Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 244: Sirius Legion (Part 1)

  Chapter 244 Sirius Legion (Part 1)


   "Cough cough cough Falk!"

  Scott Summers took a careful breath of the hot, sulfur-smelling air, and it went from his throat to his lungs. The burning pain like a pinprick made him clearly feel the contours of his bronchi and lung lobes.

  Recalling that he finally reached the age to drink a few months ago, Scott ignorantly took two mouthfuls of some kind of oriental spirit that Master "Nightcrawler" secretly brought out from home at the college party.

  The "fire" slid down, as if you could see the esophagus and stomach pouch, exactly the same feeling as at this moment.

   "Hey guy, this **** place is really not for people!"

Hastily swung a half-curved blue-black metal mask back to the nose and mouth, the bubble-like ice-blue energy membrane quickly covered the head, coupled with the special eyepiece of "Cyclops", Scott Although Te Summers didn't like it here, he felt that his appearance in armor was extremely cool.

   "It's very humorous Summers, this is 'hell', it's really not a place for people to stay."

   "Colossus" Peter Rasputin was nearly two meters three, and his silver-gray metal body stood in front of him like an iron tower.

  Compared to Scott who was fully armed, Peter only wore a special tactical vest, with two giant axes hanging behind him, holding arms as thick as the waist of an ordinary person, and rumbling slowly.

He still spoke with a little Russian accent, and he didn’t need to wear any air conversion or life support equipment in such a harsh environment. His deep voice seemed to be hitting a bronze bell, and his pupils that had also turned into organometallic substances stared at this place. A world where humans can barely survive.

  The blood-red sky is covered with lead-black clouds formed by thick smoke, and the bare dim wasteland is vast and boundless, with no end in sight.

  But the earth is like burnt earthen bricks, and the broken cracks are like the dry mouths and corners of countless people, opening their mouths and wailing, emitting black smoke like plumes of gunpowder from time to time.

  Everywhere visible to the naked eye is a dead wilderness. Occasionally, a few black and red plants with teeth and claws come out from the cracks in the hot stones emitting white smoke.

  The bloodstains hanging on it were sucked dry in an instant, causing this weird thornbush to tremble comfortably.


Blue-black smoke exploded and emerged, and the "Nightcrawler" who had become stronger and taller appeared teleportedly. Like Colossus, Kurt did not need special equipment to survive in the dangerous environment of "Hell Dimension". survive.

  The Asazo family, the mutants of the demon family, can naturally adapt to this **** world full of flames, lava and brimstone, which to some extent also confirms their nickname of "devil".

   "Hey! It's coming soon, and 'Little Hen' and I have had a big stab this time!"

  Baring his fangs, Kurt pulled out the two Adamantium short knives on his back, and danced out two groups of shining knives casually, making Scott beside him jealous, even though his eyes were always red and glowing.

  Little Mr. Summers has been short of "wolf gold" recently, and has been trying to save his merits to exchange for a pair of laser glasses made of adelman alloy, but his stingy brother has always been stingy.

  With no way to borrow money, Scott mustered all his energy to make enough capital in this round of "hunting ground".

  Kilometers away, at the top of the scorching red mountain like a demon with long horns, a burst of gravel and dust exploded, and an arrow-like silver-gray figure flew out.

  Swishing its wings, the shadow twisted and spirally cut down several bat-like **** demons, spraying out splashes of black and red stinky blood and pieces of broken flesh.

  Warren Worthington flapped his wings slowly on the top of the mountain and hovered for a moment, with his legs together and his head raised, as if he was deliberately posing.

  A pair of wingspan of nearly six meters, like the metal wings made of extraordinary technology, is still dazzling under the dark red dome.

  The edge of the "iron wing" is like a knife, and the tip of the wing is like a spear.

Not only are they thicker, longer, and wider than the previous feathered wings, but the metal-like wings are ten times heavier. However, seeing Warren's agility and agility in mid-air, as well as the flight acceleration that can easily burst the sound barrier, it seems More relaxed than ever.

A few vulture-like demons with cuticle scales flew up. Warren flapped his wings in mid-air, stopped and retreated abruptly, dodged behind the monster and slashed down. Unique cutting strength and boxing charm.

   Between the two flapping wings, several ferocious bald heads fell down, and the mountain behind Warren trembled like a progressive rumble.

  From the chaotic rock crevices at the foot of the mountain, there is also a huge cave halfway up the mountain. Countless hellish demons with their long tongues stretched out and the lowest level on all fours rushed out like a tide, screaming and rushing out!

