Marvel Movie Destruction

Chapter 44: Temporary worker

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"Mr. Lee?"

Grant Ward felt a little hairy. What do you mean by this kid holding his hand so tightly?

As a veteran agent, Ward has encountered various distress scenarios, and every time he can rely on his own strength to overcome danger.

But now, he felt a deep fear spreading from the bottom of his heart.

The other party took his hand and refused to let go, and there was a strange smile on his face. Could it be that he had any thoughts about himself?

As the top male model in the secret service industry, Ward has always been very proud of his handsome appearance and **** body. When completing certain tasks, he will also resort to old-fashioned tactics such as beautiful male tactics.

But Ward dare to swear to God that his sexual orientation is absolutely normal!


Li Qingyuan reacted to Ward's shout.

No way, from shaking hands to being teleported and then staying in the mist for seven days and then being teleported back, the twists and turns of the middle story are enough to write a short story of 50,000 words!

"Mr. Ward, where did we talk?" He quickly released Ward's palm. He didn't want to have too much physical contact with the ugly man in front of him.

You said that if you come to a beautiful woman with long legs and a hidden weapon, it will be enough to hold hands for a while. What can you say to this ugly man?

"I am Grant Ward from the Bureau of National Land Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support. To put it bluntly, our bureau leaders value your skills and are ready to invite you to join us!" Ward feels that the guy opposite is here. Fuck yourself, why doesn't the other party remember what you just said?

But considering his task, he endured his temper and repeated it.

"Well, may I ask, Mr. Ward, do you hire people so casually now?" Although you know SHIELD.

No, I was wrong, it was Snake Shield.

Although the Snake Shield Bureau often recruits some people who are idle in society to join, but at any rate this is also a hidden international intelligence agency, and ordinary people do not know the existence of such an agency.

And now the other party is standing in front of him and discussing solicitation issues so grandly, it feels like having breakfast on the side of the road, and the two old men at the next table are chatting about the latest rocket model data.

This style of painting feels very wrong!

It is said that under the suspicious leadership of that black bald head, isn't the entire Snake Shield Bureau going in a sneaky style?

If it weren't for this Grant Ward who was definitely an elite of Snake Shield according to his memory, he would have doubted whether the other party was pretending to be S.H.I.E.L.D. to defraud.

"Our bureau's purpose of employing people has always been to employ people without doubt. You have excellent skills and your resume is clean and innocent, so I think you will distinguish between the priorities." The main reason for waiting until today is to recruit Li Qingyuan. It is Garrett who is using his authority to investigate the three generations of his ancestors these days.

According to the information, Li Qingyuan's predecessor had hardly any black spots. Apart from not knowing that he had learned so superb bomb technology from there, there were no problems at all.

If it was Nick Fury who came to make a judgment, then he would definitely think that there was no problem as the biggest problem. Then he sent someone to investigate Li Qingyuan for 24 hours, and waited two months after no abnormality was found. Will directly arrest him for interrogation.

Don't doubt, this is Hei Tantou's logical thinking. In his eyes, everyone in the world is a hidden super criminal or alien spy, and it is absolutely correct to catch all suspects.

But Garrett doesn't have so many worries.

The old man is in urgent need of manpower, especially the direct staff under his command, so it doesn’t matter whether Li Qingyuan’s bomb technology was learned from others or figured out by himself, anyway, as long as he can use it for his own use, then even if he really is something super It doesn't matter to criminals.

Is there a villain organization bigger than Hydra in this world?

When it comes to crime, we Hydra are professional.

I had a good chat with the immediate boss codenamed Clairvoyance about benefits and other issues. After signing a contract, Li Qingyuan immediately became a peripheral agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. under Hydra.

There is no preparation and no certificate, but clairvoyance stated that he is a non-staff personnel. Although he does not enjoy the five social insurance and one housing fund of a formal agent, he has additional privileges that a formal employee does not have.

For example, if Li Qingyuan did something illegal in the future, then the boss can be responsible for helping clean up the files in the database.

Of course, if he was caught in the course of the crime, clairvoyance said that he would never admit that he was a non-staff employee.

Temporary workers, isn't that just about being up for something and just throwing it away for fun.

Garrett is not a qualified villain, because the old man actually fought for the beliefs in his heart for the first half of his life. The reason why he abandoned his secrets when he was old was mainly because of his unhappiness and severe physical degradation, and he was forced to be helpless. Into the big family of Hydra.

However, as the so-called blackening doubled, the whitening weak three-pointer, Garrett, who has just blackened, is now in the upswing period of his career. It just happens that Li Qingyuan's strength is still very weak, and it is definitely good to use him as a springboard.

As for the future?

When he is brushing a few copies and has the ability to protect himself, Hydra is a younger brother!

Not to mention Garrett who is pretending to be a fool, even the guy with the black charcoal head can let him lie on the ground to learn to meow!

Forget it, it's better to be safe and not too arrogant.

After sending away the fellow Ward, Li Qingyuan collapsed weakly in the newly bought chair.

The transmission this time was too unexpected, he didn't even prepare for it.

During the misty days, he didn't rest at all.

Although there are just a bunch of ordinary people in the, there are countless monsters outside!

Besides, with his body at that time, if someone really had any crooked thoughts, he would be a living target when he was asleep.

Unlike those agents who have been trained for many years, he is an ordinary person. If Ward hadn't taken the initiative to show up, Li Qingyuan would never have found him.

This is why Garrett dares to believe him so easily!

Ward reported to him that with Li Qingyuan's vigilance, he could kill him at any time.

Li Qingyuan didn't care what those people thought, after all, every Boss was upgraded from the new village mobs...


Every hero grew up from an unknown passerby.

I am still in the developmental stage of wretchedness, and being underestimated is just a good thing, not a bad thing.