Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 269

The next moment Wolverine is like a killing machine that doesn't know how tired it is.

A **** storm was stirred up in the array of Cherita's army.

But other heroes who are good at close combat do not have the self-healing power of Uncle Wolf.

As the saying goes, one blast will fail again and again.

After the first round of mass killings.

Now all the people have lost the aura of ignoring others from the beginning.

Except for Uncle Wolf who took the initiative to plunge himself into animality in exchange for greater lethality.

The others were dispersed by Cherita's army.

Surrounded by one by one, they were caught in a bitter battle.

As time goes by, in front of Cherita's army seems endless battle of wheels.

Bone scars were gradually hung on their bodies.

Even the steel man who seems to be rock solid has been hit by countless energy rays, and his body has turned into a hot red due to the continuous high temperature.

The scorching heat continued to scorch his nerves.

It's like putting a living person in an oven, every slight movement is a heart-piercing torture.

And whenever the Steeler hammered a miscellaneous soldier into meatloaf, his fist under force would slightly deform.

It's like an iron block hit by a hammer.

In the end, the five fingers of the entire fist had been fused together and turned into a big iron block.

The situation of others is similar.

Relying on its extraordinary speed of reaction, the beast swiftly shuttled over the head of Cherita's army.

Smash the heads of the soldiers one by one.

But a sudden energy ray hit him in the leg.

The beast fell from the sky with a howling like a plane that lost its power.

In an instant, countless sharp blades pierced his chest all at once.

At this critical juncture.

The Wolverine, who had completely fallen into the animal character, was bathed in the blood of the Cherita Stars, and smashed in front of the beast to tear all the soldiers besieging him to pieces.

Then he ignored the beasts and continued to rush to the next superhero who was besieged and fell into danger.

However, the frustrating thing is that even though they fought in blood, they have already bet on their lives.

But the damage caused can only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg of the entire Cherita army.

Even the commander of Cherita only sent less than 1,000 people, making them into a desperate situation that would collapse at any time.

The remaining nine thousand people continued to remotely output Tony and the others.

The whole situation is developing at its worst.

At this moment, the Cherita Stars also discovered the most effective way to deal with these superheroes who are immortal.

Chapter 251 Hard Fight-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At this moment, the Cherita Stars also discovered the most effective way to deal with these superheroes who are immortal.

Tekken is a little-known hero.

But the qi in his body is a panacea-like ability.

Attacks that can amplify one's own can also cover the body surface for defense.

Relying on the fighting skills postponed to the peak.

Tekken turns killing into a **** art, and every action is full of beauty called violence.

He pierced the chests of all the soldiers with his fists.

Unknowingly, he had already reached the edge of the barrier.

And a miscellaneous soldier also aimed at the trigger pulled by his chest.

In an instant, a azure blue energy ray hit his heart.

At the very moment, the intuition that Iron Fist had cultivated through countless battles allowed the qi to subconsciously gather on his chest, counteracting this lethal attack.

But the huge kinetic energy on the energy ray could not be offset by his Qi.

Iron Fist flew like a kite with a broken line.

Rushed straight to the barrier set by Zoe.

Then, under the corrosion of death divine power on the enchantment, there was not even a scream, and it turned into pieces of fly ash.

Suddenly, in the center of the entire Cherita army, a special presence with a head three times the size of a normal Cherita star flashed in the eyes.

In the next moment, all the miscellaneous soldiers changed their combat methods one after another.

They are like moths rushing towards the candlelight, desperately rushing to the close combat superheroes desperately resisting.

When the superheroes killed one, ten of them pounced on it.

This state of fear of death shocked everyone.

Immediately afterwards, these miscellaneous soldiers took the suppressed superheroes step by step towards the barrier.

Then resolutely rushed to the barrier with them, turning into pieces of flying ashes.

The culture of Cherita Star is very unique, just like an insect swarm, an army has only one mastermind.

The main brain can arbitrarily control all the miscellaneous soldiers under his command.

The self-awareness of Zabing is only the second echelon.

Once linked by the mastermind's consciousness, their lives and behaviors are not controlled by them.

This is also the root reason why the miscellaneous soldiers suddenly feared death.