Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 55: capital desire

  Chapter 55 The Desire of Capital

   Whoosh! Whoosh!

Remus Pete sharply dodged two of Asazor's tail stabs. His killing technique has reached the third stage. In addition to being able to perfectly control his body to make various movements that ordinary people can't understand, he can definitely To a certain extent, control the peristalsis of viscera and stomach and the flow of blood.

   What’s more, it’s different from the evolution technique that Asazo practiced. From the second stage onwards, he can perform a limited burst of penetrating second blows in the fist attack, causing the enemy to inadvertently suffer fatal internal injuries.

  After entering the third stage, the basic attributes such as strength and speed of the body can be raised to the physical limit of the self, and the ability of the second strike can also cover the whole body, and it can be used more freely and fully.

   But even so, he could barely compete with Asazo, who didn't use supernatural abilities.

  Aside from practicing the evolution technique, Asazo didn't have this kind of second-strike combat skill, but his physical strength already surpassed Remus's, and the third stage of the evolution technique could also make him reach the limit of his current physique and ability.

  In addition, Asazo's tail is purely an innate weapon, with a strange attack angle and extremely fast speed. If it weren't for Remus's superior fighting skills, he would have "died" many times.

   Bang bang bang!

The two fought back and forth with fists and legs. Asazo's fighting style was closer to stabbing. With his own tail stab, he was like a scorpion with precise assassination. The various strike routes are very comprehensive, and every contact makes Asazo's fists and feet feel stabbed like stings.

   Shua! Remus grabbed Asazuo's tail that was swiping down the plate like a monkey fishing for the moon, and took advantage of this opportunity to raise his elbow, and the tip of his elbow pierced Asazuo like a punching cone.

  Puff puff, Azazzo broke Remus' strength by teleporting into the air and avoided the elbow, but he also violated the rule that teleportation cannot be used in unarmed practice.

   "Okay, let's go here."

   James stopped the contest between the two and dialed a few words.

  Remus hesitated for a moment, but still asked aloud: "Master, the next level of killing technique, I—"

"Don't worry, wait for me to figure out this joint recently. If it goes well, I can help you." James responded to Remus as expected. After several years of polishing and searching the East of the world Taoist books and materials, he has a new and completely different understanding of this stage.

   Asazzo watched the conversation between the two, and pretended to sneak up. Of course, he didn't dare to keep silent in front of James. He teleported away impolitely, and made a haha ​​gesture to leave.

   "Where are you planning to go?" James stopped Asazo with bad words. In fact, he already knew what this kid was busy with recently.

  Azazzo responded vaguely: "That... went to play cards with some of Remus' younger brothers, isn't it Remus."

  He turned into a plume of black smoke, flashed to Remus' side, and bumped into Remus' shoulder.

  Remus was very loyal, he was taken aback for a moment and quickly agreed, James smiled instead, waved his hand without further questioning, but suddenly stopped Asazo unexpectedly and deeply.

   "Father won't let you hide like this all the time, definitely not."

  Asazuo was stunned for a moment, he scratched his head, smirked a few times, and nodded.

  He believed in his father, just as he believed in his hand when he first met him.

  The capital affairs of the Howlett family have been relatively busy in recent years, and James cannot take it lightly at this point.

  The 1920s was a short and special period in American history, which was later called the "Roaring Age".

  The United States is at the historical intersection of the old and the new. The vigorous development of capitalism has completely transformed the country from an agricultural civilization into an industrialized modern society.

  At the same time, the United States, which participated in the war at the end of World War I, made a fortune from the war because it was not severely damaged by the war. It changed from a debtor country before the war to a creditor country.

  The whole country is in the stage of the government's "laissez-faire" economic policy, allowing the free market to operate on its own. The less the government interferes with economic activities, the more efficient the economic operation will be.

At this time, the domestic economic situation in the United States was very good, the transportation, mining, and construction industries expanded rapidly, and the electrical appliance and automobile manufacturing industries suddenly rose. Automobiles, electrical equipment, household machinery, processed food, and ready-made clothing began to enter the family, which greatly affected the lives of many Americans. Bring unprecedented comfort.

  Real estate transactions and stock markets are particularly active, and some speculators become upstarts overnight in such gambling industries.

And James didn't want to join in the fun. He knew that such flashy prosperity would soon usher in a huge disillusionment. To what extent does it affect the world, power.

Early the next morning, James was under a ginkgo tree in the garden of the manor, reading a book in a simple and simple style carefully. When the housekeeper Casper came to deliver a message, he caught a few glimpses, and they were all like squares that he could not understand. The words, my "young master" knows too many things.

   "Master Bruce, Mr. Wedell is here." Butler Casper always distinguishes the names carefully when there are outsiders.

  Herman Wedel is the son of old Tom Wedel, and he is now in his fifties. In fact, in the eyes of the outside world, the surname Wedel is more recognizable and powerful.

   Only a handful of top oligarchy tycoons know that this Wedell, who is in charge of the Western capital world, is just a "buddy" released to do things.

"What's the matter, Heilman, you still come here by yourself." James was still a little strange to see Hellman Wedell, after all, he had seen the young Hellman calling his uncle, but now instead His seniority was lowered again.

Mr. Wedell leaned against James' recliner, and asked with some confusion: "Master, it was an inquiry from the White House, and President Wilson also personally mentioned it. They don't know why Howlett's family stopped Japan. business and support for all applications in the country.”

  James motioned Wedell to drink some iced tea indifferently, watching him moisten his throat and continue.

"What the White House means is that after all, this has reached the level of business exchanges between countries, and as far as I know, President Wilson is more concerned about the promotion of bilateral relations brought about by this cooperation. The influence of the United States in East Asia has always been very strong. Limited, so."

   "This is a business decision of the Howlett family. The US government has no right to interfere, right?"

   "Of course, of course."

  Mr. Wedel met James' eyes that seemed to be asking but actually ordered, and hurriedly agreed.

"I think this Japanese country lacks basic morality and integrity. In the war that just ended, the ancient country in the east, as the victor, did not get its due rights and interests, and Japan continued to occupy its own land. so-"

   James paused and took two sips of iced tea.

   "In the future, all the business channels of the Howlett family will not purchase from Japan, and our industrial and manufacturing support projects for Japan will also be stopped."

   "Master, we will also suffer a lot of losses in this way." Mr. Wedell couldn't help but said, this is indeed a bit of a waste of money.

   James waved his hand, suddenly smiled and said: "After a few years, the new president will thank me instead. Don't worry too much, just do it like this."

  He continued to focus on the book in his hand, not paying attention to this episode.

   The last few chapters will pave the way for the characters, the plot and some settings, which are relatively smooth, but will transition quickly. Rubbing everyone~



  (end of this chapter)