Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 535: Charles, Apocalypse made you bald!

【Meiman: All the famous scenes were exposed by me】【】

"It's a guy named Apocalypse." Bruce Banner said, "In the future, there will be an extremely powerful villain in your world. You, Eric, Pietro, and Ruiwen, Hank and others will join hands. , it was extremely difficult to kill it."

"Am I actually teaming up with Charles again?" Eric Lanschel expressed surprise, "It seems that this apocalypse is really powerful."

"She traveled all over the world, chasing Trisk, and after the war, at the Paris conference in 1973, she found Trisk and killed him." In the video, Charles Xavier continues, "That was her. The first murder."

"But it's not the last time." James Rogan's vicissitudes voice sounded.

"Trexic's death did not achieve the results she wanted, but rather stimulated the demand for the Sentinel program to a certain extent." Charles Xavier continued, "They captured her, experimented on her, tortured her. .They discovered the secret of her shapeshifting abilities in her dna, and since then they have mastered the key to making weapons that can deal with all kinds of mutational abilities, in less than 50 years, the kind of weapon that slaughtered so many of our compatriots born."

"Ah..." Seeing this, Riven Darkholm couldn't help but exclaimed, "How could this be! How could this be!"

She never imagined that the sentinel robot was born because of her!

"I said why I think the sentinel robot has a very similar shadow, it turns out to be you, Ruiwen." Eric Lansher also looked like he suddenly realized.

"Eric, what about Raven is enough to prove you wrong?" Charles Xavier and Eric Lansher said, "If Raven didn't want to kill humans, he wouldn't be caught, It would not have led to the birth of this weapon."

"So we should tie our hands, squat down, and let those humans trample us and slaughter us?" Eric Lanschel immediately retorted, "Raven did the right thing, like that kind of weapons expert. It should be killed, but she was too careless and was caught on the spot, this is her fault."

Having said this, Eric Lansheer turned his head to Ruiwen Duckholm and said, "Riwen, if there is such a thing in the future, you should call me, with my help, you will not be Grasp."

"The video says you were arrested in 1973, which is this year." Charles Xavier looked straight at Raven Darkholm, "So Raven, are you chasing that Trisk?"

"I didn't want to say it, I know you will be long-winded, but since the video has been exposed, it seems that I can't hide it." Riven Darkholm nodded, "Yes, I'm chasing Kill that guy."

"Giseth!" Charles Xavier suddenly became a little frantic, "Raven! Do you know what you are doing! You are a kind girl, you are not a killer, you are not Eric!"

"Really Charles? You didn't train me enough, and now you even take me with you when you train others?" Eric Lanschel said aside.

"Shut up!" Eric Lansheer was fine if he didn't speak, but when he spoke, Charles Xavier even began to reprimand him, "You dare say it has nothing to do with you? You must have ruined Ruiwen! Ruiwen What a simple child who never killed a chicken when she was with me. If she hadn't gone with you, she would definitely not have become what she is now, and said it has nothing to do with herself? "

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【Meiman: All the famous scenes were exposed by me】【】

"The most powerful brain in the world will not suffer from Alzheimer's disease in advance, right?" Eric Lansher said, "I can't bear this blame."

"It doesn't matter," said Raven Darkholm. "Now that I know that my assassination of Trask will lead to the end of the mutant world, I will definitely not do that. I declare that I give up."

"Then congratulations, the doomsday of mutants no longer exists," Tony Stark said.

"It all started on that day in 1973, the day she started killing people." In the video, Charles Xavier's vicissitudes of voice continued to sound, "That day she completely became Mystique."

"Do you want to go back to that day?" said the phantom cat, and she had come to this point, how could she still not understand what Charles Xavier meant.

"If I could find her, I could stop her from killing people, and if I could keep her out of the enemy's hands, I could kill the Sentinel project in its cradle," said Charles Xavier.

"Let this war end before it begins," said Eric Lanschel.

All variants, you look at me, I look at you, all are thinking about the feasibility of this plan at the alarm clock.

"I can send someone back a few weeks, a month at most." Phantom Cat found this difficult, she said to Charles Xavier, "but you want me to send someone back decades ago? Professor, you Have the most powerful brain in the world, but at the limit it will collapse and you will be torn to shreds, sorry, no one can afford this time travel."

"What if it's someone whose brain can repair itself?" James Rogan heard it say about someone who can heal even if torn apart? "

"Uncle, it turns out that I really sent you back to the past." Peter Parker said to James Rogan, he didn't expect that he was right when he said it casually.

"It's really me." James Rogan was also a little surprised by this.

"It seems that you can not only heal yourself, but also won't grow old." Eric Lanschel couldn't help but said, "Charles and I are both bad old men in the video, but you are exactly the same as you are now, Nothing has changed."

"Well..." James Rogan shrugged, "It's not something worth showing off."

"What did that girl mean when she said the brain?" Jean Grey asked a question, "She specifically pointed this out, saying that Charles' brain couldn't handle it, and James Rogan also said that his own brain can heal itself, how can time and space be Does travel only shred the brain and not the rest of the body?"

"I really don't understand this," said Raven Darkholm, "but I believe the video will give you the answer."

"If you do this, history will change." In the video, some mutants raised objections, "Some of us will be killed, some of us will never exist, and we don't know how it will change."

"We can keep fighting." A Bing didn't seem to agree.

"When will the fight last?" Storm Girl, one of the elders of the X-Men, said, "You need to make a decision, you can continue to send the bishop back to the past, and warn you again and again that if there is one he If you don't, you'll all die. Or you can lay down your own lives so they and all who died in war can have a future."