Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 273: Um? super skrull

  Chapter 273 Huh? super skrull

  Brooklyn, New York, once again staged a "big show" at the Grand Army Plaza with special historical significance.

  Since the establishment of the earth's supernatural power world rules, there have been almost no extraordinary battles on the scale of this moment in ordinary human society.

  The "Stone Man" rounded up the shattered boulder fragments in the square at the spaceships, and even pulled up the lamp post and threw it like a javelin.

  Mr. whose body is like human-shaped rubber, blocked the stone monster twice from time to time at the beginning, but he completely fought with the law enforcement fighters in the sky as if he hit his head with his head.

  The blond beauty holding up the energy shield and the fiery figure in the sky helped them block the ice-blue energy artillery fire from the fighter planes and diverted the strength of some order teams, while trying to stop the confrontation between the two.

  The scene was chaotic for a while, and the sound of roaring and explosions followed.

  Kalter stared at the four figures with extraordinary abilities, rubbing his chin with great interest, and a Skrull royal family who turned into a middle-aged bald man approached and asked softly:

   "Your Majesty, these four humans are even better than some of the 'samples' we have collected, aren't they?"

Corald, who is also of the Skrull royal family, is not much different from the emperor's status according to the Skrull tradition, but he always calls Carter "Your Majesty" like an ordinary Skrull, and it is also true. Carter's most trusted subordinate.

  Although the strength is not much different from that of Pike, Corald finally got the identity of "Magneto King" under the hint of Carter's partial gang.

   Seeing Emperor Karth's expression move slightly, Corald continued:

".These four people are not in the scope of the intelligence we collected before. Although we don't know where they came from, judging from their current performance, they have nothing to do with the Howlett family, and they may even be hostile. , If you directly capture them, it will not have much impact on the plan."

  Emperor Skrull suddenly grinned, his narrowed eyes repeatedly looked at the four of Reed, and said in a low and muffled voice:

"More than that, Corald, the strength of the four of them is very special. Although the external manifestations are very different, they have the same energy foundation, which means that you shoot directly and quickly. The point is "

  Carter sneered and raised his eyes to look at the city that he had just visited for a long time, and finally thought a little bit solemnly:

  "...Clean up this area, don't leave a living 'eye', just like... hum, it's like being suddenly attacked by the Cree, just enough to make the water muddy."

  Collard nodded slightly, and with the cover of his companions around him, he transformed into a brown-haired man with a little hoarfrost in a blink of an eye.

  The thin and tall figure is wearing a red ocher military uniform-style coat, with stern eyebrows and sharp eyes, just like Eric Lanshere.

   "Magneto" stepped up into the air step by step, and countless metal objects were raised in the square, such as underground metal pipes, street lamp fences, and building steel bars.

  Even the newly erected flight 826 commemorative sculpture in the center of the square was distorted and separated into long metal snakes, dancing wildly in the air.

   "That's. That's Lord Magneto! God, I can actually see this gentleman make a move"

  Occasionally, a few knowledgeable people in the crowd, who knew something about the extraordinary world, couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

  The order team and the law enforcement fighters coming from around the square retreated to make room when they saw the "Old Chief" approaching.

  Susan and his younger brother Johnny, as employees of the Howlett Group, have always been in the outer circle of this superpower, but they all know the few characters in the legend.

  Whether the two were "persuading a fight" or not, they immediately became honest. Even after the "Thunderbolt" fell to the ground, they seemed to imitate the high-level executives of the group's family and gave a chest-beating salute.

   "Magneto" glanced indifferently below, whether it was the Susan siblings who were waiting honestly, or Reed and Ben who were still clenched nervously, not knowing whether to surrender or continue to struggle, they all waved their hands!

The overwhelming torrent of metal twisted into four whirlwinds, swept towards Reed and the others from top to bottom, and rumbled into four solid steel spheres, especially for "Stone Man" Ben Graham, which was extraordinarily huge, almost like a People were sealed into the solidified giant cement pool.

Both the audience around and the members of the order standing around cheered enthusiastically. The people felt as if they had seen a real "superhero" movie and witnessed the powerful "Magneto King" with his own hands. Subdued four rowdy mutant criminals.

