Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 413

"Of course, if it is normal, choosing the real size is the best solution. Because becoming bigger or smaller will cause a load on the body."

The orange-red armored man with a little emptiness and mystery looked into Zoe's eyes, and immediately understood the latter's inner thoughts, and then said lightly:

"You're the Earthman Zoe Abs? It's also you, killing my brother, right?"

"Arise told me all your information."

"Presumably, he didn't expect that you would send it to the door and challenge him... and I missed the best time because of this."

"However, your identity from the earth still reminds me of a lot of past events..."

"Back then, after the war with the observer, I was expelled to the earth because of the creation and use of [Infinite Gloves], and I proclaimed myself a satellite on the edge of the earth."

"On Earth, besides the moon, the second satellite?"

When Zoe heard the words, he remembered when he was studying courses on Earth in Marvel's world.

Chapter 351 The Sleeping God Tiamut-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

When Zoe heard the words, he remembered when he was studying courses on Earth in Marvel's world.

It seems that a professor did say that the earth seemed to have two satellites a long time ago.

In fact, Zoe didn't know that such rumors were spread even in his original world.

This made Zoe believe a little bit about the armored man's words, and couldn't help but listen to the other side curiously.

"During the long sealing years, I came up with a way to strengthen the resistance of these fragile life forms in the universe."

"I used my method to pass the blueprint of this scheme to a group of young guys in the Celestial Group."

"Afterwards, they implemented my plan and conducted experiments on the planet closest to me."

"That is the earth. At that time, the life forms on the earth still evolved intelligent life. Under the influence of my plan, a group of abnormal people gradually emerged."

"I heard that later, this group of aliens split into mutants and aliens on your planet."

"After my seal was lifted, I retired from the battle front of the Celestial Group and became keen on creating super-powered weapons and all kinds of weird ideas."

"Before, most of my team members, in order to support my personal creation, also faded out of the fourth team, and went to other Celestial team department 0...."

"As a unbelievable brother died, forget it..."

"But, I didn't expect them to die in your hands without exception."

"Because of the past achievements of the fourth group, all members are free from the constraints of the power of the main universe, and they have open access to all power at any time."

"That's why my brother tried to join my group."

"Never mind, I won't say anything more than..."

"Fight, earthling!"

After finishing speaking, the man in orange-red armor, who was originally light and breezy, suddenly had an unusually aggressive aura.

A swarm of steam came out of his body attached to the armor, forming an orange-red shield.

"So you did the shield just now."

Zoe looked in front of him, remembering the orange shield that suddenly appeared when he killed the Giant Brothers.

"Since you were already there at that time, it means that you also saw my eyes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zoe's eyes flashed with blood red 【Kaleidoscope Writing Round Eye】, staring at the armored man on the opposite side.

However, after a while, it was found that it had no effect at all.

In the sharp and fierce momentum of the orange-red armor man, he directed at Zoe with a slight smile.

Because of the armor, the facial expressions of all the members of the Primordial Celestial Group will be very stiff, which is not very human.

At this moment, the man in orange armor with a small smile made Zoe feel approachable and kind inexplicably.


"Your eyes are indeed very confusing and lethal to our Celestial Group, or the first members of the group."

"Because we are all the purest energy bodies in the universe."

"So, sometimes, the energy is pure, it will appear a little single, and because there is no soul, it is easier to be confused."

"For an inappropriate example, like your children on Earth, they have only eaten one flavor of toffee since childhood. If someone uses a box of chocolates, they can easily be induced to abduct."

"However, your red eyes are of no use to me..."

"But, I am very interested in them now."

"So, leave it to me to keep it for you!"

Rumble! ! !

In an instant, the entire haha ​​mirror world was filled with a tyrannical energy.

(PS: Guiqiu full subscription! Guiqiu automatic subscription!).

Chapter 352 The Final Eraser

This tyrannical energy swept away in this space that had become cramped again, and even completely smoothed out the chaotic time and space turbulence around it.

Seeing this, Zoe quickly supported the [Seven-Dimensional Barrier] that has now been upgraded to a seven-dimensional in his hands.

It has to be said that although Explorer Eisen's combat effectiveness is indeed too weak, this space protection capability is still very good.

It is much stronger than Judge Arither's haha ​​mirror world boundary.

This made Zoe wonder what would become after Lorna absorbed the explorer's godhead.

After a short while, that tyrannical energy destroyed all the space in the mirror world except for the poor land at Zoe's feet.

Then, just like going back in time, the exploded energy radiation wave quickly retracted and condensed into a light cluster.

Floating on the palm of the orange-red armor man who had been in the center of the explosion.

At this time, because of the energy sweep just now, the armor man was floating in the endless dark space, and Zoe stepped on the remaining transparent boundary of the haha ​​mirror world.

"Still not enough 04?"

The armored man gently raised his eyelids, glanced at the burst of light from his hand, and said leisurely: