Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 211

Xiaohei's 020 said that the loss on his face became more intense.

The confused eyes make people feel distressed, just like a child who is away from home doesn't know where he is going.

"I know what you mean, don't be afraid, don't be lost."

"You know, you are a god!"

"The power attribute of your faith is guardianship. It is too wasteful that your ability is only used to guard us."

"Go and find, the universe is huge, you will always find a race worthy of your own protection!"

"In this way, you are the true guardian god. Just guarding us, you are at best a senior bodyguard."

Speaking of Zoe, he held the lost Blackie in his arms.

After feeling the reassuring temperature in Zoe's arms, the loss and confusion in Xiao Hei's heart eased slightly.

Her heart seemed to be reflecting Zoe's words, and an unprecedented brilliance gradually appeared in her eyes.

That is something called the direction of life...

"I see, master."

"When you leave the customs, I will definitely let you see a different Xiao Hei, a Xiao Hei called the patron saint." Xiao Hei said firmly.

Although he was still a little sluggish, Xiao Hei's body sprouted an unprecedented temperament (adcg).

Zoe nodded in relief with Xiao Hei in his arms.

"I believe you!"

After speaking, he put down Xiao Hei and looked at Xiao Bone.

"Small bone!"

"I am, Lord!"

Xiaogu hurriedly got up from the sofa when he heard Zoe call to him, ready to listen carefully to Zoe's oracle.

Seeing Xiao Bone's nervous look, Zoe smiled helplessly.

But she didn't tell her again not to do this in front of her.

"Small bone, your predecessor is the crazy angel Zatanos."

"You, who inherited her little memory, stubbornly take the angel's set of rules as your own rules of conduct."

After hearing these words, Xiao Gu lowered his head in a loss.

Even the unquenchable fire of **** is not as active as before.

Chapter 210: The Lost Child and the Parting Message-->> (Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Even the unquenchable fire of **** is not as active as before.

"But I never blamed you. This is a gift from Zatanos before he died, but it is also a **** to your nature."

"Zatanos is the same as you, born with no freedom, no will of his own."

"The difference is that Zatanos was forced by the old rascal of God, and you were bound by the memories she left behind."

"Small bone, you are yourself, you are not Zatanos, you also have your own nature, don't suppress it."

"I hope that when I leave the customs, I can see a small bone that can joke with me unscrupulously."

"Rather than this one, the one who takes my will as his own way forward."


Xiao Bone raised his head after hearing that Zoe didn't blame himself.

It's just that the **** on her body is even more bleak at this moment, and the flames are also vacillating.

She had only lived a simple life like obeying Zoe's orders, and at this moment, she was as confused as Xiao Hei about the future.

But still nervous and immediately answered Zoe's question.

"Understand, Lord!"

"Do you really understand?" Zoe asked again.

Suddenly Xiao Bone lowered his head in shame.

Seeing her like this, Zoe stepped forward and embraced her.

"Master, it can't be like this, but you..."

Xiao Bone was held in his arms by Zoe, and suddenly became at a loss, and tried his best to restrain the fire of **** on his body, lest he contaminate Zoe's body.

"I'm your family!" Zoe interrupted Xiao Bone immediately.

"Don't be afraid, I know it's difficult to break the shackles, but I believe you can do it."

"In a way, both you and Xiao Hei were born from me, and the first person you met was also me."

"You are all my children!"

"Your status is the same, you are unique, don't feel inferior, and don't restrain me."

I don't know why after hearing Zoe's words, Xiao Bone who was at a loss suddenly quieted down.

Shaking and hugging Zoe with his bone hand.

Zoe smiled with satisfaction at this scene, a smile from the heart.

What Zoe didn't notice, the ossicles in his arms had undergone some changes.

The dark blue flames of **** that originally surrounded her suddenly flashed a golden light in the depths!

"Now, let me give you a gift. I can't worry about asking you to go out like this."

As Zoe spoke, he tapped his consciousness into the [Dead Kingdom].

Then he transferred the power of belief of 10 million believers directly to Xiaogu using himself as a medium.

After that, the power of faith of these tens of millions of believers will no longer flow into the sea of ​​faith of Zoe's soul, but will directly flow to the bones.

Xiao Bone is different from Xiao Hei's ability to become a god. Zoe's doing so is the only way to improve Xiao Bone's strength.