Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 97: kissme


   A melodious impact sounded like a temple bell.

   Steve Rogers just fell to the ground.

   jumped down from the 20th floor and landed directly!

   Although vibrating gold can absorb energy to eliminate vibration, it is a 20-story tall building!

   Steve Rogers got up and ran away.

   "Captain, your body is really enviable." This scene made Tony Stark's eyes jump fiercely.

  The people present also expressed shock that Tony Stark was unharmed when he jumped from the 20th floor. Both Thor and Bruce Banner had a calm face, which was fundamental for both of them.

   "How is this possible?" Jasper Hitwell was also shocked by Steve Rogers' feat, and hurriedly gave another order, "Rogers is going to the garage, immediately block the bridge!"

  As soon as the camera turns, two iron doors on the upper and lower sides of the bridge are slowly closing, as if a giant steel beast is closing its mouth.

   But just as the mouth was about to close, Steve Rogers rushed out on a motorcycle.

   woo woo~

   A fighter plane flew over and hovered in front of Steve Rogers. The rotating barrel stretched out and pointed at Steve Rogers.

   "Disarm readiness! Captain Rogers, disarm readiness!" The horn rang.

   Steve Rogers turned a deaf ear, continued to ride forward, spinning the barrel "dada da da da" to shoot at Steve Rogers.

   Steve Rogers rode his motorcycle and turned left and right, avoiding the bullets.

   When he got close to the fighter, he took the shield on his back and threw it forward. The shield was directly inserted into one of the fighter's engines, and it was abolished directly.

   Then Steve Rogers squeezed the brakes, and with the force of inertia, he directly flipped onto the fighter plane and pulled out the shield.

  The fighter plane originally had two left and right engines. Steve Rogers abolished one, and the fighter lost its balance. It turned sideways and threw Steve Rogers away.


   Steve Rogers slammed the shield fiercely, and the shield penetrated into the fuselage of the fighter plane. Steve Rogers borrowed the force from the shield and made an somersault. It was almost like a circus and turned on the fighter plane again.


   He shot the shield towards the rear wing. The shield first hit one empennage, destroying one empennage, and then bounced back to the other empennage, destroying it as well.

"Captain, you are too much." Bruce Banner couldn't help but said, "It's good for your shield to bounce back at ordinary times. How can you bounce back at this time? The shield has been cut into the rear wing, and it's still Can rebound?"

"According to mathematics, even if the rear wing is flexible and can rebound, the angle is completely wrong." Tony Stark couldn't understand. "I used to think I had some level in science, but I found that I couldn't understand it at all. The captain’s shield is gone."

   "Yeah, Captain, how did you rebound?" Thor also asked.

   "That's how I rebounded." Steve Rogers was too lazy to explain.

   One engine was destroyed, and the two tail fins were finished. At this point, the fighter plane was completely finished, blowing black smoke and crashing to the ground.

   And Steve Rogers is holding the shield in the air with one hand and landing in a chic and handsome posture.

"Attention, everyone. Put down your work. This is the first level of combat readiness." In the Tri-Wing Building, Jasper Hitwell issued an order there: "Contact the Ministry of Transportation and adjust the traffic lights in this area. Become a red light and close all runways at Washington Airport, Dulles Airport, and Reagan Airport. Review all communication equipment, phones, computers, PDAs, and all equipment! If anyone finds information about this person, I want to know."

   "With all due respect, if S.H.I.E.L.D. orders the arrest of Captain America, we have the right to know why." Sharon Carter questioned at the time.

"Because he lied to us." A voice came, and Alexander Pierce's body slowly walked in. "Captain Rogers has news about Director Fury's death, but he refused to provide it, although it is very difficult. Accept, but the captain is now a fugitive from SHIELD."

   "This plot is connected to the previous plot." In the answer space, Tony Stark said, "This is what happened after Nick Fury was assassinated by Alexander Pierce."

"Did the director of SHIELD be assassinated by this Alexander Pierce?" Bruce Banner asked, because Tony Stark did not record the video for the first answer, so he just entered the answering space and Tony Stark gave him There is no such segment in the video being played.

"Yes, that was the future that was broadcast when the first answer was made." Tony Stark explained, "In that video, Nick Fury was assassinated by someone sent by Alexander Pierce. He’s from Hydra. Nick Fury hid in the captain’s before he died, he gave the captain a USB flash drive and asked the captain not to trust anyone."

"At that time, Alexander Pierce was able to mobilize the power of S.H.I.E.L.D., indicating that he has not been exposed." Bruce Banner said, "and he said that the captain would not disclose the cause of Nick Fury's death. Obviously he had sought the captain. But the captain kept in mind that Nick Fury should not believe anyone's advice and didn't tell him anything, so he wanted to want the captain."

   "It should be the USB flash drive." Steve Rogers said, "There should be a big secret in the USB flash drive. He wanted me, just to get the USB flash drive given to me by Nick Fury."

This was quickly confirmed in the video. After Steve Rogers escaped, the first thing he did was to take away the USB flash drive he had hidden. Together with Natasha Romanov, they tried to figure out what was in the USB flash drive. what.

   The two found a computer mall in the mall and walked in unceremoniously.

"There are six tracking and positioning programs in the USB flash drive. Once you use it, S.H.I.E.L.D. will know our location." Natasha Romanov said while standing in front of a computer, knocking on the keyboard. .

   "How much time do we have?" Steve Rogers wears a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose and a hat, but that handsome face can still be seen at a glance, and I don't know what the disguise is for.

   "Well, about nine minutes." Natasha Romanov inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, "From now on."

  Sure enough, as soon as the U disk was used here, S.H.I.E.L.D. had an immediate action, and a bunch of people came to the mall.

   On the elevator, when Natasha Romanoff saw the crossbones on the other elevator, she immediately turned around and said to Steve Rogers, "kissme!"