Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 305: The big ship sailing to the endless dist

A series of light green bubbles bubbled up in the repair cabin, and as the life support fluid sank and slowly drained from the cabin, Alex Summers tremblingly took off the oxygen supply on his face. mask.

  He wanted to get out of the cylindrical treatment cabin by himself, but when the door opened, his body still fell forward uncontrollably.

   "Ho you boy."

  Alex's face was very pale, with deeply sunken cheeks.

  There were faint bluish-black marks all over his chest and back, he panted softly, and rolled his eyes helplessly at his younger brother Scott.

   "Cyclops" caught his brother who was about to fall, helped his shriveled body to sit down carefully, and put on a blanket.

   "You say that, you stay here all the time, how can I join the nurses at the base? Don't get in the way, what should you do, get out of here."

  Scott Summers wore a pair of everyday casual energy-suppressing glasses, and looked like a blind man in the slightly dimly lit treatment area. He rubbed his nose and folded his arms, drooping his face and still not speaking.

   On the contrary, Alex, who was wrapped tightly in a gray thermal blanket next to him, looked gray and looked half-dead, was in a good mood. Looking at his younger brother, he blinked and smiled and said:

"Aren't you always curious about how much 'Wolf Gold' I have? Hehe, I won't be able to use it anymore. Go back and check your account and you'll know. From now on, you will be the one who indulges in life and is surrounded by beauties Brother my wonderful retirement."

   "Shock Wave" Alex Summers, an early important member of the Howlett family, a student of Magneto, the core force of the first batch of "Whip of Order", and one of the "generals" of the Sirius Legion.

  During the Asgard War of the Gods ten years ago, Alex was frozen and frostbitten by Loki Odinson, who was holding the Jotunheim ice giant artifact "Ice Treasure Box".

  The extremely cold low temperature caused irreparable damage to Alex's body. Even in order to quell the war and the anger of the human legion, the **** king Odin used the power of runes to release the frozen power of the ice as soon as possible.

  Relying on the "Archangel" Warren's self-regenerating and self-healing blood, he finally saved his life through a series of repairs and rescues at the "Wolf's Nest" base after returning to Earth.

  But every tissue and even cell in his body is still damaged and damaged irreversibly and completely healed.

  Human beings are extremely famous in the extraordinary world, and the "Shock Wave" whose strength is brutal, wild, and destructive can no longer withstand its own powerful energy, and it will no longer be able to use its own abilities from now on.

  Scott looked at his brother who still liked to tease him before, curled his lips in disdain, and retorted in a low voice:

   "Hmph! You're still surrounded by beauties. Don't accidentally get killed by a hot girl's ass, and practice boxing at home to keep healthy!"

  Alex's pale blue pupils were gray for a moment, then he waved his hand indifferently, refusing his brother's help, and stood up with trembling legs, gritted his teeth.

   "Do you know what my only pity is?"

  Scott looked at his brother's disfigured face. Although his appearance was extremely fragile at the moment, Alex's eyes were piercingly bright.

" only regret is that there is no Mister to lead us into this battle against the gods. Our generation is not like you boys who grew up in the academy, like the descendants of the old Pete family, 'wolves ' from generation to generation of people"

  Alex clenched his fists and walked towards the gate of the treatment area step by step. Every time he moved away from the room full of treatment cabins and life support devices, his shortness of breath gradually became stronger.

  "Mr. Howlett never promised us a future where we can 'rule the world' or indulge in indulgence. What he the dignity of a soldier, and a starry sky where we can gallop!"

"Ma'am, she was wrong. She saw us old guys dying and dying. She thought that 'life' was more important to us. Don't worry, I can't die. Mr. Howlett will come back, there will be On that day, even if my body can only send out the last shock wave, I will follow him to the battlefield! Look, that girl is probably going to leave."

Alex leaned against the entrance of the towering treatment area, and pointed at the crowd gradually gathering below. A beautiful figure with red hair in a black robe walked towards the Skrull step by step under the silent eyes and surroundings of the crowd. The flagship of the royal family.

  "Phoenix" Jean Gray's eyes are always looking forward, never flickering sideways.

