Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 50: Long live

  Chapter 50 Long Live

  Since coming to this world and knowing the true face of this world, James has thought about it many times through the information he didn't know much about in his previous life.

  He knew that a mutant group of all kinds of strange things had been born, and had always been hostile by humans, making it difficult to survive.

  He also probably knew that in the future there would be an overlord coming from outside the sky, making life in the entire universe hopeless and powerless, and among these various pieces of information, there was one thing that puzzled him all the time.

   That is the so-called hidden country with super technology and magical properties, Wakanda.

  He couldn't figure out how a primitive tribal country that was also on the same planet and closed to the outside world became the most technologically advanced country.

  After Daniel fled back to Canada, he described in detail what he had seen, heard and experienced in captivity and slavery in Wakanda.

  According to him, apart from mastering basic forging skills and using a magical mineral metal, everything here is no different from other indigenous tribes in Africa, even older and barbaric.

  The leader of the country, the man known as the Black Panther, has unimaginable strength and speed. When he wears the indestructible holy gold armor, he is like a real god.

  So James thought of two situations. Wakanda's technology may have been taught by another race or civilization. Or, they have not yet begun to germinate the pursuit of the modern world and technological and industrial skills, and are still in the ignorant period.

If it is the latter, then these powerful technological forces in the future must be derived from Zhenjin's uniqueness, because James does not believe that this tribe can quickly surpass the entire world by learning some modern science and then research behind closed doors, and become an earth technology the most developed place.

   "King of Wakanda, what's your name."


  The Black Panther King spoke his name in Hausa with inexplicable solemnity.

   "Can we talk, I—"

   "Devil! Wakanda will fight you to the death." Azuli said word by word.

"...Don't die, Azuli, let me see how powerful the Black Panther and Zhenjin can be." James also became a little serious, and he more or less gave the Black Panther a few points. respect.

   Boom boom boom!

  James' energy exploded completely. This was the first time he had evolved again and reached a new level to fully output his energy and blood power.

  His surroundings are no longer overflowing with ultra-high temperature and shock waves as before, as if all energy is perfectly controlled and gathered in himself, but there are faint reddish energy ripples around his body, as if blood is steaming.

  His feet were slightly off the grass, the toes were naturally drooping, and they were a few centimeters away from touching the ground, and his half-length hair was floating gently.


The violent sonic boom hit everyone's eardrums. James blasted the air and stabbed at Azuli. In order to facilitate the output and attack of power, he did not show his bone claws again, on the premise that he could not tear the vibrating gold armor. , the strength and kinetic energy of the bone claws are not as effective as fists.

  He wants to see if the black panther Azuli can resist the destructive power of his full output with the protection of Zhenjin.

  All the tribal warriors on the empty valley, as well as the Wakanda people looking out from the cliffs, slopes, and houses in the distance, their faces were numb, some silently shed tears, and some gritted their teeth tightly and twitched stiffly.


   I don’t know which child cried out. The harsh and sharp cries of young children echoed in the valley and got into the minds of every Wakanda.

  Azuri no longer had any possibility or meaning to fight back. He was punched by James and exploded on his body. Even the Panther's nerves couldn't keep up with his speed.

   Azuli doesn't know how many punches this man can punch in a second, hundreds? Or thousands of punches?

  Buzz! Buzz! hum!

James' fists and feet could no longer hear the normal striking sound, and the speed exceeding the speed of sound made all his attacking sounds join together, like a continuous high-frequency buzzing sound. Glittering on the ground.

Zhenjin may be an extremely magical metal structure in the entire universe. The power of James' every attack, whether it is spiral, oscillating, or explosive, can be greatly eliminated by Zhenjin. Motive potential energy is easier.

  He consciously did not attack some of the gaps and exposed parts of the armor, just to see how far his strongest strength can be achieved.

  Even for such a magical creation as Zhenjin, it is impossible that there is no upper limit. All James’s power is not enough to destroy or even damage Zhenjin, but the black panther Azuli in Zhenjin’s armor is still a body of flesh and blood.

Azuli only has the ability to think for himself. His naked eyes, nerves, and body can't keep up with this terrifying man. He can feel how powerful this man's attack is. For the first time in his life, he is wearing a vibrating gold armor. In case he was injured.

  The armor helped him to offset at least 80% of the impact and destructive power, but even so, the opponent's strange energy-like attack would still have some traces of power to be borne by his body.

Blood began to flow from the corner of Azuli's mouth, his internal organs were constantly shattering, muscles and bones began to crack, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears, maybe the eardrum was broken, his vision became more and more blurred, and his consciousness was not very clear up.

   Soon, and what seemed like a long time later, everything stopped, and James grabbed Azurri by the armor on his chest and gently lowered him to the ground.

  He has already felt the decline of Azuli. It is still unknown whether such an injury can survive even with the extraordinary strength of the black panther.

   "Wa, Kan, Da, Hooray!"

  The captain of Dora's guard raised his spear with blood-red eyes, and roared with tearing voices. All the tribe warriors and even civilians of Wakanda took up their weapons and charged in rage.

  James shook his head helplessly. He was not interested in the butcher knife that was purely swung at mortals. He looked down at Azuli whose lips moved silently, his expression gradually indifferent.

   crackling crackling

  The wood was crackling by the flames, and there were many Wakanda people lying scattered in the tunnels of the mine. They didn't know whether they were dead or alive. Look carefully. Most of them can still tremble slightly, and groan in pain.

  James and Asazzo stood on a circular stone platform, with a human-high black panther sculpture on each side of the stone platform, and blue-purple fluorescent plants grew in the fertile black soil below the platform.

   Asazo's long tail curled a plump woman wearing gorgeous feathers and metal ornaments. Her neck was tightly wrapped by the devil's tail, and she was held in midair, struggling to breathe in some air.

   Asazo's tail is the most powerful part of his body.

   "What is the specific effect of this herb and how to use it." James asked the woman in Hausa.

  He nodded to Asazo next to him, the red devil's tail left the woman behind, she knelt on the ground gasping for breath, raised her head ferociously and cursed in an incomprehensible language.

  James knelt down, looked at her, and asked again.

   "Devil! You can't take away Wakanda's secrets! Bah!"

  The woman finally responded in Hausa, and finally tried to spit on James' face, but was bounced back by the strength from his body, and sprayed herself in the face.

  James stood up, kicked the woman lightly, and she screamed and slammed into the wall on one side, and passed out.

  He patted Asazuo's shoulder, which was half his head short, and said casually, "Son, it's time to work."

Changed the name of the current Black Panther. Azuri was not used before because the overall world view is mainly based on the movie, and the name in the movie is on another character, but after thinking about it, I think it’s not a big deal, so I changed it and used it. comic set. Thanks to the partners who proposed.

  Yesterday I figured out what "catch bugs" means, but I still don't know what security is. I'll post the two chapters early today. I wish you all a happy weekend~ rub


  (end of this chapter)