Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 287

"Okay, okay, I haven't seen Master for a long time, I miss her." Lorna said excitedly.

Five years ago, she had studied magic with the **** queen Frigga for half a month.

Moreover, the relationship was still quite good at that time, and they all came to Friga as their teacher.

When the Rockets heard the conversation between Zoe and Lorna, they were surprised.

"Asgard! The paradise of the legendary universe! Does it really exist?"

In the eyes of most people in the universe, Asgard is just an invented Garden of Eden.

Doesn't exist in this world at all.

Xiao Hei glanced at the Rocket disdainfully while gnawing on the grilled fish.

"Stupid mammal, I have been to Asgard 5 years ago, making a fuss!"

"Mongrel cat, want to fight?"

Rocket angrily pointed the spoon in his hand at Xiao Hei.

Not to be outdone, Xiao Hei grabbed a grilled crunchy saury with his claws, and faced the Rockets **** for tat.

Before the two started a battle, Zoe grabbed Xiao Hei by the back of his neck and picked him up.

"Mammal? I seem to be too." Zoe Yin said with a smile.

Suddenly the grilled fish in Xiao Hei's hand slipped weakly, his body stiffened and his eyes widened.

He turned his head mechanically to look at Zoe's gloomy face, flattering his two small paws together.

"The great master has detached from this level a long time ago, how can it be compared with this grumpy miscellaneous hair."

As he spoke, he glanced disdainfully at the sidewalk watching, watching the lively rocket.

"Hehe, Lorna gave it to you."

Speaking of Zoe, he threw the black in his hand to Lorna, who was also ill-intentioned.

Suddenly Xiao Hei's sorrowful howls echoed throughout the villa, as well as the rocket's smirking laughter.

After having breakfast, Zoe asked everyone to pack their luggage.

But he himself dialed Constantine's phone during this time.

"Hey, boss, do you have any instructions?"

The call was connected almost as soon as Zoe aired.

Constantine's magnetic voice came from the microphone.

"We are leaving now, are you coming?" Zoe said lightly.

Constantine on the other end of the phone fell silent.

And Zoe is also patiently waiting for his reply.

In a house no different from a normal house.

Constantine was wearing his iconic trench coat and subconsciously looked at Anna who was making breakfast in the kitchen.

Chapter 263 New Journey-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Constantine was wearing his iconic trench coat and subconsciously looked at Anna who was making breakfast in the kitchen.

A warm smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes.

"No, boss, the earth is Anna's home." Constantine said with a smile.

In fact, he also wanted to see the magnificent picture of the universe with Zoe.

But he was willing to stay for Anna.

Maybe one day, Anna feels that the earth is bored.

Constantine will begin to chase Zoe's pace.

"Okay, say goodbye to me and Anna."

"I won't tell her personally, it's just a little sad."

Zoe seemed to have anticipated Constantine's answer.

I don't know since when, Constantine, the bohemian prodigal son, has become a man who keeps the house.

"Well, good." Constantine nodded looking at Anna who was busy in the kitchen.

"By the way, if you dare to bully Anna, I know, be careful I come back and kick your ass." Zoe said with a smile.

Suddenly, the slightly sad atmosphere due to the parting disappeared a little bit.

0···Find flowers············

On the other end of the phone, there was a wry smile.

"Boss, if she doesn't bully me, I'm grateful."

"How dare I bully her, the keyboard made me kneel down several times."

Constantine whispered, covering the microphone with his hand.

While talking, she watched Anna vigilantly, lest she would hear her.

"Haha, let's stop here." Zoe laughed.

"Boss, take care!"

"So are you and Anna."

Speaking of Zoe, he hung up the phone first.

On the other end, Constantine put down the phone that had become blind.

Looking in the direction of Zoe's villa, he couldn't recover for a long time.

It wasn't until Anna's voice remembered that he brought him back to reality.

"Husband, come and help!"