Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 43

Text Chapter 62 The Innocent King

Yes, King Techaka was right. Although Zoe is now very strong, he still can't survive such an attack.

But what he didn’t notice was that something had been added to Wakanda’s internal network at some point, and the turrets suddenly turned around before launching. The muzzle was facing the hundreds of fronts. Come to encircle Zoe's spaceship.

Not long after Techaka received the news that the spacecraft had been shot down and that the intelligent system that managed the entire city had been compromised.

Wakanda, who has hardly encountered a war for hundreds of years, resisted far less than Zoe had expected. Zoe had united with the fort controlled by Skynet to blow up Wakanda in half, and he did not encounter anything decent. The resistance.

Sure enough, the people of Wakanda have been closed for thousands of years and have not encountered a war. The people here subconsciously believe that Wakanda, which has technology far beyond the world, will not be invaded, so the awareness of prevention is extremely weak.

In this way, Zoe pushed all the way to Wakanda's palace. Looking at the palace that was completely different from the civilian area, Zoe had to sigh that the Panthers can really enjoy it.

Exquisite ornaments made of gold and vibrating gold can be seen everywhere in the palace, and many famous paintings that have been rumored to have been lost are hung in the corridors at will.

Just as Zoe stopped to admire, an angry voice sounded beside him.

"Success, intruder."

Zoe turned his head and saw a man in a black panther uniform and dozens of bald women with spears rushing toward Zoe aggressively. It was the current king of Wakanda, Techaka, and His bodyguard.

The captain of the squadron who ran in front had already thrown out the spear in his hand, and Zoe easily avoided it by one side. Then without hesitation, he launched the [King's Treasure House] to bombard them in their direction.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, only the King Panther was still standing in Zoe's sight, and the rest were dead.

In fact, Zoe is also very curious. Wakanda can make energy weapons. Why is the king's guards still fighting with spears. Although these spears can also emit energy waves, can't you take a gun? And there is not even an energy shield, so it's strange to rush forward so stupidly!

"Who are you?" Techaka said angrily.

"Didn't you tell it all? I did it all, isn't it obvious? I'm an intruder!" Zoe looked at Tchaka like an idiot.

Tchaka was choked and speechless when Zoe was so angry that he didn't pay for his life, and he rushed over to Zoe. He has been strengthened by the heart-shaped grass, and he possesses the superhuman body no less than the captain of the United States, plus the body. The battle uniform that is woven with vibrating gold that can absorb all energy and rebound can be said to be powerful.

Zoe tried a few times, and found that his attack seemed to have nothing to do with this product. Most of the weapons launched by the [Treasure House of Kings] were evaded by Tchaka. Even if they were hit, they could not pass through the Panther armor. Hurt him.

[Child of Light] The light emitted was useless, and Techaka hit Zoe's face directly against the ray.

Chapter 62 The Innocent King-->> (Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

[Child of Light] The light emitted was useless, and Techaka hit Zoe's face directly against the ray.

In the end, Zoe had no choice but to use the old method. Tchaka was **** with a chain and hung in the air. In fact, Zoe didn’t want to use this trick. What if he gets used to it and is treated as a pervert. But who made Techaka wear a bacon that is not broken or burnt.

Zoe looked at Techaka who was still struggling like a zongzi tied in chains, walked slowly in front of him, and then took off his helmet, revealing Techaka's angry face. , If the eyes can kill people, Tchaka would have killed Zoe no less than a hundred times with his eyes.

In the end, Tchaka, who knew that he had recovered, gave up the struggle, looked at Zoe like this, gritted his teeth and asked:

"Why? Why do we want to invade my country? We shouldn't have contact, why did we kill my people for no reason."

Zoe suddenly felt funny when he heard Tchaka's words, and he didn't bear it either. He laughed directly in front of Tchaka's face.

"Hahaha, you are so funny!"

Techaka was stunned by Zoe’s laughter. Seeing Techaka’s unclear look, Zoe explained it to him very kindly. After all, as the lord of a country, he must die. Isn't it?

"Actually, the reason is very simple. You Wakanda have 9 vibrates in the world, and I want them. It happens that I also have the power to destroy you, so I am here."

Tchaka was so annoyed by Zoe's words that he should be able to speak, and even his gums were bitten out of blood.

"You demon!"

