Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 245

Consider which superpower is likely to cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. in the end.

Magneto is no good, who knows if this old man will take this opportunity to destroy humanity and realize his ideal of being a mutant.

Professor X can't do it either, Loki's scepter can control people's hearts.

In case Professor X is controlled, all mankind is basically dead with his ability.

Dr. Pim might do it, but they can't find it at S.H.I.E.L.D. now.

This guy has completely disappeared in this world with his daughter since he was resurrected from death 5 years ago.


In the end, Nick Fury sadly discovered that only a few of the entire stack of materials were useful.

First of all, Dr. Banner, who now lives in seclusion as a volunteer doctor in the border zone.

Nick Fury decided to use his knowledge of gamma rays to find the Rubik's Cube of the Universe and flick it over.

After he got on the thief ship, he didn't worry about not turning into a Hulk at the critical moment to help himself.

Followed by Iron Man Tony Stark.

I believe that with Tony's overwhelming sense of responsibility, he will definitely help after 0.6 realizes the seriousness of the matter.

There is also the newly recovered American captain Steve Rogers.

Needless to say, no matter how great his reputation is, he is just a big soldier.

The mission of a soldier is to obey orders.

When Nick Fury looked at the US team's information in his hand, he had a deeper plan in his heart.

That is to let the US team be the captain of this upcoming team.

Let his spirit be full of people around him, and finally take everyone for his own use.

It has to be said that it is not unreasonable for Nick Fury to be the director of SHIELD.

Not only was his face black, but his heart couldn't go far red!

At this time, I still have a small calculation in my heart.

He deserves to fall to the point where it is today!

(PS: Guiqiu full subscription! Guiqiu automatic subscription!).

Text Chapter 235 Loki: Believe it or not, I cry for you

With the issuing of new orders from Nick Fury, all the expatriates were recalled one after another.

Then began to focus on those specific people.

As expected by Nick Fury, Dr. Banner agreed first, followed by Iron Man Tony.

Although Tony's attitude was a bit bad, he finally agreed.

Needless to say, the US team, who is still in a state of confusion, is worried about not knowing where he is heading.

Nick Fury gave him a mission to save the world and ran over immediately.

In this way, the first generation of Avengers candidates are finally considered to be ready for the time being.

Although only the Hulk has a high-end combat power, it is still uncontrollable.

But anyway, it can be regarded as having a certain resistance.

At the same time, Loki also appeared in public.

The next plot development is similar to the original.

After a few shots, Loki announced his surrender with a weird smile.

Then he was hijacked by Thor, the **** of thunder, who had come from Asgard on the way.

Of course, Tony and the US team could not look at their captives, just like this was abducted by a big man who fell from the sky.

03   jumped off the plane one after another to prepare to blast Thor, and then **** Loki back.

On the cliff, Thor roughly threw Loki to the ground, and then began to question him constantly.

Trying to use his brotherly affection to affect his naughty brother, let him hand over the universe Rubik's Cube.

In the end, he was speechless by the eloquent Rocky.

I can't say it, so I can only use his sledgehammer to make Rocky shed tears of repentance.

Just when Thor raised the Thor's hammer that had been repaired, ready to teach Loki a lesson.

Tony drove the armor like a shooting star across the horizon, violently knocking it into flight.

But Loki, who was left unattended, didn't mean to take this opportunity to escape in the slightest.

Instead, he watched the contest between Iron Man and Thor with interest.

In Zoe's villa, New York City.

Zoe looked up at the thunderstorm clouds in the sky, feeling the familiar breath that suddenly descended on the earth.

He smiled suddenly and turned to look at Lorna next to him.

"Girl, do you want to go out to play and meet some acquaintances."

Lorna looked at the gloomy sky outside, then looked at the tablet that was playing the TV series in her hand, and shook her head without hesitation.

"I won't go, husband, have fun, come back early."

"Well, I'll be back soon." As he said, Zoe kissed Lorna's forehead.

At the next moment, Zoe teleported in the direction of his perception.

Then he appeared in the air several kilometers above, and his golden eyes instantly spotted Iron Man and Thor who were fighting.

I also saw Loki who was watching a good show with his arms on the cliff.

"This hammer is awesome."

"Tor is still so stupid that he actually charged that Tin Man with Mirniel."