Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 1538: Leo's answers and concerns

Everyone was not surprised by this, it was strange that Nick Fury didn't come to find Leo this time.

Both Wanda and Pietro have already arranged their own exclusive rooms, and the strange thing is that it seems that the Avengers base has known about their arrival for a long time, and the decorations and items in the rooms are also very suitable for their tastes .

Even some of these items seem to be specially equipped for them.

I don't know if it's because S.H.I.E.L.D.'s work efficiency is too high, or if they really expected the arrival of the two brothers and sisters, at least Wanda and Pietro feel very comfortable.

And I don't know why, the moon is high in the sky, and Wanda and Pietro, who originally had a sense of repulsion to this place, have a huge change in their mentality at this time.

Even on the way back, there was a sense of identity and a sense of belonging in my heart.

It was as if that room had become my new home, and it really belonged to me.

Even in Huaguo, the two of them didn't experience this feeling when they played with Leo.

Only in Sokovia, in a small second-hand room they bought there, did they have this sense of belonging.

That night, both of them lay on the soft bed and could not fall asleep for a long time, not knowing what was going on in their hearts.

Wanda tossed and turned, some wanted to talk to Leo, but she didn't know that in this base, that room was Leo's residence.

He also secretly made up his mind, "I must know where Leo lives tomorrow!"

Everyone also returned to their rooms.

Everyone has their own exclusive room. After all, in a huge base, it must be easy to make a few vacant rooms.

However, Leo and Fu Rui had already walked straight to the outer area of ​​the new Avengers base, and no one else followed.

Standing here and looking out, there are not many lights, but there are a few tower-like buildings in the distance.

It's just that under the bright moon, the mountains and forests in the distance are not too blurry.

During this time, Nick Fury did not speak, and Leo was also silent.

Until both of them stood still.

After a while, Leo finally spoke, "Why did you come to this minefield to chat?"

"Ah, didn't you bring me here? I thought you had somewhere you wanted to go."

Fu Rui said in surprise from the side.

Leo waved his hand speechlessly, and sat down beside him, "What's the matter? I'm not in a good mood, and my arm is injured. It seems that the outside situation is not too good."

Fu Rui's already dark skin could not be seen clearly in the night, "It's just a small injury, but the outside situation is really not good."

"Many bases have been destroyed, and there are still many bodies of agents inside. Some bases were forcibly occupied by the local government, and there is no intention of returning them."

"SHIELD's influence in the world has been greatly reduced, and there are still remnants of Hydra continuing to lurk."

"So for a long time to come, SHIELD's intelligence capabilities will weaken a lot, which is not a good thing."

Fu Rui said frankly that although S.H.I.E.L.D. still has a lot of power after that battle because of Leo's existence, it is still several times smaller than its original power.

S.H.I.E.L.D. may still have a lot of background, but in terms of power alone, it can only stand in the ranks of first-class institutions at present.

The original S.H.I.E.L.D. was in the top ranks and had no rivals, but now, it has changed a lot.

"Really? I can't see it all."

Leo looked at Nick Fury on the side and said with a smile.

"The technology of S.H.I.E.L.D. is beyond the limits of this era, and if it wasn't for the help of the Stru people behind, it wouldn't be able to do this at all."

"Of course, there is no objection to this. After all, it is very good to be able to differentiate and absorb all the technologies in it, and to be able to match the current technological level of the earth and form a relative technological learning chain."

"However, SHIELD is in the sky, but it hides a lot of movement."

Leo said with a smile, "If it wasn't for me last time, I could see that there was still a little S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on it, and it would have been completely removed."

Nick Fury looked at Leo in front of him, and there was a touch of helplessness in his eyes.

Especially when he heard Leo's last sentence, there was a bit of horror in his eyes.

He knew that the spaceship technology of the Skrull people was unimaginable on the current earth. Although there were only a few spaceships, they represented the highest technological level of the Skrull civilization, and they were the only spaceships that escaped.

The technological means contained in it are like nothing in front of Leo.

Even when Leo spotted them, those who approached them couldn't detect it.

"Even so, the lack of information in the intelligence system is undeniable, but I just got the news that there seems to be some other movement in Africa recently."

Fury looked at Leo and said.

"You don't need to tell me, they can take care of it."

Leo shrugged and said calmly, "And that's not what you want to ask."

"Well, do you know anything about Danvers?"

Fu Rui's next sentence was very straightforward, in front of Leo, he found that there was no meaning to hide at all.

In the face of absolute strength, Fu Rui found that he could do nothing at all.

"Is she? It's a pity that I have heard of her name, but I haven't seen her yet. I'm still looking forward to it, but she travels a lot, and it's not easy to meet her once."

As he said that, Leo also looked at the small communicator on Fu Rui's chest.

"Actually, the communicator she gave you only has a certain range. Only when she is within this range can she receive the signal."

"Although this range is quite large compared to the earth, it is still not enough compared to the universe."

"So, when you really need her help, you still need to try your luck. It's a bit embarrassing to want her to come right away."

Leo said it very bluntly.

Fu Rui also I know, but obviously, it's not such a critical time yet, let alone you are still on the earth now. "

However, Leo wrinkled his eyes slightly and shook his head, "Don't place your expectations on me, just like you never placed your expectations on Danvers."

"She is limited by the modification of her memory, so she will take into account the existence of many other extraterrestrial civilizations, and I also have difficulties, and it is impossible to protect the earth all the time."

"When I am here, I can indeed guarantee the safety of the earth and will not be violated, but I cannot protect the earth forever."

There was a trace of worry in Leo's eyes, and he had a certain awareness of this point when he absorbed the second golden pill.

It's also the reason why he still continues to form the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy happily.

How long can I stay in this world?

Leo himself was a little uncertain.