Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 878: Thanos knows me?

"Marvel's I Can Control Metal (

The strong sense of space pulling is very uncomfortable for Chen Haoran, who is making the transition for the first time, and even a little spark emerges from being pulled by space.

Several people around were staring at Chen Haoran nervously. If Chen Haoran suddenly burst out in the cabin with all his strength, then everyone would be finished.

However, with strong physical fitness, Chen Haoran also resisted abruptly.

Of course, but this is just a few simple space transitions, and the addition of space stabilization devices, so the impact is not big.

In this way,'Alternative No. 134' was also moving smoothly, and they did not expect that just a few minutes ago, they had just missed a huge life and death crisis.

Chen Haoran looked a little depressed at everything around him. Under the strong acceleration of the endless starry sky, a layer of energy was formed around it, blocking most of his vision, and all he saw were images of countless energy flowing.

After watching this picture for an hour, Chen Haoran finally recovered.

"So, we are now on interstellar voyage, going to another planet?"

Xiaojie was already asleep on the side, after coming out of the jump point, the spacecraft entered the gallop mode, and there was no sense of pulling the space jump.

And Jason sat quietly and didn't know what he was thinking.

Until I heard Chen Haoran’s question, I calmly said, "Yes, at the current speed, I should be able to reach Contraxia in 20 minutes."

"The closest transition point to Contracia is still far away. It is safe in this flight mode."

Jason thought that Chen Haoran was afraid, so he comforted.

"I'm just a little curious. After all, even the near-Earth satellites on the earth have not figured out, and they can't even get out of the solar system."

"When the earth is able to connect to the star network, you can get the first-level space transition data, as well as the basic star map, and the crafting technology of spacecraft. At that time, the level of technology will usher in a new breakthrough."

Jason calmly said that almost every day there will be new civilizations connected to the star network, becoming the first level of interstellar civilization.

As for the several cosmic empires, these elementary knowledge are also put on the star network without hesitation, and even extremely detailed various tutorials, which can teach step by step to shape a spaceship capable of making a leap.

Chen Haoran looked at the radiant rays of light outside, and couldn't see the endless starry sky outside.

"I didn't expect it to be like this in the universe. It turns out that there are so many civilized planets and so many intelligent lives in the universe."

After that, Chen Haoran couldn't help but rubbed his stomach, "Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry."

Camora, who was sitting on the other side, took out an energy bar from the locker on the side and threw it over.

This is not the usual food, and it is expensive. It is an energy bar used in emergencies, which can quickly replenish physical energy.

But in everyone's eyes, Chen Haoran, who has fought, should consume a lot of money, even if he consumes an energy bar.

Chen Haoran took it in her hand, pondered a few times, and then opened it to eat.

Still thinking in my heart, ‘Sandar, Contraxia, I don’t know how the boss is, is this the universe? ’

The good expectations that were originally imagined in my heart have been shattered in this battle. In the universe, security is a wish of extravagance.

And Chen Haoran is adapting to all this quickly.

"The Void Land was blocked, the signal device I placed didn't send back any news, and at the same time, the star network was blocked."

The Rocket sat in the driver's seat and said without turning his head.

With such a sentence, the entire cabin became even more silent.

"The boss can transfer space, there should be no one to trap him, besides, I haven't seen the real strength of the boss until now."

Chen Haoran, who had just arrived, said directly.

"I think it might be possible for the boss to appear directly in the cabin after a while. What are you nervous about?"

Chen Haoran, who didn't know Thanos' reputation, said these words.

"Let's land Contraxia in thirteen minutes, Rocket, you can help me to supply it, I'll go down and find someone."

Quill was silent for a while, but said so.

"Hurry up to Sandal Star as soon as possible. This plane needs to be remodeled. It doesn't even have a tape player."

As he said, his tone was slightly depressed, and Xingjue who had lost his music had no soul.

Kamora gave Quill a weird look, then closed her eyes to rest up, let alone, she really enjoyed the feeling of listening to music while driving the spaceship.

Only Nebula, sitting alone, looking at everyone, now she has not yet integrated into the group, not even Howard Duck.


At this time, the distance between Leo and Thanos and others was less than fifty meters.

But also at this time, Thanos stopped.

The Temple No. 1 in the air was pressed downwards, and the entire battleship was slightly shaken, while Leo felt that the surrounding environment was changing slightly.

The originally weak gravity gradually increased under the oppression of Temple One.

In the end, although it did not return to the earth’s gravitational appearance, UU Reading www. is also much more comfortable than the weak gravity that seemed to float on the moon before.

However, the oxygen is still thin, which is enough to suffocate ordinary people.

On the side of the ebony throat, his mouth was blocked, but his consciousness was clear.

I want to struggle to get rid of the shackles on my body, I can't do it.

Trying to attack Leo on the side, it was impossible to shake Leo's existence at all.

Even Ebony Maw tried to launch an attack from the ground, directly blasting Leo out.

But he couldn't even do this, as if the small piece of ground under Leo's feet had become a whole piece of metal pillar that could not be shaken.

As a result, the ebony throat had to be locked in place like a tied quail.

Moreover, in front of the incomparably noble Lord Thanos, the ebony throat was almost suffocated, and he, who paid the most attention to image, was so embarrassed and unbearable.

At the same time, he also hated Leo, who was standing aside, to his bones.

"You are the golden legend from the earth, right?"

Thanos, covered in dark golden armor, stood forty meters away, looking at Leo and said in a deep voice.

Although the words were weakened by several points in such an environment, the strong voice still accurately passed into Leo's ears.

"You know where I came from. It seems that the Citadel Legion has collected a lot of information on Earth, right, Thanos."

Leo was also upright, looking at the tall Thanos on the opposite side, and said without hesitation.

With this sentence, the black dwarf on the side could not help but wave the giant axe in his hand, trying to step forward, but was stopped by Proxima Centauri.

But in the same way, Proxima also pointed the laser cannon at Leo, and could shoot at any time.