Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 60: The sudden testimonials from heaven and

  Chapter 60 The sky and the earth suddenly came to the shelf testimonials

   To my dear readers:

  As a pure newcomer author, the matter of listing is to see how many chapters other people have written, and how many words can be published.

  So I reckon I’ll be able to write for another two weeks or so, and I’ll start writing a little more every day for these two days, and I’ll give it to everyone for a few days at a time when it’s on the shelves.

  But just over an hour ago, I received a message from the editor and a short message from the starting point, and it will be put on the shelves for me on the first day of tomorrow. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  Everyone imagine the black plate with a 1.85-meter-long hole and a powerful, bald-headed hunk crying bitterly.

  But the situation is like this, so I can only quickly type out a testimonial on the shelves at this time, report the situation to the gentlemen, say a few words of my own, and rush to the manuscript.

Everyone who is still reading this book has a general feeling. There was a controversial plot in the early stage, which caused me to search through the comment area of ​​the works of newcomers, but I couldn’t find one that was so respected by everyone like the black disk. , scolding so violently.

  The first thing I want to apologize for is that no matter what the original intention of the plot design was, I really didn’t write it well in the end.

   After all, the first volume is about 100,000 words, and there is still a long way to go in the follow-up to really come into contact with the world plot that everyone is familiar with.

The most recent chapters are all foreshadowing, there is no particularly exciting plot and rhythm, just because they are not yet on the shelves, and they are all free, so they should be prepared in advance, and there will be a small climax before the shelves, and everyone will enjoy watching, but now.

Heipan is a lazy person, and he often likes to go around when encountering complicated things. Since writing and publishing the book, more and more readers have collected and supported me, which has given me tremendous responsibility and pressure, but it is also a kind of Indescribable, the happiness of being needed.

   And what supported me during that time were some encouraging and comforting comments from everyone, as well as more partners who silently voted and rewarded me.

  So, I will write well.

  As for the direction and rhythm of the follow-up, everyone has a rough judgment. Heipan thinks about the framework and plot conceived later, thinks about it, and thinks it is really cool.

Another thing I want to thank is my editor, Teacher Ye Xiao, who rescued me from the vast sea of ​​books, signed me a contract, gave me recommendations, and helped me calm down when my mind was the most confused. Well, nothing more than that.

   Work hard today, and it will be on the shelves tomorrow. I will strive for a wave of 4D updates for everyone. In the future, I plan to keep the daily updates at 6,000, which is one chapter more than the new issue.

   It depends on the situation to add updates in the future. To be honest, I can only rely on my own ability, and then refer to the rules of other authors and teachers to add updates. I am really at a loss now.

   Looking for a wave of subscriptions? Seeing that people are asking for this, pick your fingers

  Go to work! rub everyone!

   love your black plate

  (end of this chapter)