Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 231

Tony's personal cell phone that had been carrying with him suddenly rang.

Suddenly, the smile on Tony's face disappeared, and his face solemnly took out the phone.

Only a few people know about this call, and they won't call it if it's okay.

"Tony, he's back!"

After Tony answered the phone, Nick Fury's emotionless voice came out of the microphone.

Even if he tried to hide his emotions, Tony could still hear a hint of anxiety and fear in it.

In an instant Tony guessed who the ‘him’ in Nick Fury’s mouth was.

The tragic war five years ago has become a psychological shadow of all superheroes.

Everyone subconsciously sealed that memory in the bottom of their hearts, unwilling to recall it, and even more unwilling to mention it.

Little Pepper also heard Nick Fury's words, and subconsciously grabbed Tony's arm, and looked at Tony worriedly.

But at this moment Tony did not give her the slightest response, and fell completely into his own memories.

He is very grateful that Zoe, this friend, can resurrect Pepper, so that his soul will not be placed in nowhere and drift for life.

But he has to admit that Zoe's character still has strength, which is too dangerous for the fragile earth.

So he himself didn't know what kind of attitude he should respond to Zoe who returned to earth.

Tony is now very contradictory, so contradictory that he doesn't know what to say to the black egg on the other end of the phone.

Suddenly, there was only the sound of breathing from both sides of the phone, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme for a while.

After a while, Tony spoke first.

"What do you want me to do?"

Nick Fury, who was waiting patiently from the other side of the phone, suddenly brightened his eyes.

Tony's ability to say this meant that the originally frozen relationship between them had finally cracked.

In fact, S.H.I.E.L.D. has completely lost its prestige since Zoe slaughtered all the superheroes five years ago.

Almost everyone subconsciously resisted cooperating with S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., and did not even touch them.

After all, Gu Yi said at the beginning that even if they didn't encircle Zoe, people Zoe also disliked the earth as meaningless, and wanted to make waves in the universe.

The original layout of S.H.I.E.L.D. was purely redundant, and everyone was killed.

Everyone has resentment towards SHIELD.

May I ask who else is willing to cooperate with the organization that pits himself to death in this situation.

Including Tony, Peter the Spider and a series of heroes with great sense of responsibility, SHIELD people have been completely shut out for the past 5 years.

Doing their own, the aggrieved SHIELD can only wipe their **** behind their backs.

S.H.I.E.L.D. can bully those who are weak and have no background.

But for Tony, a wealthy man with assets of hundreds of billions, S.H.I.E.L.D. dare not use coercive means.

The now-growing Stark Group can be said to be so a decision can trigger an economic tsunami.

If he dares to die, he believes that a single phone call can cut S.H.I.E.L.D. funding by half.

Chapter 225 Sorrow of the Weak! -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

If he dares to die, he believes that a single phone call can cut S.H.I.E.L.D. funding by half.

Although it is low to raise money, for the hugely organized SHIELD, funding is their lifeblood.

If you don't have funds, why don't you buy equipment for the agents, and why make them sell their lives and have patriotic feelings?

Sorry, in the capitalist country of the United States, money is the only belief of all people!

Even the little spider has a good relationship with Tony, plus the huge prestige that he has accumulated in New York City over the past 10 years.

It has also become an existence that S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau cannot afford to provoke.

As a result, the Avengers plan of Nick Fury has not made any progress in the past five years, not even a single person has been recruited.

It can not be said that there is no one. Recently, the black bittern egg still flicked to a soldier who had been sleeping for 70 years.

By the way, this is the first time Tony has shown his intention to cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D. during these 5 years.

So, facing Tony, Nick Fury can't be upset.

After all, there was the first time, and there will be countless times afterwards.

After taking the most difficult first step, the subsequent communication and cooperation will be much easier. 0...

"Tony, I know that your relationship with Zoe is good. In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, I need you to contact Zoe and figure out the purpose of his return to Earth this time."

"After all, you also know that the relationship between that man and S.H.I.E.L.D. is not very good." Nick Fury said embarrassingly.

"If you can, it would be better if you can get news about the universe from him."

The black braised egg added one last sentence, and then waited nervously for Tony's reply.

After Tony heard the words of the black marinated egg, he just replied nonchalantly.

"I know."

Then he hung up the phone decisively.

But his heart couldn't help feeling ridiculous about Nick Fury's thoughts.

What about Zoe’s purpose?

Even if that man wants to destroy the earth, can he stop it with the power of the earth?

The answer is definitely no!

Although after the war five years ago, all countries in the world and all superheroes are working hard to increase their strength.

But Zoe is like a **** standing in the sky, making everyone out of reach.

They found desperately, even now.

They face the same ending to Zoe 5 years ago, and there will be no change.