Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 438: Leave it at all costs

A small whale that is no more than a hundred meters long is really unremarkable in the outer space of this unknown planet.

It even looks not much bigger than a satellite.

If it wasn't for a strange body shape, there was an undetectable body, as well as swift and unconcealed movement.

Only then did this small planetary civilization, which has been globally unified and joined the entire interstellar civilization network, detected the existence of red whales.

Just in the synchronous orbit of the planet nearly 350,000 kilometers away from the ground, a strange scene can be observed.

A small whale with black skin and a clear golden line on its back, constantly surrounding the numerous satellites that wantonly float in the air.

Two small wings were waving gently on the sides of the red whale.

When the light from the stars shines on the firm and smooth skin of the red whale, it seems to see a blue light, rippling on the back of the red whale, and intersects with the golden thread that cannot be covered by the star's light.

The cute little eyes of the red whale flickered on the surrounding satellites, and there was a little excitement in them.

It seemed that he hadn't realized that his figure was hundreds of times smaller than before.

Similarly, it seems that the surroundings are the same as the original huge metal, but the quality is very different.

In the red whale's mind, the metal that was deliberately thrown out floating outside was all unnecessary waste.

Although he doesn't have the habit of actively attacking civilized planets to plunder metal.

But for these metal objects surrounding the planet, they don't have any knowledge, they just think of food.

Therefore, without such knowledge, the red whale wanders comfortably in this sea of ​​food.

On a section of this planet's synchronous orbit, there are nearly two hundred satellites with different functions floating in it.

Most of them are satellites for communications, broadcasting, meteorology, etc., which play a great auxiliary role in the development of a planet.

With a huge mouth of the red whale, a satellite hundreds of meters away from the original orbit, could not help but rushed towards the red whale.

There were originally some huge satellite bodies, but they slowly turned into a bite of food in the sky of the red whale.

There are not many huge satellites, but more of the small size that red whales simply can't see.

Therefore, the red whale also fixed its gaze on the dozens of the largest satellites among the hundreds of satellites, and many of them even exceeded half the size of their own body.

Wagging his tail excitedly, rushed towards the large satellite not far away.


"Sir, another exploration satellite has lost contact. It is just an old-fashioned satellite seventy years ago, but it disappeared so suddenly."

In the Planetary Joint Command, an adjutant with brown skin and strange skin **** condensed into a small convex horn on the top of his head called out loudly in the command center.

Within a few minutes, several satellites all disappeared, causing many communication channels to disappear all at once, which naturally attracted the attention of high-level officials.

"Let the closest spacecraft immediately investigate the situation, and the nearest space station, dispatch the ultimate fighter plane to figure out what that thing is."


"The report says that another old satellite has disappeared. This mysterious object seems to have a specific purpose. All the destroyed are old antiques."

Another monitor said in real time.

At the same time, in a mysterious base, two spacecraft quickly took off, combined with the four spacecraft that were originally high in the sky, and hurried to the position of the red whale.

And on several huge space stations that had been in space, two fighter planes were also dispatched to the direction where the satellite disappeared.

The red whale didn't realize this at all, maybe it didn't care much either.

It was the same before. Every time a red whale came close to a civilized planet to eat, a lot of small bugs would come to disturb itself soon.

Also often at that time, the red whale recovered almost the same, and left without any dispute.

But this time it was a little different. The evolving red whale's thirst for metal has greatly increased, and it also decided to pad it here before leaving.

The red whales wandered among the satellite clusters and swallowed one after another huge satellites. In a short while, they swallowed all the larger satellites.

At this moment, not far away, two extremely fast armed planes flew up. They were super weapons suitable for space operations and placed on planetary space stations.

"I have seen the goal, I have seen the goal, repeat, I have seen the goal!!!"

"What is it?"

" should be a giant starry sky, but it doesn't look very big. It is about a hundred meters long and looks like a fish!!"

The pilot drove the super fighter around the red whale kilometers away, looking at the 100-meter red whale, with a look of doubt and alertness.

Pressed the button for data comparison and began to analyze the behemoth that swallowed the satellite.

"A hundred meters long? Are these Leviathan behemoths of Zitari? How come they come here? Is it the crazy Titans coming again?"

The alarm bell rang loudly in the top commander's heart, and even aroused huge horror.

Sixty years ago, Crazy Titans came to this planet. Yes, with the Zeta Swiss soldiers as their pioneers, they frantically slaughtered half of the human beings, and then left directly.

This became a nightmare for the entire planet.

But no one gave up the hope of continuing to live.

That aggression caused the undeveloped planetary civilization to form a unity. Then, the whole world was devoted to the development of science and technology, and it has achieved remarkable results today.

Even in the Federation of Interstellar Civilizations, it is considered a small name.

Joined under the shelter of the Shandar civilization, and mastered the technology of interstellar transition, completely became a part of the interstellar alliance, of course, also obtained a lot of information from the Internet.

Of course, there is also a situation regarding the giant star beast. Although most people will never encounter the existence of the giant star beast, the probability is not zero, is it?

"Sir, the information comparison is complete, this behemoth turned out to be... it turned out to be an A-level behemoth, the red whale!!"

The driver looked at the screen and the monster in front of him incredulously.

"What? Red whale? Is that the star behemoth red whale that the accused Ronan offered a huge reward?"

The commander said in surprise, UU reading stretched out his hand in front of him and called out the reward announcement issued on the Interstellar Forum not long ago.

Looking at the high-precision technology and huge resources offered by Ronan above, it makes a planetary civilization a bit enthusiastic.

"Ok... it seems to be."

The pilot called up relevant information in the cabin and said.

"But sir, the appearance of this red whale is very small, it is not three kilometers long at all. The volume of this whale is hundreds of times different, shouldn't it be the same?"

The driver asked with some confusion.

The commander had already picked up the communicator in front of him.

"Don't attack, all the supreme civilizations have verified that there is only one red whale in the entire universe. In any case, this is an opportunity for our planet."

"But the red whale seems to be ready to leave."

"Leave it at all costs!!"