Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 398

Large chunks of rocks collapsed, and shards of mountains shattered.

All of a sudden, the entire planet's mountains collapsed, and the rivers and seas were overwhelmed.

Then, just after a second, the entire star burst open suddenly.

The hot red star core wrapped in the star body slowly condensed into a figure.

Afterwards, this steaming figure suddenly became as huge as the giant in the haha ​​mirror world.

Before the magma giant opened his eyes, he yawned and stretched.

Seeing this, the giant of the haha ​​ytterbium world immediately opened the big golden book in his hands.

From the pages of the flipped book, dazzling golden rays of light swiftly flew out.

Instantly flooded into the boundary of this independent world, shining the entire boundary of the haha ​​mirror world with magnificent magnificence.

At this time, looking out from here, the outside scene was as static as it was solidified.

At the same time, the bubbling magma giant finally stretched out his limbs and stretched out his waist with great fanfare.

Immediately, from his huge body, an extremely tyrannical wind burst out.

In an instant, it blows the haha ​​mirror world next to it even more deformed and distorted.

More and more golden light gushing from the edge of the latter.

But it still persisted for less than half a second, and it was blown away from the edge of the entire haha ​​mirror world by the wind, and exposed the giant with the big book inside.

Then, I saw that the giant book turned a page gently.

Immediately, a golden light gushed out again, repairing the broken edge of the world again.

At this moment, the giant figure transformed from the magma gradually became clear, slowly revealing a huge armor covering the entire body.

After that, the violent wind gradually stopped, and at this time he looked at the entire space from this planet.

The places that were not too far away from the desolate planet should be full of stars circling each other.

At this time, you can only see that in the endless space, dense dust of fine gravel and gravel are suspended.

The asteroid that originally reflected the stellar light had only a cluster of naked star cores that kept beating, and moxibustion-heated molten molten gurgled out.

Then, the magma giant in the very center shook his body casually, and there was a steady stream of large energy pillars from the surrounding star cores.

Submerge into the body of the tall giant.

With the immersion of these energy, the armor on the giant's body became more and more radiant, showing a complete outline.

"Hey, I still can't swallow it when I am hungry like that adult, and the most important thing is that there is no sequelae..."

"As for me, with just a few small beans, it is estimated that it will take a few hundred years to sleep after eating them before they can be digested."

Hearing this, the giant of the Haha Mirror World could not see any expression, and closed the golden book in one hand.

Immediately after that, the light on the edge of the entire independent world was retracted into the big book.

The haha ​​mirror world has once again become clear and transparent.

"Okay, the entire Celestial God group, and your two brothers once followed that adult, dare to swallow the star core so blatantly."

"As a result, my unsuspecting brother died."

"At the beginning, he vowed to join my fourth team, but even the weakest Jimmy could put him on the ground and ravage him."

Chapter 340 The Ultimate Weapon of the Sleeping God-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"At the beginning, he vowed to join my fourth team, but even the weakest Jimmy could put him on the ground and ravage him."

"I thought that after tens of thousands of years of tempering, he could grow up..."

The giant that emerged from the planet's magma is exactly the brother of the Destroyer God, the "Sleeping God" Tiamut.

Although the most primitive members of the Celestial Group are all derived from Marvel's main cosmic energy body,

However, some gods who have generated consciousness at a similar time or at the same time will treat each other as blood brothers, such as Gao Tianzun and collectors.

Just like seven gourd brothers formed on a vine.

At this time, the'Sleeping God', his whole figure has been completely revealed from the magma.

Like other members of the Celestial Group, he also wore armor that covered his entire body.

And it's still orange-red similar to "Destroying God".

Standing in space, he took a meaningful look at the big golden book in the hands of the giant next to him, and said:

"If it weren't for those few existences, that is to say, the guy with the power of death would kill him."

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

The giant next to him nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said slowly:

"Like Eisen, his timeline was eroded by the power of death, and he couldn't even take them out of time."

"That lady, who can't beat our adults, should we vent her anger on the juniors?"

"Aren't you afraid that our adults will chase other dimensional universes and seal her in?"

"Sleeping God" Tiamut said here, his tone was very dissatisfied.

The giant beside him, from the edge of the haha ​​mirror world, can see that the divine light in his two eyes jumped abruptly when he heard this.

Then, gradually calmed down.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic."


"How is your ultimate weapon progressing?"

"It will probably take 10,000 years to sleep before it takes shape."

The "Sleeping God" calculated it in his heart, and then replied nonchalantly.

"Hundred thousand years to sharpen a sword?"

The giant in the mirror murmured to himself: