Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 223: Jesus can't keep it when he comes

"If possible, I want to get back to the ground as soon as possible."

Maya couldn't enjoy the fun of flying at all, said tremblingly.

"Wait for me to find them? See if Tony is still here."

Leo poked his head out a little excitedly, looking at the small town with lights flashing underneath.

"This town is so small, but that's okay, you should be able to find them soon."

Let go of the steering wheel in his hands, the whole person half kneels in the driving position and looks down.

Seeing Leo's bold movements, Maya grabbed the steering wheel nervously, "Leo, how about looking for it slowly!"

"Haha, it's okay."

Seeing Maya's movements, Leo smiled.

The car was still moving fast in the sky, and the silver body was still a little dazzling in the night sky, but within a few minutes, someone looked up and saw the car hovering at low altitude.

At this time, Leo was also charging the Mark 42 battle armor in the garage next to the town.

"Found it, it is here as expected."

With a light movement of Leo's fingers, the front of the car was pressed, and the car swooped down instantly.

With Maya's scream.

The car parked safely outside the garage.

Looking at Maya, who was still screaming with her eyes closed, Leo shook her head, pushed the door and walked down.

Strode towards the garage.

Maya calmed down and hurried out of the car, following Leo's pace.

Harry just hung up the phone, still sitting in front of the computer eating candies, fascinated by Mark 42 next to him.

But heard the noise outside the door.

Mother's night shift usually comes back in the morning, but who will it be now?

Harry became vigilant, picked up his potato gun, and flash bombs, put on his jacket, and walked quietly to the door.

Before Harry could approach, the garage door opened automatically.

The cold wind blew in.

The dark night made Harry in the room unable to see the situation outside.

I saw a figure slowly coming here.

Harry shook his hand and shot a plastic ball at the figure's head.

Leo reached out and grabbed the ball lightly, holding the ball in his hand.

"Calm down, boy, I'm here to see Mr. Stark, how about the others, have they left?"

Leo walked into the room, revealing his figure in the dark.

"who are you?"

Harry looked at the child who was not much older than him, but did not relax his vigilance at all.

"My name is Leo, Stark's friend. Didn't everyone say he was missing? I came to look for him specially."

Leo looked at the children in front of him and smiled, "Did he tell you about me?"

"No, he doesn't want to tell me too much, he has panic disorder! Is there any way to prove that you are a friend of Iron Man?"

Harry looked at Leo unceremoniously and said.

Maya also walked in from behind, and first saw Mark 42 lying on the table charging, she was a little shocked, she didn't expect that there was a steel suit here.

"Leo, where did Tony go? This kid is?"

"But I can't contact Tony now. Why would you give him a call?"

Leo ignored Maya, said to Harry, and did not make any abrupt behavior, which made Harry have a good impression of Leo.

"But he didn't let me call him. He said I was annoying."

The muzzle in his hand dropped slightly, looking at Leo and Maya and said, "How did you find this place? Tony said he didn't tell anyone about this position."

"I am a member of the Avengers, of course I can find it here."

"What, you are also an Avenger?" Maya and Harry looked at Leo in shock, with surprise in their eyes, but Maya had a trace of fear in their eyes.

Both of them thought of something at the same time.

In the Avengers, the only thing that covers the face and is not known to the public is the Golden Legend.

So, the boy in front of me wearing black shorts and short sleeves is a golden legend.

"Are you the Golden Legend?"

Harry dropped the potato gun that had no bullets in his hand, and hurriedly asked Leo with some excitement.

"Golden Legend, are you nicknamed me? It sounds pretty good!"

Leo smiled and walked to Mark 42.

Harry took a few steps back, clasped the flash bomb in his hand, and asked excitedly, "How do you prove that you are the Golden Legend, your wings? That is the best sign of the Golden Legend."

Leo walked up to Mark 42 and knocked on his visor.

The battle armor's eyes lit up and automatically scanned the target in front of him.

"Mr. Leo, it's nice to see you again. The search mission was forcibly stopped. I think I should tell him the news of your return. He will be very happy."

"Jarvis, I am glad to meet you too."

Harry heard Jarvis's voice, finally let go of a tight heart, revealing the essence of a child, and came to Leo excitedly.

"That... are you really a golden legend?"

"Are you and Tony good friends? The relationship in the Avengers should be good, right?"

"Where's your wings? Are they also equipment like steel suits?"

Harry's originally exhausted spirit became excited again, and asked around Leo.

Leo sat down, "You can ask these questions, but you have to tell me about Tony first. He is not very safe now."

"It's okay. There is no way to activate the steel suit for the time being. He is going to make some weapons himself, and then go find the bad guys. By the way, the bad guys are in Miami.

"Florida? There are hundreds of miles away from here."

Leo thought for a moment, and looked at Mark 42 with golden light in his eyes, scanning all the structures inside, trying to find the fault.

After a few minutes, Leo gave up the idea.

Mark 42 is very different from the Mark 3 and 4 that he is familiar with. The whole has undergone tremendous changes. The complex components in it make Leo dizzy and can't see it at all.

Maya looked at the golden light in Leo's There was a hint of fear in her eyes, but she also seemed to relax.

It seems to be relieved of the burden.

Finally, the existence of the golden legend made her decide to abandon the Extremis Virus and the extremity virus that had been studied for 13 years.

She is willing to bear her fault.

She didn't want to go crazy with Kilian anymore.

"Leo, I know about Kilian’s stronghold in Miami. I can take you there, but what I want to say is, I understand that Kilian might have done too much this time, but..."

"Stop! I know Kylian has stayed with you for a long time, but since his wanton experiments on humans, he has caused big explosions everywhere and has killed hundreds of innocent people, including several Chinese."

"Also tried to kill Tony, and finally tried to attack Pepper."

"He is dead, and **** can't keep it when he comes, I said!"