Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Chapter 503

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Chapter 423: Ultimate Universe

Zoe took Jaspers to a very luxuriously decorated room. In this room there are everything to play with. This is a place for those couples who are happy and have fun.

After Jaspers came to this place, there was a shy expression on his face. Although it was not the first time he came to this place with Zoe, he was brought here again by Zoe, which made Jaspers Beth's heart is still very shy.

"Brother Zoe, what is your purpose in bringing me here?"

Jaspers looked at Zoe and replied shyly, with a shy smile on his face. He knew that Zoe must have some purpose for bringing himself here, but he really didn’t have any specific purpose. I'm so embarrassed to say it.

"Hahahahahaha, my dear, what purpose do I have, don't you know?"

Zoe smiled and said, still with that evil smile on his face. Looking at his evil smile, 070 people really feel quite speechless.

After saying this, Zoe walked in the direction of Jaspers step by step, and then told him about the shameless things.

Zoe is such a person, he likes to do this kind of thing, if there is a big beautiful woman, he will definitely be quite happy, there is a big beautiful woman like Jaspers next to Zoe, which makes Zoe's I was so happy in my heart.


At the same time, in the mysterious palace, two people are keeping silent. Seeing that they both look like this, they are full of majesty, like a mysterious expert.

"The ultimate universe is about to appear!"

At this time, an older person said very seriously, this person is not someone else, it is eternal, his expression is quite serious, and he is thinking about a problem.

"What is the ultimate universe?"

(cbfe)   There is a young man by the eternal side, this young man is no one else, but the eternal son, the eternal son.

The Son of Eternity asked suspiciously, and he also felt quite puzzled in his heart, not knowing what the ultimate universe was, which made Pluto only feel puzzled in his heart.

"In the ultimate universe, there are basically only the creatures and differences in the earth. In the near future, the earth will become the center of the universe, and the creatures on the earth will become quite powerful!"

Chapter 423 Ultimate Universe-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"In the ultimate universe, there are basically only the creatures and differences in the earth. In the near future, the earth will become the center of the universe, and the creatures on the earth will become quite powerful!"

Eternally said seriously, this is just his disagreement, whether it will come true or not is an unknown matter.

"My father, can you be sure of this matter?"

The Son of Eternity looked at Eternal and asked a question, and he felt quite incomprehensible in his heart. He didn’t know if Eternal’s words were true. If Eternal’s words were true, this would be a very important thing. If eternity is just nonsense, it would be embarrassing.

"I don't know exactly what this matter will look like. This requires a series of attempts. Are you willing to perform this task?"

Eternal looked at the Son of Eternity and said lightly. He also felt quite puzzled about this mission. He didn’t know what to do next. The only thing he could trust was his son, so he had to follow his own. When the son talked about this matter, he hoped his son would take care of it himself. Only the Son of Eternity would take care of this matter himself, and the eternal heart would be able to rest assured.

"My father, if your prediction is correct, then I am willing to deal with this matter!"

The Son of Eternity looked at eternity and said very seriously. They have been discussing the ultimate universe for a long time. Now this ultimate universe is about to appear. The Son of Eternity must not miss this opportunity, and must let the ultimate universe. Serve yourself.

"Okay, my precious son is among so many people. The only person I trust is you. Go ahead. I believe you will have no problem. You must get the ultimate universe for me, absolutely. The ultimate universe is lost!"

Eternal looked at the Son of Eternity and said very seriously. At this moment, his heart is also full of emotion. If he can get the ultimate universe, then he can become the ruler of the universe, the monsters in the universe. We all have to surrender to their feet.

The Son of Eternity also feels quite happy in his heart, because if eternity is to obtain the ultimate universe, then he will be one person below ten thousand people, and he can do whatever he wants in the entire universe in the future.

After thinking of this good thing, Eternal's heart was very happy, and then he did not hesitate to prepare for a while, and then rushed towards the direction of the earth, his purpose is very simple, is to go to the earth, completely master The ultimate universe.

Eternal saw his son go to his face and showed a satisfied smile. He believed in his son's strength. Believing in his son, he would be able to obtain the ultimate universe. Then the entire universe would be their power. I feel very happy when I think about it.

