Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 47: Tony's request

  Leo walked out of the room, went straight to the kitchen, watched the refrigerator full of ingredients, and calmly started cooking.

   In less than an hour, a table full of delicious meals was made. Yes, these are Leo’s mornings.

   Looking at the steaming steak in front of him, Leo gulped, enjoying the only pleasure of food. Although it can't fill his stomach, chewing is also fun.

   I ate a piece of steak and cut the next piece naturally, but after only two bites, Leo discovered a very serious problem.

   He can't eat it anymore.

  Leo widened his eyes and looked at his chubby belly. This was something he had never seen before.

  ‘Wh, how is it possible! ’

   This is the first time Leo feels full, and also the first time he feels the fullness of his stomach.

   This happy and beautiful feeling from the depths of the soul made Leo squinted his eyes, lying on the sofa and touching his belly.

  I have been in this world for five years. I have never experienced this wonderful feeling. I have always been in a state of slight hunger.

   Even if a large amount of food enters the stomach, it will quickly turn into energy, and it will be stored in the mind to prepare for the follow-up practice, which is uncontrollable.

   To be honest, this feeling used to drive Leo crazy, but time will always smooth everything out. Under this kind of life-threatening activity, Leo slowly got used to this hunger pang.

   As a result, Leo was full today, and his instinctive pleasure made Leo lazily not want to move, and quietly spread out on the sofa.

   Tony walked up at this time and saw Leo in the hall.

   "What did you do? You look like a person who shot your arm in a small alley. You won't actually touch that thing?"

   "No, I'm just full, so cool!"

   "Fat?" Tony looked at the kitchen, "Did you eat one cow? Or two?"

   In Stark’s impression, he has never seen Leo full. Now Leo’s state is terrible.

  Leo turned over and sat up, "Mr. Stark, I think it should be the cause of the Ark Reactor. Now I don't have to continue to eat like crazy to replenish my energy."

   "You can absorb electricity? Do you know how much energy this reactor has?"

   Leo waved, his door opened, and the reactor in the room floated out and fell into Tony's hands.

   "I have already absorbed it, maybe I need one more, Mr. Stark, hehe." Leo looked at Tony with a smile.

   Tony hurried to the studio with the reactor in his hand, "Jarvis, scan the reactor."

   "Okay, sir, the scan is over."

   "The palladium metal has been consumed, and the interior of the reactor has been damaged due to the overloaded operation. It needs to be re-adjusted to restart."

   opened the reactor, a circle of palladium metal inside has been finely gelled, and a trace of unpleasant smell is emitted.

   Tony frowned, "This reactor is enough for my Mark 3 to fight for ten days. He actually ran out in one night. What did Leo do?"

   "Jarvis, prepare the materials again, make one more, oh no, two."

   "Okay, Mr. Stark."

   Tony returned to the living room, looking at Leo who was sitting at the table and continuing to eat.

   "Leo, you should eat in the future. One of my reactors will be enough for you to eat for a year."

   "Don't, Mr. Stark, the energy level of the food is too low, I can't practice anymore, but the reactor is strong!" Leo couldn't help thinking of the light blue energy and licked his lips.

   "Aren't you full, why are you still eating, do you want to experience the taste of death?"

   Tony looked at Leo, who was still eating. It seemed that all he saw just now were fantasies. He was still the big stomach king.

  Leo touched his flat stomach, "Don't waste food, I can still eat."

   Actually just now, Leo discovered that he seemed to have found the switch of the melting pot of his stomach, and he could choose whether to absorb the food in his stomach and turn it into energy.

   All the uncontrollable things were absorbed before, without asking Leo's opinion.

   Based on the principle of not wasting, Leo still cleaned all the food at the table. Of course, Tony was also full by the way and returned to the basement.

   It will take some time for the reactor to be manufactured. Leo went to the studio and watched Tony repairing the damage to the Mark III. At the same time, he was also studying how to better dismantle the armor.

   "Mr. Stark, what do you think about these weapons?"

   "Someone in the company is making a ghost, and it's probably Obady." Tony's hand movement slowed down, thinking of what Obady said to him at the party, and now he can't accept it.


   "Just leave it alone, let me think about it, go out and play by yourself, and the reactor will be for you at night."

   Tony continued to work, ignoring Leo.

  Leo touched his bulging belly, and there was a trace of sleepiness in his heart, ‘or else, go take a nap? ’

   Facing this unprecedented experience, Leo returned to the room, lay on the bed, and fell asleep with a full stomach and a beautiful smile.


   In the evening, Pepper came to the underground studio. Tony was still dealing with Mark Three, saw Pepper, and put down his work.

   "Hey, Pepper, are you busy now? Do something for me. I want you to go to my office, hack into the host computer, and get back all the recent shipping lists. This is a secret chip."

   Tony faced Pepper who had been looking at him, and handed over a USB flash drive-style chip.

   "You can get in with this. It may be in the administrative folder or in the hidden disk. In that case, you can find the one with the smallest number."

   With that, Tony himself went back to the workbench and explained all the possible problems.

   Pepper glanced at the USB flash drive in his hand and looked at Tony seriously.

   "If I get the list back, what are you going to do?"

   "The old way, if it is a secret transaction, I will stop it, find my weapon, and then destroy it."


   Pepper couldn't bear to say something, and smiled bitterly, but his eyes were a little bit teary, "You know I am willing to do anything for you."

   "But if you want to mess around like last time, I can't help you." Pepper said seriously.

   "I only need the list, not to show it to anyone, not to make money, nor to sign any contracts." The voice grew louder.

   Tony turned stared at Pepper with wide eyes, "I have to do this, nothing more."

   "Really?" Pepper looked at Tony quietly.

   "Then I will resign." He said these words with tears in his eyes, put the chip in his hand on the table, and turned to leave.

   Tony never thought that such a situation would happen. Pepper never refused his request, but this time...

   Looking at Pepper who turned and left, Tony changed his usual detached personality and said calmly and deeply.

   "You have been standing on my side for so many years. You were there when I made money by destroying everywhere."

   "Now, when I want to protect those who are suffering because of me, you are leaving me?"

  Pepper only cared about Tony's safety and replied directly.

   "Tony, this will kill you, I can't push you."

   Tony sat down, and thought of those who had helped him in times of crisis and lost their lives, the young soldiers who stopped him in the jeep, and Ethan who saved his life in the cave.

   There are also refugees who lost their lives innocently because of their weapons, and countless blood appeared in front of them.

   Tony lowered his head and said dullly, "If not for this belief."

   "I should have died long ago."

   "I'm not crazy, Pepper, I just finally understand what I should do, and I know from the bottom of my heart that it's the right thing to do."

   Pepper saw that Tony was so deep for the first time. Tony never said what happened during his three months in Afghanistan.

   No one has experienced his life, who knows if he lived like years in those days.