Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 356: The strongest mutant appeared!

However, someone can.


Tina's strength is one of the best among the Eternals.

Tina went out and kicked Icaris away with one kick.

"Tina, stop!" Icaris didn't want to fight Tina.

But Tina turned a deaf ear and continued to attack.

Icaris grabbed Tina and threw her directly into the air.


A golden light flashed, but it was Macari who ran over and caught Tina in the air without letting her fall to the ground.

Fastos also appeared at this time, and I saw that he sprinkled his hands and sprinkled many bracelet-like rings, surrounding Icaris.

Boom boom boom!

The rings began to explode around Icaris.

But obviously, this kind of attack can only cause some trouble to Icaris, but it can't cause any substantial damage to him.

Icaris is worthy of being the strongest in eternity. Several Eternals joined forces to fight around him, and he couldn't help him at all.

call out!

Icaris was suspended in the air and began to look at people again.

Fastos stretched out his hand and propped up a large ring in front of him, blocking Icaris' vision.


Macari turned into lightning again and began to run.

At this time, Icaris was in the sky. Although Macari ran fast, she couldn't run in the air, so she couldn't run to the sky.

But although she can't attack, she can play support.

Relying on her own running speed, she raised a large tract of dirt into the sky, blocking Icaris's sight.

The female warrior Tina jumped up, jumped into the sky, and knocked Icaris into the air.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Just saw Icaris behind, a mutant suddenly jumped out, gave Icaris a blow in the back, and hit him to the ground.

The mutant and Icaris briefly looked at each other, and then rushed towards Icaris.


However, it was only halfway through when an attack landed on it.

It was Fastos who shot.

"Why help Icaris?" Tina asked.

"We can't let it drain our power," Fastos said.

"It's too late." As soon as the mutants stretched out their hands, golden circles began to wrap around their arms.

"The mutants can actually talk!" Seeing this, Circe's face changed again, "How is this possible?"

"Obviously, it has evolved again." Bruce Banner said, "The mutant race was more like a beast before, but now it can speak, and it is simply two species before."

"It absorbed the power of Ajak before, and it only has the ability to heal itself. Now it has evolved again. Does it mean that it has absorbed other Eternals during this period?" Stephen Strange said.

"I'm afraid yes." Circe's face was extremely ugly, "I didn't expect that one day the Eternals would be absorbed by the mutants one after another."

"However, isn't this mutant too confident?" Nick Fury said, "Even if it absorbs the Eternals, it evolves itself, and its strength increases greatly, but there are several Eternals here, and it is single-handedly. If you want to fight over, it really thinks that it can beat so many Eternals?"

"Maybe it saw the infighting of the Eternals, so it dared to show up and plan to fish in troubled waters." Scott Lang said.

I don't know if Scott Lang's words are true or not, but the mutants in the video look quite confident. They are not afraid of facing a group of mutants, and they look like they are going to kill everyone.

Tina couldn't help but strode over to deal with this mutant.

But someone is faster, Macari.


Macari turned into a bolt of lightning and charged directly over, rolling up dust around the mutant race.

"What kind of trick is this? I don't quite understand it." Tony Stark couldn't help but say in the answering space, "What are you doing around the mutant race? Could the tornado driven by her fast running blow the mutant race to death? Can't it?"

"Perhaps she wants to use the dust in the sky to block the sight of the mutants?" Stephen Strange also didn't understand this trick, "But she is so fast, she doesn't need to block the opponent's sight at all, just attack directly, and the mutants will also react. It didn't come."

"I don't understand, Macari can't use weapons, right?" Sam Wilson said. "She is so fast, as long as she has a knife in her hand, the mutants will fall to the ground."

"Icaris is the same family, and has always been a partner. I understand that he can't do it, but can't the mutant race do it?" Clint Barton said.

Whatever the purpose of Macari's circling around the mutants, she couldn't achieve it.

I saw the mutants stepped on the ground with their big feet, and a golden energy suddenly disappeared into the ground under their feet, and then the energy crawls on the ground and instantly hit Macari.


Macarie flew out immediately.

This kick was so powerful that it not only knocked Macari into the air, but even Tina was overturned.

The mutants also knew who the soft persimmon was, so they jumped directly to Macari, and the tentacles on their bodies stretched out to absorb Macari.

"Makari!" How could Fastos let this happen? He raised his hand and shot out a burst of energy, knocking the mutants flying.

Fly far away.

Tina turned into weapons with both hands, and walked towards the mutants step by step.

As for Icaris, he found Fastos.

In order to prevent everyone from stopping Tiamu, Icaris didn't even care about the mutants.

"Where's Circe?" Icaris asked.

"You always underestimate her," Fastos said.


Icaris also guessed where Circe was going. He didn't entangle with Fastos, he just flew into the air, and wanted to fly to find Circe.

"The beauty you Fastos stretched out his hand, and several golden ropes flew out, wrapping around Icaris' ankle in the air.

The rope is not as simple as it looks, but a very sophisticated device. I saw that after it entangled Icaris, it stretched out several more, like spider legs, grabbing the ground beneath his feet.

Fastos pulled down, ordinary, and even pulled Icaris from the sky, and then, like a cage, trapped him on the ground.

"I don't know what you think, it must be very cool!" Fastos said proudly, looking at Icaris who was kneeling on the ground.

"Let go of me Fastos, I can't let her succeed!" Icaris was very anxious.

"I don't think so." Fastos shook his head. "I wanted to undermine your power, Icaris."

Icaris was furious, his eyes turned to Fastos again, and two energies emerged from his eyes and shot out.

But the rope that trapped him seemed to be able to trap his energy. His extremely sharp eyes were no longer useful. The two "eyes" shot out not too far before disappearing in the air.