Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 457: Feeding red whales

"I saw countless flames, ah, what a vital flame, what a gorgeous spark."

Chen Haoran's eyes seemed to be dyed red. From his perspective, the red light filled his entire sight.

"The violent energy contained in the red flowers will burn everything. Is this incredible beauty the true meaning of the world?"

At this time, he still unconsciously stretched out his hand and touched it, his mind was full of yearning for this scene, and he forgot to think, paranoid like a neuropathy.

Leo frowned slightly when he saw this scene, and shook his right hand lightly.

Chen Haoran, who was in the mask, only felt a shock all over, and immediately awoke from the psychedelic.

Fear and fear appeared in the eyes of the obsessed just now. After thinking about the state just now, his thoughts were once again affected by this situation.

‘I can’t resist it completely, if it weren’t for the boss, I would be dead! ! ’

"What's the situation now?"

Leo's voice came again, causing Chen Haoran to concentrate and look around.

"Boss, I saw a lot of small red sparks coming from the air, and the source of these small sparks, I don't know."

"How big is the range? Or is it within your naked eye?"

The energy from these air strikes seemed to have lost its target in this space and time, and then began to weaken.

Leo already felt that this force was slowly slowing down and dissipating, and asked hurriedly.

"It's not very big, about five meters or so. Five meters away is a normal space. Within this range, sparks are constantly rushing from the edge."

Chen Haoran quickly reported everything he saw.

"Five meters? Let me see what the **** is going on."

Leo's hands flashed with blue energy light immediately, and the jumping blue lines jumped into the air from Leo's hands.

Soon, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, this kind of jumping blue line of sight covered the entire enclosed room.

With a wave of his hand, Leo pushed Maya and Stacy out five meters away and was directly pushed out of the testing room.

Leo tapped in the blue cracked air.

‘Kakaka! ! ’

Obviously there was no sound coming, but in Maya's heart, such a sound could not help.

It was only a blue crack just now, but now it really opened up a deep black crack in the air that was enough to attract eyes.

But in this deep darkness, bursts of intense red light came out incredible.

The fragments of space that had collapsed were impacted by this red force.

Countless red lights rushed out from the countless cracks in the space, impacted on the wall of the test room, and burned out plumes of smoke on the wall made of metal.

But within a second, the red light seemed to have consciously moved away frantically, like a thief discovered by the owner, afraid to make any more stops.

Leo stretched out his hand and slammed into one of the cracks. With a strong grip, he tore a piece of energy body in the dark space under the keen perception and energy manipulation.

Before it was over, the other hand tore the space in front of him, and he leaned in half of his body.

The boundless deep darkness, the first thing Leo thought of was that time of wandering in the universe that year, and he couldn't help but be in a trance.

When Leo woke up again, a fiery red halo the size of a basketball had become the size of a mung bean.

Before Leo chased forward, the space flickered slightly, and the last red light disappeared.

‘A creature of other dimensions? Is this the first time I met? So what is it? ’

In desperation, Leo retracted his body.

With a casual wave of his hand, the countless blue stripes in the space also immediately dispersed.

Without the tearing off of this space energy, the repair instinct of the universe's space body began to quickly recover the countless cracks that spread throughout the space.

The repair was completed in just a few seconds, leaving only the inner wall of the room filled with smooth knife marks, and the last chair and trousers scattered into pieces.

With another snap of his fingers, Chen Haoran, who was suspended in the air, finally fell from the air and sat naked on the uneven ground.

Leo, on the other hand, concentrated all his energy in this little flame in his hands.

I saw a small flame in Leo's right hand, with a weak spherical body about the size of a ping-pong ball in the center of the hand.

And the scarlet flames around were burning from this small spherical body.

The heat is no more than an ordinary flame temperature, but for some reason, in Leo's eyes, this small ball-like energy body contains huge and terrifying fiery energy.

‘If it explodes, I’m afraid there will be nothing left in this building. ’

This unfounded thought also surprised Leo.

Seeing the peace around them, Maya and the two also boldly walked in.

Stacy saw Chen Haoran naked on the ground, and didn't think much about it, and was about to turn around and find a set of clothes outside.

On the other hand, Maya saw Chen Haoran's obsessive eyes and kept staring at the little flame in Leo's hand.

"Boss, do you need me to check it?"

Maya first stepped forward and said Leo looked at Maya in front of him, and Chen Haoran, who had a desire in his eyes, couldn't help but squeeze twice.

‘No, the weight of the fireball has been decreasing, why? Will this level of combustion consume so much energy for this high-energy body? ’

"Boss, I feel... I feel that this thing will help me a lot. Would you like me to try it?"

Chen Haoran swallowed and said to Leo in midair.

Leo didn't say anything, and with a wave of his hand, he drew a gap in the space in front of him, stepped in and disappeared.

Chen Haoran's eyes moved with Leo's movements, and it was not until Leo's disappearance that he recovered, and the desire in his heart just now became much flatter.

Maya looked at Chen Haoran, who was still naked in front of him, without any embarrassment. Instead, she immediately began to collect the results of detection data from various instruments in the room.

"Be prepared. The boss should be back soon. An abnormal change has occurred in your body. Ten minutes later, the second test room will be tested again!!"


On the far side of the moon, Leo appeared next to the red whale, holding this small fireball in his hand, even on the moon, it did not affect its burning in the slightest.

Leo seemed to be able to feel the similarities between the red whale and this force.

Given the balance, Leo would rather take a look at the situation on the red whale first.

Sure enough, when Leo approached the red whale more and more, even the sleeping red whale grinned involuntarily, as if waiting for Leo to feed.

Leo smiled slightly, and threw the small fireball in his hand without hesitation.


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