Zoe shook his head and looked at Tchaka contemptuously.

"As the lord of a country, you can't fail to understand the principle of survival of the fittest and the weak! How old are you, how can you still be so naive? It is estimated that even if I don't come to destroy you, you will not be able to stay for long."

Tchaka stopped talking at all. In fact, he also understood what Zoe said. This is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. The truth is the same in any world where a weak country has no diplomacy, but Wakanda has huge energy. Covered, even if the nuclear bomb comes, it can protect Wakanda from damage. Gradually, he has subconsciously brought a sense of superiority to the outside world. In fact, he also has this kind of capital, but who would have thought that there would be such a capital? Iraq exists like this.

"Okay, we're almost done talking, it's time to send you on the road, Your Majesty."

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Text Chapter 63

Tchaka suddenly became extremely calm in the face of death. He slowly raised his head, looked at Zoe who pointed his finger at his forehead, and said:

"You can kill me, and Wakanda is yours, but you have to spare my wife and children."

"Why?" Zoe asked curiously, but the movement of his hand did not stop, and the fingertip of the finger pointing to Tchaka's forehead had begun to show a dazzling light.

"Just because there is a super bomb I made with vibrato under the palace, I knew that this time, the controller was embedded in my brain before it came, and it was directly connected to my brain waves, as long as my mind moved. , The bomb will explode, and then the entire Wakanda will disappear, and you will be buried with Wakanda."

After listening to Tchaka's words, Zoe stopped the [Child of Light] launching expressionlessly, and slowly lowered his hand. The situation he was most worried about still happened.

At this time, Skynet has not heard any news, which means that he has not found the super bomb that Techaka said, but it is coming soon. Zoe has a communication device on his body. Skynet has heard Techaka’s words just now. , Is rushing to the location of the super bomb.

"Why should I believe your words, who knows if you are bluffing me."

"You can try!"

Tchaka smiled triumphantly. At this moment, although he was still a prisoner of Zoe, he felt that he had mastered the initiative and didn't know that Zoe was delaying time.

Just as Zoe was thinking about delaying time, the molecular robot Eric, who had entered Wakanda with Zoe before, brought unexpected joy.

I saw that Eric was dragging three unconscious people, a white-haired woman, and two teenagers about his age. After throwing them to the ground, Eric walked to Zoe's side.

"Master, this is the rest of the Wakanda royal family."

"Yeah, good." Zoe nodded approvingly.

At this time, Tchaka also saw clearly the three people that Eric had dragged him, and suddenly the whole person was no longer as calm as he was at home. In fact, just like Zoe, he was delaying time. He had rushed over to stop him. At the time of Yi, the guards had already escorted his wife and children away.

What he said to Zoe before was all nonsense. He was waiting for a message from his wife, and when they were safe, he detonated the bomb and died with Zoe, the demon who destroyed his home.

But what he didn't expect was that the queen who was about to be called the stealth plane would crash into Eric. The guards who escorted them were naturally not the opponents of Eric, who had transformed into a sub-robot. Although Yu had some fighting ability, he was no different from ordinary people for Eric, so he was knocked out and brought over.

When he first entered Wakanda before, Zoe told Eric to let him move freely. Eric, who has loaded the emotion module, is already like ordinary people, so he decisively followed the hatred in his memory and came to the palace. Revenge, I was lucky enough to meet the queen and a group of people who were about to run away.

In fact, even if the queen and the others escaped from Wakanda, it was useless. There was Wakabi, who was controlled by Zoe, guarding them. He had led the tribe to shoot down several spaceships that had escaped.

Although the tribes also questioned Wakabi, after Wakabi killed a few people who led the trouble, the frontier tribe restored stability again and honestly guarded outside the protective shield.

Chapter 63 Cutting Weeds and Roots-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Although the tribes also questioned Wakabi, after Wakabi killed a few people who led the trouble, the frontier tribe restored stability again and honestly guarded outside the protective shield.

"What are you going to do, let them go quickly, otherwise I will detonate the bomb and die with you." Tchaka said angrily, his savage eyes seemed to swallow Zoe alive.

Seeing Tchaka who was panicked, Zoe didn't worry anymore. Now he has a bargaining chip in his hand. As long as he doesn't do excessive behavior, delaying time is not a problem.