Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 165

As a survivor of the six-dimensional universe, Asgard is certainly not as simple as it seems, and there must be ways to extend life without side effects.

"Boy, you don't understand now, life and death is the law of reincarnation of all things, and one day you will feel boring if you have been alive." Odin sighed tiredly.

"So, you are tired of life, don't you!"

Odin was suddenly full of black lines, and the original good atmosphere was completely destroyed by Zoipi's blow.

"You stinky boy, if you turn your poisonous tongue to improve your strength, you might have become a god!" Odin said angrily.

But Zoe waved his hand casually, and the expression on his face slowly became serious.


"Huh?" Odin looked at Zoe suspiciously.

"4.3 When you are dying, you must fight with me. An existence like you shouldn't fall silently. Show the world your strength for the last time!"

Zoe looked at Odin with a strong sense of war in his eyes.

After hearing Zoe's words that were tantamount to the next battle, Odin stopped and stared at each other expressionlessly.

After a long while, he suddenly showed a smile that didn't fit his age. It was the same madness and fighting spirit with Zoe.

"Okay! But it's not certain who will die by then!"

"Haha, that's it!"

Zoe disappeared into Odin's forehead vision without turning his head after speaking, and Odin heard a word in the distance.

"You should be a monster in the world, but you have to condense your minions and become a waste..."

(PS: Guiqiu full subscription! Guiqiu automatic subscription!).

Chapter 176 of the main text is suffocating, and there is fire!

After hearing these words, Odin smiled bitterly and shook his head, whispering to himself.

"This kid is really hostile, he's still young and energetic."

After speaking, he returned to Asgard's palace and took charge of government affairs. It seemed that Zoe's nearly exterminating the Frost Giant seemed to be over.

But Odin can't ignore the attitudes of other circles. There are still many places to adjust.

But who can say that Odin is not looking forward to the life and death battle with Zoe!

As soon as Zoe returned to Asgard's residence, an unexpected guest knocked on the door.

When Xiao Bone came up and opened the door, he saw Thor was standing there with Thor's Hammer. Zoe turned his head and glanced at him, indicating that he would ignore him when he came in.

After all, Thor is not his old son, although this trip to the earth has made this bear kid grow up a lot.

But the reckless man's rules of conduct have been with him for thousands of years, how could it be changed all at once.

Now he is not worthy of Zoe's attention either in terms of ideology or strength!

Now Thor's thoughts basically remain at the level of a fighter, and he is still not qualified to be a king.

Now he can only be said to be grown up at best, and there is still a long way to go from the king in "Avengers III"11.

How can you become a king who destroys the earth without experiencing the collapse of the earth!

"What's the matter, let's talk about it!"

When Thor put Thor's Hammer on the table and sat opposite Zoe, Zoe asked casually.

"Your Excellency Zoe, I want to ask you something. Are you a human being on Earth?" Although Thor's words are questionable, they are extremely positive in tone.

Zoe nodded, confessed happily, sitting there, the old **** was watching Thor, waiting for his words afterwards.

Zoe had probably guessed what Thor wanted to ask.

It must be that this product came into contact with the S.H.I.E.L.D. gang after arriving on Earth, and learned about some of what Zoe had done on Earth, so he came here.

"Your Excellency Zoe, have you ever massacred the superheroes on earth."

Thor stared at Zoe's eyes tightly, his muscles tensed, and he was ready to fight back the next moment Zoe took his hand.

Although Zoe had guessed it a long time ago, when Thor asked him in this questioning tone, Zoe was still very upset.

"Little Thor, let me give you a lesson. When your strength hasn't reached a level, you must maintain the minimum respect for beings stronger than you, otherwise one day you won't know how you died. "Zoe frowned and said.

However, Thor, with a stiff head, as if he hadn't heard Zoe's words, still asked stubbornly:

"Your Excellency Zoe, have you ever massacred the superheroes on earth!"

This time Thor increased his volume, and the last three words even roared out.

His purpose is also very simple. On the one hand, he is angry at Zoe's excessive behavior on Earth.

After all, now his girlfriend Jane is an earthling, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging to this backward civilization on earth.

On the other hand, he was also extremely disturbed by Zoe's extremely dangerous existence in Asgard.

Now Zoe's mood is completely bad. Originally, he had just obtained a handy artifact, and he was about to set sail to explore the unknown universe. Zoe's mood was better than ever.

But now, Thor, the second stupefied man came to the door for a questioning.

Zoe didn't do it right away because of Odin's face. After all, the old man had spared his money for his new weapon, Death Scythe.

"So what!" Zoe said calmly, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, like stagnant water.

Chapter 176 There is a suffocating breath and a fire! -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"So what!" Zoe said calmly, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, like stagnant water.

If you are familiar with Zoe, seeing Zoe’s current state will definitely hide as far away as possible.

Because once this expression appears on Zoe's face, it means that he is really angry!

Thor took a deep breath after getting the affirmative answer from Zoe, and said forcefully:

"Then I can only ask Lord Zoe to leave Asgard!"

Thor, who has been well protected by Odin since he was a child, is still stuck in the naive concept that justice is justice and evil is evil.

In his philosophy, those superheroes on earth who protect civilians are the righteous, and Zoe who slaughtered them is naturally evil.

Thor, who believes that Asgard is to maintain the existence of justice, naturally does not allow him, and Zoe, the time bomb, stays here.