But the jubilation in the crowd has not stopped yet, Magneto continued to hover upwards, and with a little bit of lightning streamer exploding around him, the entire Grand Army Square, and even several surrounding streets, slammed like an earthquake. trembled.

  I don’t know if it was because he was finally sealed in the solid steel, and Ben Graham’s explosive emotions eased a little. He talked to Reed who was tied not far away beside him in a low voice.

   "Old man, something is wrong with me"

   "Shet! You feel something wrong at this moment? Think about what you did today, and what I did for you! Susan!"

   Reid yelled at Susan Stone, who was a little far away:

   "This 'Magneto', what else does he want to do?"

  Underground pipeline structures and buildings with steel structures collapsed and collapsed one after another, and there were even giant steel dragons that were condensed together and rushed towards the crowd and some intact buildings.

   Except for the Skrulls and Reed in the center of the square, half of Brooklyn is about to be turned into ruins.

   "Safari, go and help, if you are too slow, you may attract some troublesome people."

  Following Carter's order, a beautiful woman with black hair and white skin twisted her neck and walked out slowly. With every step she took, the woman's skin, hair color, height and appearance suddenly changed into another look.

   "Storm" Orolo Monroe's eyes turned white, and she also floated up with her arms outstretched. The sky that was still clear was suddenly covered with lead clouds.

  Thick clouds rolled down as if under control, thick fog instantly covered the entire area, thunder and lightning blew up, and while the ground sank and the mountains shook, a waterfall of lightning and a strangely formed tornado raged on it.

   In less than two minutes, the entire northern part of Brooklyn fell into **** on earth!

  Susan's lips were trembling and she couldn't speak. She simply couldn't understand why Lord Magneto and another extremely powerful mutant would do such a horrible and unreasonable thing.

   Before she could call out, a pillar of fire shot up into the sky, and the steel **** around "Thunderbolt" was instantly turned into a puddle of molten iron.

  Johnny soared high in the sky and swooped down on Ben Graham. The torrent of flames from both hands quickly melted the steel dome that blocked Ben.

  Besides, Reed didn't need help, he had already shrunk his whole body to the size of an arm, and sprang out like a snake.

   "Su, as I said, the Howlett family is a corrupt dynasty! They finally showed their true colors!"

Reed jumped to Susan's side, and while talking, he narrowed his arm and drilled into the steel column, trying to squeeze out of this solid steel cage through the deformed volume, but failed a few times, Ben walked away in a rough voice Come over and tear off the shackles around Susan, growling in a muffled voice:

   "Susan. We have to find a way to survive, and even... stop them!"

   "Hahahahaha! Corald is such a waste, he can't do such a small thing well, Carter should let me do it!"

  Pike, who turned into a bald-headed black giant, looked at the four people who escaped from the cage in the mist, but laughed loudly, not stingy with his own ridicule.

  Emperor Skrull Karth shook his head indifferently, and sat back on the only chair left in the ruins.

   "Go, go a few more"

  Looking at the backs of several people who were following Pike and stepping up at the same time, Carter murmured to himself in a low voice:

   "Unfortunately, without the pheromones of those mind masters, those two mind masters will be the biggest trouble"

  Himalayas, unnamed snow peaks.

  James squatted down, looked at Wanda who was standing outside the central hall of the sanctuary to send him and Pietro off, and gently pinched the little girl's fleshy cheek.

  Wanda pursed her lips, then pouted again, turned around and looked in the hall as if looking for a figure, tilted her head for a few glances, then turned around again, pouted even higher.

   "Your master is not mad at you."

  James seemed to have understood what Wanda was thinking, and he tapped the tip of her nose to comfort her softly.

   "Then why, Master. Why. Although she seems to have no feelings like that most of the time, Wanda can feel that Master is very sad."

  Wanda twisted the hem of her short robe, as if she could feel the pain and complexity in the mind of the ancient mage after Casillas' questioning.

"Your master is not a lucky person. She has spent her whole life alone for a certain ideal, but maybe even she herself doesn't know whether such a choice is worthwhile. But now she has you and your Aunt Laura, you will not Let her be alone any longer, right?"


