Marvel Reverses Wolverine

~: Summary at the end of the volume and lea

  Summary at the end of the volume and request for leave

  Hoo. Unknowingly, this book has been written for four months, thanks to the support of all readers.

  I still remember that at the end of the first volume, there were overwhelming abusive comments, and Panpan felt that there was no need to write any more. People kept leaving messages saying "Cut the book, you can't write it down", some people even attacked personally, and their words were extremely vicious.

   But the editor teacher told me to look at the data.

   There has been a steady growth of follow-ups and subscriptions after they are released.

  The vast majority of readers who are not used to leaving comments made me realize that I am not as miserable as those people say.


Write! write well!

  For every reader who supports me, we start from the first order of 3,000, and get the badge of 10,000 orders after one month.

  At the beginning, I didn’t understand the weight of this achievement until I realized that as of today, there are only more than 830 novels on the site, and there are no more than five books on the theme of American comics and our book.

   Pan Pan is a person who is not very good at talking. He doesn't have many friends in his life, and he is always used to being alone. But after suddenly having such a group of readers, the happiness and sense of responsibility that are needed are beyond words.

  I learned all the way in the process of writing. The various problems in the first volume were due to my unclear concepts and the rough handling of the comments.

  In the next two volumes, the plot mostly spread out a few lines, and finally retracted at the end of the volume.

  Pan Pan found that he lacked a lot in shaping female roles, feelings, daily routines, and personalities. And unlike some unit stories that are suitable for follow-up reading, the amount of updates can only be regarded as passing, which is really hard for everyone who likes this book.

  Apocalypse's story has also been echoed that the role of the protagonist has been weakened, and everyone is not happy to read it. These will be improved and adjusted in later stories.

  As the theme of American comics, the difficulty of writing this book is very, very high. Panpan has actually not read a few other similar novels, but after a general understanding, most of them follow the plot of the original.

   At the stage where the most core MCU plot has not yet arrived, turning the world on another track is tantamount to abandoning most of the writing advantages and adding several times the difficulty of plot design to oneself.

   Panpan never made a detailed outline, did not save manuscripts, and was in a state of creation every day, which was really stressful.

  Currently, this book is quite appropriate to knead the entire mutant world and the MCU universe together. From the era of the protagonist James, it shows the stories and changes of the Marvel world in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

And at the beginning of a new volume, in addition to the appearance of more and more important characters from Marvel, our world will expand beyond the earth, and a section of "interstellar war" that has not been truly shown in the film and television will be perfected. The protagonist and his forces will face each other. Threat to civilization from two cosmic empires.

  The point that needs to be explained and reiterated here is that in each series of Marvel, whether it is comics or film and television, there are many contradictions in the combat effectiveness and relationship of characters.

   Moreover, everyone has a different understanding of characters. There are two completely opposite comments on Tianqi's strength alone. Therefore, Panpan must be able to grasp the balance of power levels in this book, and please be tolerant in this regard.

  Of course, you can chat about certain settings of a certain character at will, and discuss who is stronger or weaker, but please understand that in order for this book not to collapse, it is very important to adjust and change the combat power and settings of some characters.

   It will be updated normally at zero o'clock tomorrow, the next volume - the battle of the three clans.

  (end of this chapter)