Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 147

Zoe doesn't have that patience, so it's better to take a look at the magnificent scenery of the universe.

Chapter 161 Death is terrible! -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Zoe doesn't have that patience, so it's better to take a look at the magnificent scenery of the universe.

Zoe couldn't stop excited at the thought of the scenery he hadn't seen there, and the strange existence he hadn't encountered before.

As for power, although Zoe wouldn't directly become a buddhist young man, he would not be so deliberate.

But since Odin has such kindness to remind himself, Zoe is not a person who can't listen to good words.

"Well, I remembered." Zoe nodded seriously.

"Hey, I really don't know if it is right or wrong to let you be Asgard's ally." Odin sighed suddenly, and said with a slight worry.

"Right and wrong are never clearly defined, and the future cannot be seen clearly by prediction alone, right?" Zoe replied indifferently.

"Yes, maybe I'm really old, this person always thinks wildly when he gets old."

"The young people nowadays are really incredible!"

After hearing these words from Zoe, Odin smiled bitterly and shook his head, stood up with the gun of eternity, and left.

Zoe turned his head to look at Odin's leaving back, and suddenly felt that the lion was powerless to roar.

Suddenly, Zoe's mind was full of thoughts, and finally turned into a sigh.

That's a sad sigh for the twilight of Odin, the hero of the world!

Seeing Zoe's complex expression, Lorna asked concerned:

"My dear, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just think that time is too terrible, an overlord of the Nine Realms will have a day of troubles and losses, and will actually grow old!" Zoe sighed and shook his head.

"But we won't, won't we?" Lorna suddenly smiled after hearing Zoe's words.

Zoe also nodded with a smile.

Yes, Zoe has an S-level passive skill [Dead River] plus body, which can immortalize.

When the body grows to its peak, it will be fixed, and no matter how time passes, even if it is the vicissitudes of life, there will be no old days.

And Lorna was given immortality by Zoe when she became an adult.

At that time, Lorna, who was not much better than an ordinary person, was stunned that Zoe spent more than 1 million resurrection times before successfully granting Lorna immortality.

If you are a strong man like Odin, it is estimated that there will be no more than 147 resurrection times of hundreds of millions, so don't even think about it.

Zoe got nearly 4 million resurrection times when he slaughtered the whole country of Wakanda.

At that time, there were only more than 2 million dead souls in the [Dead Kingdom]. It was also because the souls of some Wakanda people were too fragile and were directly shattered and recreated by [Death Kingdom].

Of course, such precious immortality, Zoe will only give him the closest person.

Like a bad old man like Odin, Zoe would put a few red flowers in front of his tombstone at best.

And even if Zoeken gave him a new life, Odin's exhausted soul would not agree.

Before he could be bewitched by that trace of death power, it was precisely because his heart was also deeply yearning for the tranquility after death.

At the same time, Thor, who was so annoyed by Odin's ‘coward’, how did he know what forbearance is.

Just pick up the guy and ask a few friends to go to the kingdom of the frost giant to settle accounts.

Heimdall, who had been greeted by Odin a long time ago, also gladly opened the Rainbow Bridge for him.

Odin also came to the Rainbow Bridge after Thor and the others left.

Keep an eye on Thor and the others in the Frost Giant Realm, ready to take action to bring these puppies back.

This heart makes him fuck, there is no end...

(PS: Guiqiu automatic subscription!).

Text Chapter 162-Helpless Rocky

The subsequent development is similar to that in the original book.

Thor and his party made a big fuss in the kingdom of the frost giants.

Then they were driven to desperation by countless frost giants.

Odin arrived at the last juncture and drove this group of troublesome rascals back to Asgard.

But this also buried the war between Asgard and the Frost Giant.

Then Odin also sealed Thor's power according to his plan, and then exiled to the earth.

He also threw Thor's Hammer Mjell'nir on the earth, and he was still very close to Thor.

Everything seemed so logical and orderly.

If this is not arranged in advance, Zoe finds it ridiculous.

The real world is not a script written by a screenwriter. How can there be so many coincidences!

But Odin missed one point, that is, Loki discovered the fact that he was also a Frost Giant during the battle with the Frost Giant.

So there was a scene like this:

As the prince of Asgard, Loki is certainly qualified to enter and leave the Odin's treasury, and come into contact with the treasure of the frost giant-the ice box.

As a result, his complexion disguised by magic came into contact with the Ice Box.

He gradually transformed into the same deep blue as the Frost Giant, and even his eyes became cold blood red.

At this moment, after Loki saw his true face through magic, he completely broke down.

He understood why his nature was so different from the Asgardians.

He understood why Odin preferred his stupid brother Thor from the bottom up.

The contradiction between Asgard's sense of belonging and his real life experience has gradually pushed his extreme heart into the abyss.

By the time Odin realized that the problem had arrived, it was too late.

"Stop it!" Odin yelled when he arrived.