Wanda grinned suddenly and nodded heavily. Knowing that she could help the teacher, she felt extremely happy. She gave a few words to her younger brother Pietro like a grown-up, pretending to shake her body casually, and asked road:

   ". Grandpa wants to tell Dad not to stare at the beautiful sister outside casually. He is very old. What is he doing recently? Why isn't he with you?"

  Pietro on the side also nodded curiously. James looked at the two little guys who missed their father, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

   "Dad, he is in a very special place. He is making important preparations with Uncle Asazo and the others. Soon, Grandpa will take them to deal with some things, and then he will be with you every day."

The two little guys hugged for the last time, and Wanda hugged James' cheek and kissed again. Then she took out a hanging ring from her bosom full of expressiveness, and put it on her fleshy little hand with a serious face. Open a spark portal to the Sanctuary of New York.

  James carried Pietro across the light gate, but the mages in the sanctuary did not look calm and calm in the past, and they flocked in front of the window and outside the door to discuss.

   "Xiao Li, what's going on?"

   "Sir, there is some kind of strange natural disaster in Brooklyn, with signs of earthquakes and tornadoes at the same time, but... we are planning to send mages to take a look."


  Master Xiao Li just finished speaking, when Mr. Howlett in front of him suddenly blasted out of the sanctuary and soared into the sky, looking in the direction of Brooklyn.

  Deep dark clouds spread from above Brooklyn, and even the sky over Manhattan, which is still tens of kilometers away, is still cloudy.

  The area seemed to be deliberately covered by clouds and thick fog, and only the flashes of lightning and fire could be vaguely seen.

  James looked at the direction in the distance that was completely sealed by the black mist, and fine crimson marks slowly appeared on the skin around the eyes, flowing with some acupuncture points or mysterious nerve nodes.

In the depths of the pupils suddenly appeared several miniature arrays of secret techniques similar to triangular rings. Not only did the eyesight instantly increase by ten times, but it also penetrated through the dense fog and saw Eric and the young Miss Monroe.

  [Ochette's Eye of True Sight] is a white magic technique used by mystics to see through some dimensional mysteries and magical illusions. After being transformed into a unique flesh and blood mystery by James, although it has not gained too complicated and magical effects.

  But in addition to greatly improving vision, it can also penetrate general visual obstacles similar to fog and light effects.

  James comforted the restless and excited Pietro in his arms, and murmured in doubt:

   "Why is Eric here, and the little girl Monroe. What happened?"

  Bending down and falling back to the entrance of the Most Sanctuary, James put Pietro down and handed it to Master Li, "Stay here obediently, don't run around!"

   "Don't worry, Grandpa!"

  After hearing Pietro's words, James, who was about to fly into the air, turned his head uneasy, smacking his mouth and added helplessly:

   "You should also pay attention to safety when running around. You are the least problematic in this regard?"

The little guy gave a thumbs up with a bright smile, and looked like "I'm the most doggy". Master Li looked at Mr. Howlett who was rushing into the sky, and thought that he should take care of the little boy entrusted by Mr. Gu Hao no matter what, but he hung down. Eyebrows, the surroundings are already empty.

  Boom! boom! boom!

"Colossus" punched the Golem's head hard, hitting him deep into the ground. In mid-air, "Magneto" had already cast another round and sealed steel dome, which crushed Reed Richard. It is completely sealed inside.

  Susan Stone had already passed out on the ground, and beside him stood a heroic figure holding a long energy knife.

   Of the "Fantastic Four", only "Thunderbolt" is still struggling in the air, avoiding the cascading lightning and the crimson shock wave energy.

  "Magneto" saw that everything was coming to an end, but suddenly felt as if he was being watched by some kind of beast behind him, and his neck was chilly.

  He turned around slowly, watching a man with dancing black hair stepping on a weird blood-red disc, looking at him calmly from high above.

   "Wolf—Howlett—uh, sir! Why are you here, me, ahem. I'm dealing with some mutants who don't obey the order."

  James' originally calm face suddenly smiled and nodded lightly. "Magneto" even thought he had been fooled, but he heard the man in front of him chuckle very curiously:

   "Hehehe, did you have a plan, or did you accidentally screw up something, huh? Super Skrull."

   Two chapters are released in succession, the rhythm will pick up, and Pan Pan himself will feel that the exciting stage of writing is slowly coming.



  (end of this chapter)