  The news that she was going to leave the Legion, and even the earth, spread like wildfire, spreading throughout the entire base.

  When Hank McCoy specifically told her that the "White Queen" gave her the ship that had been passed down from the Skrull Empire for thousands of years, Jean Gray understood that these were all arranged by her teacher.


   Lingdie wore a tight dark purple leather armor and danced a string of knives, stepped in front of Qin, blocking her way to the starship.

"Do not misunderstand."

  Elizabeth Braddock swung her long black ponytail and slung the Zhenjin Samurai Sword behind her back, and continued calmly:

   "I want to go with you."

  Qin Gray looked at Lingdie and slightly raised her eyebrows. The high collar of the black robe covered half of her face, revealing only a pair of slender emerald green eyes.

  She turned around slowly, looking at the legion soldiers and some technicians at the base surrounded by the spaceship parking area, without making a sound.

   Soon, pairs of footsteps came forward, passed by both sides of Qin, and stood beside and behind Lingdie.

   Most of them are young mutant fighters trained by the Extraordinary Academy system, and there are also a small number of young scientists and researchers from the base, and even the "Viper" Ophelia who was burned into a scorched corpse by Qin.

   Not a single "Winter Wolf" warrior from a pack of wolves.

Qin didn't say anything to the followers who walked behind her, she just glanced roughly, her eyes still looking at the crowd, until a familiar and expectant figure came into view, and the corners of her covered mouth were gently covered. Hooked up.

Laura Howlett, followed by "Nightcrawler" Kurt, and "Archangel" Warren, "Colossus" and "Secret Man" brothers and sisters, walked out of the crowd who voluntarily separated, and walked slowly in front of Qin. Finally stopped.


  Master Cotter exploded into a cloud of blue-black smoke and flashed from Laura to behind Qin, and Warren Worthington also fluttered his wings and landed on the other side.

   Qin Gray finally looked at Nightcrawler in surprise, and even blinked strangely.

   "I still don't have the ability to travel through special dimensions like my father, eh. Although he also borrowed the help of some mystics, in short, I plan to follow you around the universe and use my own way to find grandpa."

  Master Kurt shrugged his shoulders easily. As Qin's eyes shifted, Warren also explained with a sigh:

   "Don't look at me like this. It doesn't make sense for me to stay after he's gone. After fighting with the so-called gods, I feel that staying on Earth is a bit boring."

  Qin lowered her jaw slightly imperceptibly, and the opposite figure was the most prominent. Still wrapped in bandages on her chest and abdomen, "Colossus" Peter, who stood a head high in the crowd, stroked his sister's long, dense blond hair in a muffled voice.

  His big fan-like hands set off the "secret guest"'s head, which is extraordinarily small.

   "Go Liana go."

   "But you—you"

  Peter Rasputin looked at his sister Liana tenderly, and gently pushed her shoulder.

   "There is also the hut on the 'Wolf Tower' that I need to take care of. I will wait there for you to come back anytime. It is your home, but it is not the far place you want to go, nor can it satisfy your yearning."

Liana bit her lower lip tightly, put her head on Peter's stomach, and hugged the sturdy body she couldn't hug tightly, sniffed secretly, and turned around suddenly after more than ten seconds. He ran behind Jean Gray.

   "Phoenix" looked at Laura who was still standing quietly opposite her without any movement. After a while, she finally said:

   "Won't you come with me, I can bring you the real battle and conquest."

  Qin looked expectantly at the little wolf girl in black light armor and bare arms, but the other party just smiled slightly and shook her head slowly.

   "Qin, I will fight you again when you come back, but... I want to stay here, the Howlett family's old house, and I can't leave it alone."

  Qin Gray nodded lightly, she took a small step forward, stopped for two seconds, then retracted, then turned around and walked towards the brass-colored ferocious kingship.

  The soldiers who chose to follow the "Phoenix" into the starry sky also boarded the ship one by one, until the tail of Jean Gray's robe was about to disappear into the gate of the spaceship, and the hasty shouts came faintly from a distance.

   "Wait, wait a minute! And, I'm going too."

