Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 205

But the enthusiasm in these guys at the moment is the same!

And now the disaster of Krixing has also begun to ferment...

(PS: Guiqiu all orders!).

Chapter 206 Human Blood Ruby

I saw Kerry Star’s core that was shattered by Star Destroyer Artillery, after a brief calm.

Like a waking beast, burst out appalling rage.

Countless unconstrained magma spread wildly along the cracks.

At the same time, the entire Kerry star began to vibrate slightly.

The earthquake is coming!

And the scary thing is that in just 2 minutes.

The magnitude of the earthquake has changed from the original one to a magnitude twelve earthquake.

Moreover, the scope of the earthquake is global, and there are countless people to hide from.

"Now we are making an emergency report. All the people on Kerry, please quickly drive the spacecraft to escape, and our home planet will be destroyed!"

"Repeat, all the people on Kerry, please drive the spacecraft to escape quickly, our home planet will be destroyed!"

"Repeat, all the people on Kerry, please drive the spacecraft to escape quickly, our home planet will be destroyed!"


The announcer said sadly.

After speaking, he also tore off the earphones used for broadcasting.

Fleeing to the spaceship in a panic, ready to escape Kerry.

With the unprecedented earthquake, the tall buildings in all cities began to tilt and even broke down.

Countless Keli people who have not reacted to the 187 taste, as well as the aliens who came to Keli Xingxing to play, have been buried in the ruins.

Only a small number of people who got the news in advance, those who were closer to the spaceship, or those who were lucky enough not to be smashed into meatloaf by the collapsed building, managed to escape.

They were sitting on the spaceship with lingering fears and looked down at their homeland from the sky.

The earth seemed to be torn apart, and everything in sight was tilting and collapsing.

The whole world seemed to be trembling violently.

Countless compatriots screamed and fell into the bottomless crack.

The prosperous city turned into a ruin in an instant.

The peaks that were originally tourist sacred sites suddenly plunged into the ground and turned into big pits.

Although the Kerry civilization has developed to the point where it travels freely in the galaxy, it is in the face of the vastness of nature.

They are just bugs!

However, this disaster that makes the soul tremble is just an appetizer.

The appetizer will be on the table soon.

As the city continues to collapse, the energy devices that are hidden underground and used to power the entire city have been continuously compressed and shattered.

Unstable torrents of energy still collide with each other.

The device that was originally loaded with energy, at this moment, is like a pressure cooker, constantly pressurizing and repressurizing those raging energy torrents.

After all energy-binding devices reached the upper limit, they shattered suddenly.

What followed was countless big explosions resounding through the world, and most cities on Kerry began to stage such tragedies one after another.

Countless people who survived the earthquake had no bones left by the nuclear explosion on the way to escape from the spacecraft.

Only a handful of people who hid in the spacecraft one step ahead of time survived.

In an instant, the city that had been turned into ruins was completely transformed into a hot magma **** after being baptized by the torrent of energy.

With the continuous explosion sounded, the main course finally reached the table.

I saw a pungent sulphurous smoke bursting out of the big openings on the ground that had been cracked by the earthquake.

In an instant, the entire Kerry star was shrouded in thick smoke.

Millions of people died of inhalation of the smoke from hell, poisoning or suffocation.

Chapter 206 Human Blood Ruby-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Millions of people died of inhalation of the smoke from hell, poisoning or suffocation.

And as the smoke poured out, a dazzling red appeared in the depths of the cracks.

Then countless magma rushed out from the cracks, and the volcanoes on Kerry also began to erupt.

Countless volcanic ash spread all over the sky of Kerry in an instant, blocking the originally bright sunlight.

Suddenly, the entire Kerry star never recovered to its bright yellow color, but turned into a deadly gray planet.

However, this is only temporary, with the influx of countless magma in the mantle (adfa).

It only took 5 minutes for the entire Keli Star to be enveloped in blood-red magma.

It may be that the composition of Kerry Star is slightly different from that of Earth, and its magma is not crimson.

But the dazzling blood red, which looks like blood red.

Suddenly cut off vitality!

Only the people who were sitting in the spaceship flying in the sky survived, except that Kerry became a **** of purgatory.

The planet originally inhabited by billions of creatures, the vibrant Kerry star is completely dead at this moment.

This is the real power of the Star Destroyer, and it is too difficult to completely smash a planet.

Therefore, Skynet developed the star destroyer based on the structure of the planet.

Facts have also proved that Skynet's theory is correct, and the Star Destroyer can bear its name.