely do things. "

"But so far, there has never been any sign of the Red Skull alive." Phil Coulson said, "Could it be that the title is about the future? The Red Skull is indeed dead, but the future is resurrected."

"Why is that guy resurrected?" Steve Rogers felt a bit of a headache. He can be said to be the person who knows the Red Skull the most. That guy is also a super soldier like him, thoughtful, clear-headed, and resourceful. , can be said to be the enemy that gives him the most headaches.

"It's just a Red Skull." Tony Stark didn't pay much attention to it. Compared with the cosmic-level enemies like Thanos Hyladomam, the Red Skull was really "insignificant".

"Gamora and Nebula appear in the options. Both of them are the daughters of Thanos, which means that at least one of them has met with the Red Skull." Stephen Strange said, "Could it be that the Red Skull and Thanos got together?"

"Isn't it? Get together with Thanos? Although the Red Skull is also a super villain, but with Thanos, isn't his 'rank' enough?" Stephen Strange said.

"It's not likely that Thanos and the Red Skull will join forces." Thor said, "We have seen a lot about the future of Thanos, and there has never been any sign that Thanos has teammates."

"With the strength of Thanos, you really don't need teammates." Stephen Strange said, "Even if there is, it won't be the Red Skull."

"It can't be a teammate. The purpose of Thanos is to destroy half of the life in the universe, which is inconsistent with the purpose of the Red Skull." Steve Rogers said.

"Not teammates, maybe there is an intersection in some cases." Bruce Banner said.

"Intersection?" Natasha Romanov said, "The purpose of Thanos is very clear, collect the Infinity Stones, snap his fingers! Almost all of his whereabouts revolve around the Infinity Stones, what kind of intersection can he have with the Red Skull?"

"As you said, there was an intersection when collecting the Infinity Stones." Bruce Banner said, "Red Skull has mastered the whereabouts of an Infinity Stone, or he has an Infinity Stone."

"It should be like this, which can also explain why the people in the option will contact the Red Skull." Clint Barton said, "After all, everyone is looking for Infinity Stones."

"When we look for the Infinity Stones, we go back to the past after Thanos snaps his fingers. For Thanos, we find the Infinity Stones for snapping his fingers, just before he snaps his fingers." Scott Lang said, "But we didn't There is a way to know what time it is, before or after you snap your fingers, and you don’t know which gem it is, there is no way to analyze this topic, right?”

"No, I think it's possible to guess," Steve Rogers said. "There's no evidence, but it's a possibility."

"What's possible?" Scott Lang asked.

"When did Gamora appear in the options, when did Thanos, Gamora, and the Infinity Stones appear at the same time?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Soul Gem!" Tony Stark remembered, "As mentioned in the previous video, Thanos sacrificed Gamora in order to get the Infinity Stone. So for this topic, you should be looking for the Soul Gem? "

"It's possible, but what does it have to do with this question?" Loki asked rhetorically, "Knowing this, can you choose the correct answer?"

"It doesn't seem to help," Steve Rogers said.

"It doesn't matter what gems are, the important thing is that when looking for the Infinity Stones, the Avengers will not act alone." Clint Barton thought for a while and said, "Back in the day to find the Infinity Stones, such an important thing, every time A gem will definitely not make one Avenger act, at least two. And if we team up to find gems, Natasha and I are likely to be on the same team."

"That is to say, if you or Natasha saw the Red Skull in the process of looking for the gem, then it should have been both of you, because you two teamed up." Stephen Strange said.

"Yes, that's what I meant," Clint Barton said.

"If that's the case, the problem is easy," said Natasha Romanoff, "We already know that Gamora died on the way to find the gem, so Gamora may have seen the red Skeletons. Although these are all speculations, and there is no evidence, the choice of Nebula should most likely be correct."

"No one else needs this reward." Nick Fury said, "Barton, come and answer the question."

"Okay." Clint Barton didn't refuse, "I choose D!"

【correct answer! Rewards issued! 】

A golden light flashed across Clint Barton's hands.

"This reward is good. With this ability, I don't need to build special ability bows and arrows." Clint Barton laughed.

Soon, the video plays.

At the beginning of the picture, it was an uninhabited planet with a huge blood-red sun pressing down on the horizon, like a monster that devoured the world.

A portal opened in this dilapidated and desolate world, and then the figures of Thanos and Gamora appeared here.

This is Vormir Star, where the Soul Gem is located.

"For your sister's life, the gem should be there," Thanos said to Gamora, looking at the blood-red sun.

The two walked through the thick fog, crossed the broken road, and came to the mountain peak under the **** sun.

"Welcome, Lord Thanos, son of Eros, Gamora, daughter of Thanos." Suddenly, a voice came, and a figure was suspended in the air, appearing in front of Thanos and Gamora.

"You know us?" Thanos asked in surprise.

"My curse is that I know whoever comes here," said the Red Skull.

"Where is the Soul Stone?" Thanos asked.

"You should know what it costs to use it," said the Red Skull.

"I'm ready." Thanos stepped forward.

"Everyone said that at the beginning." Red Skull fell from the sky, revealing his ugly red face, "Everyone was wrong."

"Why are you so familiar with this place?" Thanos asked, following behind the Red Skull.

