Marvel: I Am Odin’s Brother

v4 Chapter 16: Appearance 2

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Conqueror Kang turned out to be a victim?

Wells lowered his eyelids and glanced at the ground blankly.

There are a lot of people who can interfere with time and space, but they can pull people from the future to this era. This should be the means of the creator god.

But Wells knew that several creation gods should not do this.

The gods are about to return, and none of them should disturb the current order of time and space.

And apart from the five of them, it seems that only one person can do it.

That is the "visitor from another world" sealed in the world. Although I don't know the strength of "visitor from another world", I think "it" should be the level of the creator god.

Conqueror Kang continued: "This universe gave birth to a character like you, it's amazing!"


Wells was a little surprised: "Have you been to other universes?"


This has been a given fact when Kang the Conqueror entered the world. Wells was ready for a multiverse invasion.


Conqueror Kang's face was quite complacent: "I used to be the king of the galaxy, traveled through the universe many times, and witnessed the universe from various perspectives..."

"Some of the cosmic Iron Man is a woman and is married to Stephen Rogers..."

"Some cosmic Hulks are tyrannical and ruthless, slaughtering the life of the entire universe!"

Hearing the words of Kang the Conqueror, Tony Stark, who was nailed to the wall by Wells, had a tingling scalp and dared not accept the news for a long time.


Conqueror Kang's words changed, his face was a little cold: "For some reason, some universes have turned into boundless darkness, no life can survive, there are not many universes for me to travel through, and you are one of them!"

Wells' pupils dilated, he opened his mouth, but no sound came out of his mouth.



These four words weighed down Wells like a big rock.


After a while, Wells sighed softly, staring at Kang the Conqueror: "This universe is much more dangerous, and there are countless people who kill you!"

In this sentence, it is not that Wells is threatening Kang the Conqueror. In other time and space, Kang the Conqueror may be able to run amok.

But here, he can only hide like a mouse.

Celestial group, observer, ancient god, king of latitude!

The gods are coming, and these people will appear in the future.

There are too many people who can kill Kang the Conqueror.

"Don't be afraid..."

Conqueror Kang opened his palm, revealing a small bomb.

Conqueror Kang smiled and said: "In a certain time and space, I used to be the king of the galaxy. I infiltrated the observers and successfully stole their weapons. As long as I detonate this bomb, this galaxy will be destroyed!"

This guy really came prepared!

Wells gritted his teeth, wishing to tear Conqueror Kang to pieces.

The Observer Clan is a very ancient race, and the technological civilization is hundreds of millions of years ahead. If the bomb really came from the Observer Clan, then it can indeed destroy this galaxy.

The Earth Realm, Asgard, and even the Nine Realms were destroyed.

Wells responded, "I'll try to get you to leave..."

With such a big killer, Wells has given up on confronting Kang the Conqueror head-on, and had to make a compromise, let Tony Stark and Dr. Banner build a time machine and send this guy away.

"No no no..."

Conqueror Kang shook his head: "I stay here, I want to control this universe, hahaha..."

"Do you still want to stay here? It is because of your many crossings that the sacred timeline collapsed!"

With the laughter of Kang the Conqueror, a black hole suddenly appeared, from which a strangely-shaped "person" emerged.

His face seemed to be wrapped in a cloud of mist, and outsiders couldn't see his true appearance. His body was gleaming, and his whole body was dark, as if it was composed of endless black gas.

"Uncle Eternal!"

Seeing this "man", Ganata's face was happy, and she shouted in surprise: "Uncle Eternal!"

God of Creation - Eternal!

Wells's heart sank, and he has calmly distanced himself from the black shadow. He knew that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to hurt "eternity" in the slightest, but he still didn't like his life being taken advantage of by others. on.


The shadow slowly condensed into the appearance of a middle-aged man. There was a slight stubble on his face, and his skin was dark. It should be that after years of washing and grinding, his fingertips were slightly black. It looks like it's been smoked.

He touched Ganata's head and looked very amiable: "I didn't expect Ganata to grow so big..."

"Now is not the time to reminisce..."

The Eternal God pulled Ganata behind him, staring at Kang the Conqueror, the smile on his face disappeared: "A long time ago. I noticed you..."

Just a paragraph, the conqueror Kang seemed to be suffocating, he asked in a deep voice: "Who are you?"


The Eternal God snorted coldly. "I am the physical incarnation of time, with almighty cosmic power!"

"My origin and true nature are abstract and unknowable, the sum total of the collective consciousness of all things in the universe, and the embodiment of life!"

"I am the creator **** of the universe - eternity!"

Behind the eternity, thousands of rays of sunshine are reflected, holy and gorgeous. It seems to envelop the existence and destruction of the universe.

"Oh no……"

Wells said in his heart, since the appearance of the Eternal God, things are developing in an uncontrollable direction.

The Eternal God said softly: "Anyone who tries to interfere with the sacred timeline should die!"


As soon as the voice of the Eternal God fell, Kang the Conqueror knelt on the ground, his hands were pinching his neck, and his expression was painful.

Conqueror Kang scolded: "I can let this galaxy be buried with me!"

The Eternal God sneered: "You too underestimated the ability of the God of Creation..."


Suddenly, a proud laughter sounded in everyone's ears.

"Eternal, he is the one I call!"

The gods and ghosts have appeared!

Wells lowered his head and muttered to himself silently in his heart.

The owner of this voice is the "visitor from another world" sealed in the land boundary. Although Wells had only a few conversations with this person, Wells had long since remembered this person's voice in his heart.

The Eternal God turned his eyes away from Kang the Conqueror, the pressure disappeared, and Kang the Conqueror was breathing heavily, with a look of joy for the rest of his The Eternal God was extraordinarily calm at this moment, as if he had expected it. In the same way, he said lightly: "Destroy the timeline, so you want to escape, you underestimate us too..."


Hearing that his plan was exposed, the "guest from another world" was not at all flustered.

"It is worthy of being the Eternal God. With this opinion alone, you have left the other four far behind!"

"But... I have to get out of trouble sooner or later. By then, all of you will be completely dead!"



ps: Post first and then change, if there is a typo, leave me a message...

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