   On the wasteland of hell, there was a violent shock like ten thousand horses were silent.

   "Kurt, you **** are a pure shameless devil! After stabbing the 'Honeycomb' without farting, he ran away without a trace, Shet! I was almost bored in it!"

  As soon as Warren put his wings down and landed, he opened his mouth to curse, the rough and savage appearance in his words was very different from the arrogant and reserved noble young master a few years ago.

He also wears a half-face mask of the same style as Scott, but the color is consistent with the wings on the back and the silver-gray combat armor, which is different from most of the blue-black family standard equipment, and looks more heroic handsome.

  I heard that this is the style that Master Worthington III specially asked the equipment department of "Wolf's Nest" to modify and design. I have to admit that no one is more thoughtful than him in terms of appearance.

  Kurt licked his fangs, his eyes were narrowed into two shallow crescents on his indigo face, and he chuckled.

"Jiejiejie, why did our Master Warren become the 'Archangel' now! As the first big brother to evolve twice among the brothers, and he has won the secret teaching from my grandfather, hehe. A devil's lair, isn't that just letting you fight in and out?"

   "I, he. Hmph. You boy, ahem, you still have eyes."

   After being praised for a few words, Warren, who raised his chest high again, pompously fiddled with a few strands of blond hair hanging down. His handsome face, as depicted in a religious scroll, was tense, and he tried to resist the corners of his mouth.

  Training in wolves for more than three years, the dozens of hideous scars left on his cheeks and body disappeared after Warren Worthington became the "Archangel" with his second mutation.

  The alloy wings that were born from the back again, the stronger body and invisible energy stimulated by the training of switching to killing technique, and a certain self-healing ability

  Little Warren is no longer the one in the Chaoying Academy, the one who was weak and the tail of the crane.

   Ignoring the laughter and ridicule of the people behind him, Colossus still stood at the front of the four-person team with a serious face, waiting fearlessly for the impact of the "magic tide".

  Peter Rasputin had always been taciturn, and he didn't usually like to chat with everyone, but he was indeed the favorite candidate for forming teams in all the college departments and family departments, and he was inexplicably popular in the Sirius Legion.

  Below the "horn mountain", which belongs to a great demon in the dimension of "Land of Hell", there are nearly a hundred teams of the Howlett family scattered in the vast fiery wasteland.

   A group of teams faintly formed into a network-like formation, waiting for the mass of **** creatures that were irritated.

"Archangel" Warren fluttered his wings and looked down from a high altitude at the undulating group of lemurs, black, red, and pale various low-level **** creatures and high-level beast-shaped, or human-shaped mature demons The turbulent rushes forward.

   There are more than 10,000 people, and there is no limit.

  A great demon lair second only to the lord of the **** dimension, and more than tens of thousands of demon troops. Compared with the Sirius Legion's team of only a few thousand people, this is a battle of ten times the disparity between ourselves and the enemy.

James Howlett sat on the head of a severed **** dragon behind the legion. On the top of the huge black and red dragon head, a flat bony lump and a ring of spikes several meters high just formed A natural "throne".

  The scale-like slim-fitting vibrating gold black armor is covered with a red-edged cloak, and the jet-black eyes are condescendingly watching the upcoming battle.

  James put his right fist against his cheek and remained silent all the while, but there was a harsh ridicule and complaint from around him.

"Tsk, old Pete and his fellows, they really have been sleeping for too long and they are so anxious. Once the 'Winter of the Wolf' started, in the past two years, legions of all sizes have practiced. As long as they are fighting on the battlefield, they will never fall , Hey! Such a big man, he must 'grab the head' with these children."

Asazo didn't have a proper chair to lean against the bone spur on the dragon's head. Eric Lanshere, who was the only one on the other side of the throne who was qualified to answer the question, didn't make a sound. The small thought of going up and hacking and killing for a while was also in vain.

  In recent years, the training affairs of the Sirius Legion have been handled by James himself, and he and Eric have relaxed a lot.

  After the battle of the apocalypse, James ordered to set up a truly extraordinary army outside the family wolf pack team and the "Whip of Order", named "Sirius".

  It is different from the old-fashioned "wolf pack" responsible for the security protection and special affairs of the Howlett family and the group's industries, and the order and violence organization officially in charge of Steve Rogers and Professor Charles.

  The "Sirius Legion" not only mobilized the family's most cutting-edge equipment, weapons and resources, but also selected and invited elites from the two major institutions and extraordinary academies to join, creating the most powerful armed force on the planet.