"I was also looking for the Infinity Stones before I was reincarnated." The Red Skull walked ahead to lead the way for Thanos and Gamora, "Just as I was about to get it, it bounced me off and banished me here. . Here, I met the Soul Stone."

"That's what you want," said the skeleton, leading Thanos Gamora to a cliff. "You'll regret it."

"Why do you say that?" Gamora asked, looking down the cliff.

"The price." The Red Skull explained, "The reason why the Soul Stone is high among the Infinity Stones is that it has a certain wisdom."

"Tell me, what does it want?" Thanos asked.

"In order to ensure that those who get it can understand its power, the gem needs a sacrifice." Red Skull didn't sell anything.

"Sacrificing what?" Thanos asked.

"If you want to get this gem, you must sacrifice your beloved." Red Skull revealed the secret, "for soul, for soul."

Hearing this, Thanos fell silent.

And Gamora laughed on the spot.


You talk to an executioner like Thanos about your love?

Isn't this bullshit?

How could Thanos have love in his heart?

Therefore, the sacrifice required by the soul gem, Thanos can't do it!

Thanos, can't get the soul gem!

"I've been waiting for this moment all my life, and I want to see with my own eyes that you suffer the consequences, and now you're finally being punished." Gamora paced in front of Thanos, "Look at you, you kill innocents indiscriminately, Saying you were kind? Now you're punished? The gem you craved most told you no, you failed. Do you know why? Because you don't have love in your heart, you don't love anyone at all!"

"No." Thanos turned around suddenly, and he looked at Gamora with tears in his eyes.

"Really? Made you cry?" Gamora sneered.

"He's not crying for himself," said the Red Skull aside.

"No, you are not love at all." The smile on Gamora's face disappeared suddenly, she understood what the Red Skull's words meant.

"I never cared about fate before, now I have to." Thanos said, looking at Gamora, "Even if I lose you."

Gamora was also brave enough. When she knew that she might become a tool for Thanos to obtain the soul gem, she immediately pulled out a short sword and stabbed herself in the abdomen in an attempt to commit suicide.

But she stabbed the air, and the weapon in her hand turned into some bubbles.

In front of Thanos, she couldn't even die.

"I'm sorry, daughter." Thanos grabbed Gamora's arm with one hand and threw it off the cliff with tears in his eyes.

"It turns out that Gamora died like this." Seeing this, Peter Quill said.

"That's why the title rewards you with a cell resurrection card," Steve Rogers said. "It's just to prevent what happened in the video."

"This will not happen." Peter Quill said, "Since we know where the Soul Stone is and how to get it, we can get the Soul Stone in advance."

"The way to get the Soul Stone is to exchange the soul for the soul. To get the Soul Stone, you need to sacrifice a person." Steve Rogers said, "Even if it's not Gamora, if you want to get the Soul Stone, you will still have to sacrifice. ."

"I will resurrect whoever dies," Peter Quill said.

"There is no need to waste this resurrection card on this." Nick Fury said, "You can find some terminally ill people who are about to die, and let those who love them get the Soul Stone."

"Fury, what you do is equivalent to killing people." Bruce Banner said.

"No, this is a deal, I won't deceive them to do it, and I won't force them to do it. I will make a deal with them and use their hopeless lives in exchange for the prosperity and wealth of my family. I think a lot. People would love to do that," Nick Fury said.

"Now is not the time to argue about this, let's find the soul gem first," Tony Stark said.

"Actually, I've been looking for the Soul Gem ever since I knew it was on Vormir." Thor said at this time, "It's just that I haven't found it yet."

"It's been a short time since the last topic revealed that Thanos got the gem on Womir Star, haven't you found it yet?" Tony Stark asked.

"There's only a few scenes shown in the video, but Vormir is actually quite large," Thor said. "Finding a small rock on a planet is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack."

"But now that we know from the video that the Soul Gem is on such a mountain, it should be much easier to know the specific location." Steve Rogers said.

"Yes, knowing that mountain, I think I will find it soon," Thor said.

"There is also the power gem. I have asked Yongdu to help find it. I believe it will be found soon." Peter Quill said at this time, "If it is really in Ronan's hands, I think I need everyone's help. ."

Although Ronan was killed by him in the video, he has been in the interstellar space for so he knows how terrible Ronan is and will never despise Ronan because of such a future.

"Speak up and be there when you're called," Steve Rogers said.

"Compared to the whereabouts of the Soul Stone, Thanos actually loves Gamora, which is what surprises me." Clint Barton said.

"Yeah, a cosmic executioner like Thanos, I always thought he was cold-blooded." Scott Lang also thought it was ridiculous, "He actually really loves his daughter."

"The tyrant will cry, which is something I absolutely can't imagine," Thor said.

"The purpose is for the balance of the universe, and there is true love in my heart. I have to say that Thanos is different from the villains we have encountered before." Tony Stark said, "In some ways, he is even better than We superheroes need to be sublime."

"Yeah, if he hadn't wanted to kill half of the life in the universe, I would have wanted to be friends with him," T'Challa said.

"You can make friends with him now." Clint Barton said quickly, "Just like you in a parallel world, go and persuade Thanos to call him a brother!"