Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 1567: justice

"My husband's name is Roz. He is an advertising designer. Thirteen days ago, after he got off work, he didn't come home on time. I called him, but no one answered."

"I'm worried about him because that's not what Rhodes is like. After having a baby, he always rushes back from get off work every time, so something must have happened on the way."

Catherine said with some sad words.

Leo listened from the side, lightly tapped his hand, and a burst of blue light scraped across the ground, completely erasing the pool of blood that existed just now, leaving no trace on the wooden board.

Fortunately, the time was short, and the blood did not soak into the floor.

"Well, then, you went to find Ross?"

"No, there is only one car at home, which is used by Ross to commute to and from get off work. The company is about seven kilometers away from home, and it is difficult for me to walk there."

"Then I kept calling, about a dozen times, and was connected once, but there was no sound, and then I couldn't get through again."

Catherine said sadly.

"Then what?"

"I felt something was wrong, so I walked towards the company with my baby in my arms. Before I had gone far, I received a call from the police, saying that Ross was dead because he robbed a woman's necklace on the road, and then took the woman He was killed, and later he was shot dead by a passing policeman."

Catherine said so loudly, her expression and tone were full of disbelief.

"Roz will never do such a thing, he is an extremely kind person, he has never done anything illegal! He will never do such a thing!"

"Calm down, Catherine, I'll take your word for it, because if that's the case, no one will send a gunman to kill you."

"But Ross must have done something that involved this organization, so someone will come to move you. As for what this matter is, we have no answer yet."

Leo looked at Catherine, who was emotionally broken in front of him, and hurriedly said to comfort her.

"What did the police say, did you find anything at the police station? Did you see your husband's body?"

Leo looked at Catherine and asked each sentence.

"The police said very little. As soon as I went, they pulled me into an office and said that my husband was dead, and then asked me to sign some documents. They also said that this matter was supposed to have something to do with us, because That woman didn't have family to come and trouble her, so she was fine."

"They didn't let me see Rhodes at all, they just wanted me to sign that document, and also, our family's car couldn't be brought back at all."

"I don't ask for anything, I just want to see Ross for the last time. Also, the police station let a lawyer talk to me directly, and didn't let me have too much communication with other people."

"By the way, I found that something was wrong with a policeman, and he seemed to want to tell me something, just today, but before I had time, I came back first, because he seemed afraid to tell me in the police station, The police must be hiding something."

Catherine looked at Leo and said this, she thought of the young policeman she saw in the police station.

"It seems that there are many problems in the police station. Ross died very strangely."

Leo looked at Catherine and said, in his eyes, Catherine was not lying.

"Do you know where Ross died?"

"I went to look for it on the outer road in the seventh block, but all the surveillance cameras were being overhauled at the time, and the images for the three hours in the middle were blank, as were the surrounding cameras."

Catherine said so.

Leo nodded his glasses lightly, and Jarvis immediately began to search for relevant information on this matter.

"Sir, no surveillance video of the relevant road section was found. The relevant video has been cleared, and a large amount of relevant information on the Internet has also been deleted. The relevant information found so far is these."

Jarvis quickly listed a lot of information about this case.

Even if someone was behind the scenes, before dealing with the matter, many people had been to the scene, and they had taken related videos and photos and posted them on the Internet.

There are also some related reports, but they are all personal reports. If you look for it yourself, it is difficult to find relevant information on the Internet, and the number of views is too small.

However, relying on Jarvis' powerful computing power and powerful network authority keys, he quickly found a lot of relevant information that was blocked or buried in the deep sea of ​​the network.

Leo also placed the Leo No. 3 machine in front of him on the table, forming a small three-dimensional projection.

The pictures taken by some passers-by were directly projected in front of the two of them.

In the picture, two corpses were lying on the side of the road, with a lot of bright red blood dripping on the ground. Obviously, the two had lost their breath.

The picture was not clear, even a little blurry, but after seeing the scene in the picture, Catherine couldn't help covering her mouth, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Even though the picture was very blurry, Catherine recognized it immediately. One of the corpses was her husband Ross.

As for the other figure, it is also very conspicuous, it is a woman, the face is not clear, but the figure is really good, and she is also a Caucasian.

However, the fatal injuries of the two of them did not look like gunshot wounds, but knife wounds. Even in this relatively blurred picture, the huge gap in the abdomen can be seen clearly.

As for the woman, because of her posture, she couldn't see the fatal injury.

There is also a video, which is also extremely blurry, but the recorded sound is very clear.

The time was very short, and the picture can be judged. It happened that the photographer met the last time when the police came to clear the scene, and finally smashed the photographed object.

This kind of abnormal behavior and report all show that behind this incident, there is another figure, and there is still a strong capital capable of suppressing this And according to what the gunman said, in After that, even if it is not related to that person named Han, it is related to this gang.

After getting used to the working style of the black prison, Leo became more and more disgusted with this kind of black gang. The peak of his disgust was until some time ago when he single-handedly destroyed the entire Hand.

But now it seems that this so-called Black Snake Society is, in some respects, the same as the Hand Society, or even worse.

This scene completely shattered Catherine's last glimmer of hope. Ross was dead. There was no doubt that ordinary people couldn't survive such a large amount of bleeding.

As for the truth of the death, this is still a secret, because on the Internet, this matter has not caused any discussion or disturbance, and it has been completely blocked.

Looking at Catherine, who was a little emotionally broken in front of her, she looked at the sleeping baby in the house.

Leo also sighed softly, "Don't worry, Catherine, I will help you find out the truth behind it and give you justice."