Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 918: Full departure

"Marvel's I Can Control Metal (

Rogers on the side, lightly a sheet with his right hand, and the strong magnetic suction cup inlaid on the arm guard gleamed slightly.

The shocking gold shield that was still aside suddenly flew up and snapped onto Rogers's arm.

Including Hawkeye's quiver, as Tony was building Mark 44, all of them were upgraded by Stark.

If it weren't for Hulk to be in a state of anger, he couldn't use weapons at all, and he couldn't even control himself, maybe Stark would make a whole set of equipment for Hulk.

Mark forty-three stood by himself from the side.

It seems that everyone is ready.

Leo sat up straight, looking at the people around him, "Nick Fury is not here?"

"He seems to be reminiscing with an old friend, so this time, I have the highest command."

Rogers looked at everyone and said.

And everyone didn't seem to disagree with that, except for Stark's slightly frowned brow, and habitually wanting to say something, but finally looking at Leo, who had no disagreement, also dismissed the idea.

At least, Rogers is indeed the guy who has participated in the most wars and has a wealth of war experience.

Although this is not a great experience, Rogers can be considered the strongest person in terms of the macro concept of the entire battlefield.

The Red Whale also seemed to feel that the surrounding atmosphere was a little weird, and hurriedly approached Leo, a little worried that Leo would leave suddenly again.

Rogers looked at the small whale in front of him, but the red whale, which was more than one meter long, did not seem to be as big as a large dog.

"Is the red whale right, how strong is his combat effectiveness?"

Tony also stood up and looked at the red whale, "The red whale's defense is the strongest I have ever seen. As for the combat effectiveness, I think we can't beat him together."

Hawkeye stared at the red whale closely, very curious.

At this time, Natasha was already wearing a black tight-fitting combat suit. There are two short laser blades on the side of the thigh, the electric shock widow sting in the hand, the Glock19 semi-automatic pistol on the waist, and the small electric shock Taser plate.

At the same time, there are small flash bombs, claw climbing ropes, single-finger daggers, special knee parts loaded, and a micro power supply at the waist, which has made Natasha fully armed.

The insulated gloves and boots in her hand made Natasha feel very comfortable.

"Thanks, Tony, I feel great."

Natasha looked at Tony and said, moving her body casually, and the bumpy figure was shown in front of everyone.

Tony glanced unabashedly. For him, this figure is great, but not uncommon.

Rogers glanced, still looking down at the situation in his hand about Sokovia.

Hawkeye seems to have been commonplace for a long time, still lowering his head to wipe the sharp blade in his hand and the strong bow in his hand.

Only Dr. Banner looked at Natasha's figure, very shy, but still couldn't help but look at it secretly.

As for Leo on the side, he looked boldly and openly, as if he didn't hide it.

Even the Red Whale followed Leo's gaze and looked at Natasha, but he naturally didn't care.

Natasha seemed to have already guessed the reaction of the people around her. There was a special meaning in the eyes of Banner while she looked at Leo's eyes, which was a bit joking.

And Rogers seemed to be impatient.

"Preparing to set off, the Hydra base is manufacturing powerful high-tech weapons every moment, and every moment it will increase some threats."

"Jarvis, activate the Kun-style armor."

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis's voice said faintly, and the Kun-type fighter with retracted wings that was originally outside the tarmac was also slowly turning.

Everyone in the audience stood up, including Banner. Although he didn't want to participate in this battle in words, he still stood up without hesitation.

This is the recognition of his identity, and he still agrees that he is also one of the avengers. There is no escape. Whether it is because of Hulk or his own knowledge, he can't let himself escape.

Hawkeye took a buckle, and the quiver in his hand was already carried on his back.

Banner didn't take anything, and walked out empty-handed. He himself was the best weapon. Rogers did the same. He lifted his shield and walked to the plane.

Natasha followed Banner behind, seemingly still playing with a small Taser in her hand.

Mark forty-three walked into the Quinjet himself, while Tony and Leo walked behind.

Leo is still sitting on top of the little red whale, and Tony is standing beside him.

"Leo, the virtual gold you brought last time is very different in nature, and it is the top material in terms of wear resistance and toughness."

"The most important thing is that the conductivity of energy is enough to allow me to complete some assumptions that I couldn't do before."

"Do you have any extra money?"

"No problem, I probably still have two hundred cubic meters of virtual gold, and I will give it to you when I get back."

Leo said without caring.

Although virtual gold is also very important to Leo, after all, this pure metal energy can save Leo a lot of time.

But for Tony's needs, Leo can still meet it casually. After all, there is still a lot of virtual gold in the void.

"That thing is so worthless?"

Tony said in disbelief that two hundred cubic meters is a huge amount even in terms of resources such as iron ore on the earth.

"No, it's actually quite valuable, how can I say it, the price is about five times that of Baker Stone."

Leo sat on the back of the red whale, nodded lightly and said with a smile.

"This thing comes from the same place of origin as Baker Stone, but Baker Stone is more like a companion product of virtual gold, so this thing is still quite precious."

"I heard that it seems that virtual gold is still a necessity for that space stability instrument, so the price is really not cheap."

"You have so many?"

"Uh, how should I put this, the controller of the planet of origin has become my little brother, and the output there is not small, so although this virtual gold is precious and very useful, for us, The value is not high."

Leo looked at Tony on the side and said with confidence.

The two finally slowly stepped onto the Kun-style fighter.

Hawkeye, sitting in the cab, naturally activated the fighter immediately and hurried to Sokovia.

"It will take about an hour. We will tell you the specific combat plan after we arrive."

"Remember, the first task is the Scepter of Mind and Citrickel."

Rogers solemnly told everyone on his face.

"We don't know much about the situation of the Hydra base in Sokovia, but we know some of their fortifications and their powerful military weapons."

"As for what methods they have, SHIELD does not currently have much detailed information."

"So, if everyone finds something wrong, notify everyone in time."