Eternity and Son of Eternity, the two of them are doing things that affect the entire universe. Zoe and Jaspers are doing things to inherit the lineage when they are in bed. The gap between people is so obvious. There are two fathers and sons. Do serious things, their young couple also do serious things, the same is serious, but the gap is so big.

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Chapter 424 Folding Space

The Son of Eternity did not directly come to the earth, because the earth is the main battlefield of the Son of Eternity. He wants to stay at the end to attack the earth and invade the earth. Before that, he went to some other moods, all of which are living planets, but Those planets with life, their strength is very weak, they are not the opponents of the Son of Eternity.

After the Son of Eternity went to the planets with life, he put all the planets with life into his folding space. After the life on those planets entered the folding space of the Son of Eternity, all of them disappeared. .

This behavior of the Son of Eternity can be said to be quite infuriating. He actually killed so many lives in such a short period of time. It really is as angry as he is. Everyone sees this. After the appearance, they will feel quite angry at his behavior.

But more people, they just dare to be angry but don't dare to speak. Although their hearts are full of anger, they dare not express their anger. This is a painful thing.


During this period of time, Zoe was loving and loving on the earth and the big beauties on the earth, doing those repetitive exercises constantly, and I don’t know if Zoe is interesting, doing this every day. Repeated exercises make people look boring.

But in the past few days, Zoe suddenly discovered a strange thing, that is, he feels that his strength is getting stronger and stronger. This is really an unexpected thing, generally only through hard work Only by practicing, his strength will become quite strong, but he hasn't practiced any more recently. Why does his strength become so strong? This makes Zoe feel quite puzzled.

One day Zoe came to the door of Scarlet Witch's house. He hasn't seen Scarlet Witch for a long time. Scarlet Witch is a big beauty. It tickles Zoe's heart. He really wants to do that with Scarlet Witch. Things, if you could do that with Scarlet Witch, it would be perfect.

Zoe didn't hesitate to come to Scarlet Witch's house, wanting to do something with Scarlet Witch while Scarlet Witch was not paying attention.

Zoe has a life-saving grace for the Scarlet Witch. It is Zoe's credit that the Scarlet Witch can survive until now. Zoe helped the Scarlet Witch to restore his sanity. If his sanity is not recovered, now He is a living dead.

"Beauty Scarlet Witch, are you at home-?"

Zoe knocked on the door inside the Scarlet Witch's house, and asked a question in the Scarlet Witch's direction. His heart was really itchy and he really wanted to see the Scarlet Witch.

"Mr. Zoe, I'm at home, what do you want?"

The Crimson Witch's voice came out, and he asked Zoe suspiciously. At this moment, he was also puzzled. I don't know why this fellow Zoe came to find himself. This made the Crimson Witch really puzzled.

"Hahahahahaha, beautiful lady, I'm just passing by and want to chat with you, what do you think?"

Zoe walked to the Scarlet Witch and said with a smile at the Scarlet Witch. A bright smile appeared on his face. It's really shameful to see him like this. Anyone knows that Zoe is here. His purpose is not to chat, he wants to do other things.

Chapter 424 Folding Space-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Zoe walked to the Scarlet Witch and said with a smile at the Scarlet Witch. A bright smile appeared on his face. It's really shameful to see him like this. Anyone knows that Zoe is here. His purpose is not to chat, he wants to do other things.

What does he want to do? Of course it is a matter between men and women.

"Mr. Zoe, you are here just right, and I want to talk to you too. Recently I found that my body is a little wrong. I really feel quite puzzled in my heart. I just want to find someone to talk to you and come Up!"

···Seeking flowers············

The Scarlet Witch looked at Zoe and said something very serious. After Zoe heard what the Scarlet Witch said, his heart was really itchy. I didn't expect that the Scarlet Witch would even want to talk to herself in a whisper. Don't mention how happy Zoe was.

Don't worry, big beauty, no matter what problem you encounter, I can help you solve it. If you feel unwell, I can also help you massage.

Zoe said with a smile, he looked really awkward, he was so awkward, and as awkward as he was, he actually said such stinky and shameless words, which made everyone feel quite speechless in their hearts. .
