Marvel Movie Destruction

Chapter 710: Voting

"As for the passing of Nick Fury, I feel extremely sad and sorry at the same time, so I decided to conceal the news of his embezzlement of public funds from the UN Board of Governors. How do you feel about it?"

In the large conference room on the top floor of the Trident headquarters, Pierce said to a group of eighth-level agents who hurried back.

An eighth-level agent can definitely be regarded as a big boss in S.H.I.E.L.D., and each of them has thousands of younger brothers, and holds the vital intelligence of a certain region or country.

You have to know what it is called in Brazil. In Rio de Janeiro, it is almost like a Turkish emperor. It can even mobilize warships, but his level is only six!

It can be said that each of the nine eighth-level agents sitting here has the power to subvert a country's power!

Hearing Pierce's decision, everyone present had mixed expressions, but after a little hesitation, everyone passed the resolution unanimously.

As the saying goes, the deceased is the big one. It is true that everyone was shocked after hearing the amount of money embezzled by the black braised egg, but everyone has done this kind of thing, so it is not easy to go into it!

If you do intelligence work, if you really live on only a few dead wages, it is estimated that it will be difficult for you to feed yourself.

So everyone has some gray income every day, which can definitely be regarded as the unspoken rule of the industry!

Of course, the appetite that directly swallowed the GDP of several countries, like the black marinated egg, still shocked everyone.

Everyone here feels convincing and convincing. It's no wonder people can be the chief but they can only be an eighth-level agent. Corruption alone can't keep up with the other party even if they are shooting horses!

The rabbit and the fox are hurt by the tragedy. No one in this room dare to say that their **** is absolutely clean. Now the black marinated egg is dead. If you are looking for other problems, will you have to be settled after you die?

Everyone is smart, so they won't gloat like those fools!

"Very well, since everyone has no opinion, then the funeral of Nick Fury will be held in the Capitol in three days. I will try my best to suggest that the president come and put the coffin on him!"

If the matter of the dead is resolved, then the remaining matter to be resolved is the matter of the living!

Everyone is sitting in a jerk, because everyone knows that the next big thing is coming.

As soon as Nick Fury died, the throne of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was emptied instantly, so everyone's eyes turned green.

It's true that it's great to be the emperor of Fang Tu, but that general doesn't want to be emperor?

"Regarding the candidate for the new director, it is reasonable to say that I, an old guy who has retired to the second line, is not qualified to interrupt, but everyone knows that the current situation in the world is still very serious, and the problem of aliens destroying the earth is still extremely serious, so I also have to say a few more words..."

Pierce began to talk about Balabala, as a qualified leader, regardless of the department in that country, meetings are all necessary skills!

When meeting a meeting on weekdays, everyone would like to sleep on the table, but today, everyone is uncharacteristic, all eyes widened listening to Pierce’s nonsense, no one wants to miss a word.

After all, if anyone really regards the other side's humble words as real nonsense, then he is not qualified to mix in here.

It is true that Pierce really can't decide the candidate for the next director in a single sentence, but once the old leader has spoken, then no matter who it is, it has to be weighed.

Hill slightly took away and looked at Victoria Hand, who was sitting across from him, as the only two women in the top. It is said that they should be on the same front.

It's a pity that Agent Hande, like other veteran agents, didn't have a lot of affection for the deputy director who had descended from the air, so what's the relationship between the two?

Can only be described as a superficial friend!

Although someone vowed to make her the director, Hill really didn't have much hope for such a thing.

"So I think that the future belongs to young people after all. Here I propose that Maria Hill take over as the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., what do you think?"

After chattering for half an hour, Pierce finally said what everyone wanted to hear.


? ? ?

Everyone's expressions suddenly became weird, and they kept spinning between Pierce and Hill!

Could it be that these two people have some unspeakable adultery?

After all, everyone knows that the relationship between the old director Pierce and the airborne deputy director is not harmonious. Even if it is not tit-for-tat, it is certain that they are not pleasing to the eye.

And now Pierce actually proposed to let Maria Hill be the new director, which makes people have to fill up strange scenes in their minds!

The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing for a while, as Pierce said, even if he suggested that Maria Hill should be the chief, but because the chick had an unstable foundation, it was difficult for the following people to obey her.

"I agree with Secretary Pierce's proposal. Deputy Director Hill is definitely the best candidate for director. I vote for it!"

Just when everyone thought the atmosphere would be so quiet all the time, they only heard someone vote for it directly.

? ? ?

Everyone looked at Garrett who voted in amazement, feeling that today is April Fool's Day?

As everyone knows, as the deputy director of the airborne, Hill has no foundation in S.H.I.E.L.D., but because of the face, the relationship can survive on the surface.

And the only one who doesn't seem to bother to maintain a relationship with each other is Garrett.

This old guy has expressed his contempt for Hill in public more than It can be said that among the participants, the relationship between Garrett and Hill should be the worst.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't he be the first to object?

Hill looked at Garrett in a daze, and his heart was already overwhelming.

She can still understand if someone can convince Pierce. After all, Pierce has no personal interest in her. Anyway, he cannot continue to return to the Chief of Authority. Then, regardless of whether she is selling personal favors or gaining benefits from other angles, Pierce can use the Aegis The position of the bureau chief is to be discussed as a business.

But Garrett?

You know this guy is the oldest person except Pierce. He is fully capable and qualified to fight for the position of director.

What method does someone use to make this guy willing to put down his face to support himself?

"I also agree with Secretary Pierce's proposal!"

Seeing someone express his opinion, Coleson, who had no more hair left on his forehead, also said quickly.

As an eighth-level agent who was only promoted by the Braised Egg FireWire last month, Coleson is considered the least qualified among all the people present, so he originally came to the show with the idea that more is worse than less.

But now, since Pierce and Garrett have both spoken, Coulson feels that instead of letting those who have a bad relationship with him sit in the position of director, it is better to vote for Hill, right?

Anyway, everyone is familiar!

(I'm really sorry, this month is really busy, I thought it would be nothing to move, but I didn't expect to have so many things to do! It will be fine after moving at the end of the month. The update this month is not stable, I am sorry!