  Before the Kree incident, the Legion had been secretly organized and trained by the Red Devil and Magneto.

  Today, they finally understand why the old man wanted to expand the army, "militarism" when he had the overall situation under control.

   "Sirius Legion", born only for interstellar attack!

  Further back, there are two men with different temperaments in light armor, who look like "safflower double sticks", standing proudly behind the throne with eyes full of fighting spirit, eager to try.

   "Focus on the effect of young people's small team combat. The energy weapons and cold weapons of the Winter Wolf team are already very mature in hand-to-hand combat. These old guys are playing better than the younger generations with new equipment."

   James sat up a little bit, chuckled and said loudly.

  In the distance, the war ends.


   A demon that was running with two hooves but gradually crouched down, its first horns resembling a ram touched the ground on all fours, and blasted towards Colossus like a mountain cracking rocks.

  Until rushing to the front, the silent Peter finally let go of his embraced arms, spread out two palms as big as cattail palms and suddenly struck together!

  What a big head of a demon that rushed to the top. After being slapped into pieces of watermelon, he knelt down. The headless neck cavity was as thick as a bucket, and blood gushed out to wash the scalding black and red liquid all over Colossus.

  He was like a thousand-year-old reef standing in a huge wave, and with a loud roar, he hit the top of more than a dozen **** demons that rushed at the same time in an instant.

  Let them continue to climb up and bite madly, and soon wrap themselves into a hill.

   With his backhand, he grabbed the two single-edged giant axes on his back that could only be held by ordinary people with both hands, twisted and swung them into a metal storm with great force, and cut out a large open space for corpses in an instant.

  Colossus is paired with vibrating gold double axes, currently the top three super "tanks" in hand-to-hand combat in the entire legion!

Peter in the front cut a gap in the demon tide, behind him "Cyclops" Scott touched his forehead, his eyes released blazing ruby-colored laser shock waves, sweeping away the enemies in front of him one by one, countless Qing's severed limbs were thrown up.

On the blood-red sky, Warren attracted a large number of flying demons to bite. In addition to the alloy wings full of murderous vigor, which cut through the approaching enemies like two knives, Warren also held a "Spike Fang" in his arms. Three types of energy guns, long-distance bombardment with one cannon.

Most of the soldiers of the Sirius Legion are fighting on the ground, and there are only a few mutants who can fly like the "Archangel" in the air, but there are more and more flying dragons falling almost at the same time, or **** demons like vultures and bats. many.

Kurt Howlett's overclocking teleportation has greatly relieved the air combat pressure of the Legion. At the beginning, Asazor named the exaggerated teleportation and strobe trick - "Longevity Eye", which was learned ten by ten by the young "Nightcrawler". .

  Hundreds of blue-black long-tailed figures appeared in the viewers' retinas almost at the same time. Kurt raised the butcher knife in his hand, and cut off the heads of more than 70 demonic creatures in just one second.

  More mobile squads composed of eight or nine mutants, and dozens of winter wolves fighting in the "sea of ​​devils" without retreating.

  The "Sirius Legion" with only about 3,000 people forcibly withstood nearly 100,000 **** creatures, and even faintly advanced the battle formation.

  The places with the greatest pressure in the center are all the older generation of winter wolf warriors in heavy armor, equipped with energy guns and vibrating gold cold weapons.

  These "martial idiots" who choose to freeze themselves at their peak state are all generations of fathers and sons and brothers who went into battle together, and became the core army formation that blocked the largest number of enemy troops.

Thousands of ice-blue energy beams easily blasted out a trajectory, and occasionally the flying creatures that fell down were also shot to the head with precision. The vibrating gold energy weapon made by Rubik's Cubeyuan finally shined. war environment.

   But in front of the position that this group of old wolves can hold down, there are three thin but vigorous and beautiful figures with long hair **** standing proudly alone!

  They broke away from the central team, step by step to kill the advanced demons deeper in the demon tide.

  Black, Gold, Red!

  The long hair swaying from the three waterfalls made thousands of fierce fighters behind them feel ashamed.

   "Peter! Let's go to the front left. I think the pressure on the eldest lady and the others is getting bigger and bigger."

  Scott shouted beside Colossus, the core of the team is mainly "tanks", and he can't do it by himself if he wants to cross the thousands of meters of the magic sea battlefield.

   "Bah! Missy, I think you are heading towards Qin!"

  Puffing explosions rang around Cyclops' side, "Nightcrawler" intermittently teased, but Colossus remained steady, slashing and killing the demonic creatures in front of him as motionless as a mountain.

  (end of this chapter)