Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 260

At the same time, the green data stream flashed quickly in his eyes and began to invade the signal towers and satellites of the entire earth.

In an instant, all devices on the earth that can display images began to flash snowflakes, and the next moment it became an image of the battlefield in New York City.

"Ahem, can you hear me?" Zoe took out a microphone from the treasury and said with a happy smile on his face.

He has a lot of bad taste, and at this moment he finally understands why Gao Tianzun, the brother of the collector in "Thor 3", can't put it down in the arena.

This feeling of dominating everything and using sentient beings as pawns really makes people want to stop.

Even Zoe, who was originally calm, couldn't help acting as a host on a whim.

After confirming that the microphone signal has been connected to the live broadcast.

Zoe motioned to Skynet to turn the screen to point to two distinct groups on the ground.

"Dear viewers, please look at the people below."

"Next, these ugly aliens will have a duel with the heroes you admire."

"The bet is the rise and fall of both civilizations!"

"So, pray, cheer!"

"Pray for your superheroes to do more this time!"

"Cheers for these extraordinary existences on the fragile earth!"

Speaking of excitement, Zoe even stood up in a high mood.

Pointing to the people of the two camps on the ground with full enthusiasm.

In the villa, Lorna couldn't help covering her face as she watched the second-year-old man on the TV.

Who is this funny person? I do not know him……

At the same time, Xiao Hei, Xiao Bone, and Groot also sat in front of the TV after hearing Zoe's voice.

I watched Zoe's performance with great interest.

Unlike the lawless gangsters like Zoe, everyone who watched this live broadcast was panicked at the moment.

Some people do not believe it, and some feel that the end of the world will begin to go out of their homes, burn, kill, and looting unscrupulously, and vent their inner fears.

Sudden global chaos.

After seeing Zoe's figure in the video, the U.S. government was shocked in a cold sweat, and immediately ordered the plane carrying the nuclear bomb to return.

Nick Fury, who was still on the hospital bed in S.H.I.E.L.D., almost fainted again after seeing Zoe out to do something.

But in any case, this game, which Zoe seemed to just pass the time, had already made everyone highly nervous.

"Next, the two sides have 10 seconds to decide who will be the first round." Zoe said, looking at the person below.

Chapter 245: Taking all beings as chess pieces-->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Next, the two sides have 10 seconds to decide who will be the first round." Zoe said, looking at the person below.

Suddenly, the people below panicked.

And Zoe also explained the specific rules of the game to the audience during this time.

The people in the Cherita camp are okay, most of them are miscellaneous soldiers.

There is no need to choose people, just look at the candidates on the earth's side and decide the number of people sent by one's side.

On the earth, most heroes work independently.

Zoe only gave 10 seconds, and they really couldn't choose anyone for a while.

And most people have a heartfelt resistance to the ring that Zoe built.

You should know that as long as you step on the ring, you are putting the burden of the rise and fall of the earth on your shoulders.

Death is not terrible, but your own death may tire the entire earth, which is terrifying.

Everyone is subconsciously resisting participating in Zoe's game.

After seeing this scene, Tony sighed deeply.

He directly rejected all opinions and went to the front of the crowd.

"Our earth camp decided to send Hulk!"

Tony yelled directly, ignoring the noisy people behind him.

If they wait for a result of their quarrel, it is estimated that the cucumber vegetables will be cold by then.

And after seeing that the earth camp sent the monster that tormented himself.

A weird smile appeared on Loki's face.

I saw that he randomly dragged out a miscellaneous soldier from the crowded Cherita star people.

"Our side will send him." Rocky pointed to the confused soldier in his hand and said.

When Zoe saw that both sides had decided on their candidates, he shouted into the microphone in a passionate tone:

"Now both parties have decided on the candidates for the first round."

"The one sent by the earth is Hulk, the Hulk."

"Don't look at this fat green man with only one pants left, but once this big guy exerts his strength, he will be unstoppable."

"And what the alien side sent is..." For a while, Zoe looked at the trembling miscellaneous soldier and got a little 790 stuck.

"Uh, it's a small soldier."

After talking, Zoe gave Loki a dissatisfied look.

When Loki noticed the look in Zoe's eyes, he also smiled wryly.

Zoe knew what Loki meant, nothing more than Tian Ji's horse racing set.

Loki, who has seen the violent output of the Hulk, of course knows that even if all the Cheritas are picked up, it is estimated that it will only be a disastrous ending.

No way, the setting that the fat green man gets more anger and power is too BUG.

That's why Rocky only sent a miscellaneous soldier, anyway, this one was already lost.