Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 1537: future, party, chat 1 chat

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"It feels like you are full of confidence in the future, as if you are not worried at all, how did you do it, Leo?"

Wanda looked at Leo and said this. Wanda, who had an unstable childhood, was really envious of Leo's mentality.

"Can't you really see the future, isn't that omniscient and omnipotent?" Wanda asked enviously. For this, Wanda really believed.

"Not likely to."

Leo looked at Wanda and smiled, "Actually, I often have worries about the future. What I see is just a general trend in the future, what might happen in a future without me."

"Even that has changed, and what I know is too limited."

"I also have concerns about the future, but you will find that the future is always a mystery, and you will not know what will happen in the future."

"Not everyone is going to do what you think, all you have to do is seize the moment."

Leo touched Wanda's head. Although his physical age is three years younger than Wanda's, he is mentally older than Wanda.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is the best gift, so you need to smile more, you know?"

Leo looked at Wanda and said softly.

"Follow your heart, maybe you can see your future, it must be composed of the beauty in your heart, so running in that direction will get better and better."

Listening to Leo's words, Wanda froze slightly, but a different light flashed in his eyes.

Looking at Pietro, who had already leaned over to Rogers, Wanda said slowly.

"You're right, the past has become history. Now I just want to live a good life with Pietro. Maybe I really shouldn't be so persistent."

Natasha also surrounded Dr. Banner at this time, "Leo is very good at chatting with girls, but Wanda's spirit seems to be much better."

"I didn't see it all at once. Wanda, did your original dark circles disappear like this?"

Several people also began to laugh.

Leo and Wanda looked at each other and smiled, and they also walked into the crowd and integrated into this lively environment.

It is also a very rare reunion for everyone, but there are many topics to talk about.

Today's day is faster than many people imagine.

By the time everyone returned from downtown New York, the bright moon was already high in the sky.

Although the construction of the new Fulian base is more reasonable and perfect than the previous building, it is a little farther from the city center.

And Hill has long arranged exclusive rooms for Wanda and Pietro.

Everyone gathered again on the lawn outside the training ground, or even sat directly on the side, staying with everyone relaxed and happy.

I have to say that this kind of atmosphere has never been experienced by Wanda and Pietro, and even the vast majority of people here have not had such a relaxed experience.

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Everyone can relax and talk about their past experiences, enemy wars, decisions and struggles they have made.

Even some small secrets that could not be said before were revealed in this atmosphere.

Everyone enjoys this atmosphere very much. They can listen to other people's stories patiently, and they can also tell their own stories and express their own ideas.

From time to time, Rhodes would tell a few bad jokes, and Rogers would also laugh at himself about his deep sleep. Natasha was always smiling, and occasionally mentioned Barton.

In fact, the main reason for this gathering was not because of the participation of Wanda and Pietro, but because of the arrival of Leo.

As long as Leo is by their side, everyone will always feel that the pressure and burden in their hearts will be relieved.

And this kind of gathering is also the second time that everyone has gathered to chat like this.

The first time was the celebration reception at the Avengers Building.

Although it was more gorgeous and rich that time, it was crowded and noisy, and the reception with a large number of irrelevant people was not as comfortable as it is now on the grass under the stars.

Wanda and Pietro also gradually became familiar with several people. The original cold and alert mentality began to slowly melt and gradually merged into the atmosphere.

Everyone chatted, but they didn't know what was going on. They all sat down on the lawn that formed a sloping slope.

Everyone is wearing casual clothes and sitting aside, this scene is a bit out of tune with this serious and serious Avengers base.

But everyone is so natural, like a group of ordinary friends, going out camping as comfortable.

From time to time, a team of inspections would pass by, and when they saw the appearance of these people, they would also bypass them a bit and did not bother them.

After a while, there was no sound. Everyone was lying on the lawn, looking up at the bright crescent moon in the sky. The scene was silent.

It was only early summer at this time, and the evening wind blew through the crowd without making any sound.

I don't know how long it took, the moon came to the top of everyone's heads, and it seemed that nothing had changed.

And almost everyone looked at the sky with their eyes open for an hour.

Obviously nothing has been done, but it seems that everything has been done.

After a while, everyone heard a few light footsteps coming towards this side, but everyone didn't move.

"Are you going to sleep here? Actually, I can bring you some quilts."

Director Furui's familiar voice sounded, standing behind the crowd and said.

"Nice choice, would you like to try it?"

Tony answered directly.

Sam and the others on the side jumped up and stood up.

"I haven't felt this way for a long time, huh, it's a lot easier."

Sam moved his body and said quite cheerfully.

Everyone jumped up from the lawn one after another, although they didn't say anything, but this emotional change made everyone's temperament change a lot.

Natasha also moved her arms and said with a smile, "This feels really good, I'm almost falling asleep."

"Huh? How long have I slept?"

Dr. Banner rubbed his eyes, sat up and looked at the crowd standing aside, and said vaguely.

Natasha shook her head and smiled, while pulling Banner up, "One hour and three minutes, it's only eleven thirty now."

Natasha's eyes were very clear, as she said before about falling asleep.

Wanda and Pietro also stood up, but this time, when they looked at everyone's eyes again, they finally felt a sense of identity, maybe they liked the feeling now.

Leo waved his right hand, and a solid golden light swayed out, and UU reading instantly disappeared into everyone's body.

In the next second, everyone felt a slight warmth in their bodies, and the cold dew that had been lying on the lawn dissipated in an instant, and the whole person returned to the best state.

"Leo, let's talk about it."

Nick Fury looked at Leo and said alone, without covering the crowd.

Leo also smiled, "Everyone should rest early, I'm going to chat with the director, but he's a little too curious."

Chapter 1537 The future, party, chat about GET /u/139/139992/71820943.shtmHTTP/1.0Host:-Forwarded-For: :1Cache-Control:max-age=0User-Agent:(WindowsNT10.0;WOW64)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,likeGecko)Chrome/70.0.3538.102Safari/-:gzip,:text/html,+xml,;q= 0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,-exchange;v=b3;q=-Language:zh-CN,zh;q=0.9