  Scott Summers could feel that his cheeks and ears were probably as red as the laser waves released from the pupils at this moment.

He dragged a small suitcase and walked quickly through the crowd, which contained some of the equipment that he was eager to exchange. He gasped and groaned a few times, but he never dared to meet Qin's eyes, but just walked quickly into the stars with his head down. ship.

  The big ship sailing to the endless distance has put away the anchor, and the last passenger who arrived late has also boarded the ship.

  The dome of the wolf's nest base slowly opened, and the huge metal structure carried a huge boulder of tens of millions of tons, spinning out a huge portal like a stadium.

Greenland is in the polar night snowstorm season again. The blowing wind and frost raised Laura's long temples, her black hair fluttering and blurred her vision, and the rustling snow of waterfalls and waterfalls fell from the top. As the spaceship ascended, it became smaller and smaller, gradually becoming like the stars in the sky, only a little bit of starlight remained.

The White Queen standing at the highest point of the starship bridge of the base stood with her hands behind her back. Beside her stood the "beast" with an inexplicably sad face. As the two watched the spaceship leave, a man in a dark red suit The figure floated up.

  Eric Lanshere landed beside Emma until the dome of the base closed again. His face, which was a little more powerful than before, said in a low and solemn voice:

   "She was right to leave. No one can suppress this girl without Dad. It seems that Qin is still Qin, and her rationality is still the same. By the way, news of Dad's disappearance has emerged from the outside world."

   "Well~ sooner or later you will know, what, you want to kill a wave of restless people?"

  Emma looked down at her daughter who was still standing there, and asked calmly without looking back.

   "Exactly the opposite."

   Magneto raised the corners of his mouth playfully, playing with an eagle emblem coin from the German period in his hand, and circled it at a constant speed between his spread fingers.

".At first, Dad just wanted to change the world because of us. He did it, but he had to bear a lot of responsibilities that he didn't care about. Maybe let them grow wildly for a while. I want to see when the 'Wolf Emperor' 'After this mountain is removed, how many people will feel that they have the ability to stand up."

  The White Queen nodded silently with sideways glances, and the two seemed to have a tacit understanding. Just about to walk off the bridge, Hank suddenly raised his arms and roared in a low voice:

"The dwarf who returned to his hometown in Sweden some time ago, Dr. Bolivar Trask, died in his father's old house. Trask's age and body were almost unbearable, but this time the death happened outside. "

   Hank's sharp claws scratched the mane of his chin, looking at Emma with questioning eyes.

   "Send someone to investigate. His information on the outside world has been wiped out decades ago. If he died a normal death, he can be buried in his hometown. What research does Dr. Trask mainly do?"

   "The earliest variant gene of 'Darwin' was deciphered, but later Mr. destroyed the prototype body, and his research was also stopped and shelved. Later, he just did some routine research at the base."

Emma nodded and didn't say any more. Although the White Queen has not left the slightest trace on her face after years of precipitation, she is as flawless as an "eternal" diamond, but her state of mind is earlier than that of her opponent. The stage of longing for power and prestige.

   The White Queen, who took over the main authority and affairs of the Howlett family, has not changed in any temperament. In fact, if she wanted to, James could have given her the control of the extraordinary world with a word a long time ago.

  But at this moment, Mrs. Emma Howlett just wanted to keep the old house and the family safe for her husband, and wait for James' return with peace of mind.

  She believed that at this time her man had really embarked on the path arranged for him by fate, or the path that belonged exclusively to James Howlett.

  Perhaps the calm at this moment is like a "big ship" sailing far to the Milky Way. Under the deep waves, there are rolling undercurrents, and the storm has never been in the habit of telling us in advance. It always comes so carelessly, but it is devastating.

  The quaint brass throne that originally belonged to Emperor Skrull Karth still stands intact in the center of the ship hall.

  “Phoenix” tilted his head to look a few times, suddenly sparks appeared on his body, and then burned the black robe that was dragged to his feet, revealing a blue-purple armor with a large white and greasy back and chest exposed.

  Jin Gray's boots stepped on the air, step by step, and finally stepped onto the short throne.