Marvel: Start with God of Destruction

Chapter 107

He said softly: "Don't worry, he just went to another world. He was reborn in a world called Super Seminary." He Xi was puzzled: "Super Seminary?"

Vegeta nodded, he dug deeper from the Infinity Stones!



are different!

The so-called universe refers to just one universe.

And in the universe, there are other universes.

There are countless parallel universes.

When these parallel universes are combined, it becomes a multiverse.

And the combination of countless multiverses becomes the infinite universe.

And the collection of the infinite universe can be called the world!

This side of the world, the controller is a world lord called OAA!

Of course, Vegeta can think of it with his brain.

The information obtained from the Infinity Stones may have been deliberately disclosed to him by OAA.

As for purpose.

Also very simple.

Vegeta is from another world!

OAA wanted to borrow Vegett's hand for certain purposes.

As for world invasion, or world exchange.

Vegeta couldn't even guess what OAA was thinking.

In this way, everything can be explained.

"You mean, we are people from different worlds?" Keisha's eyes widened.

This was far beyond his comprehension.

in Begit's description.

Keisha, Carl, Liang Bing and others all came from a world called Super Seminary.

Vegetto, Broly, Frieza and others are from a world called Dragon Ball.

I am swallow star.

I'm so panicked right now.

A guy named Rune is coming to **** me.

(:1\'\"2?\':) To be honest, you may think I'm rubbish.

After all, in most comics, I'm the kind of nerd who gets beat up.

But let's be honest.

I am a very strong character!

Well, I don't even believe it myself.

Although you may not pay attention to who I am.

But I still feel the need to speak up.

His real name is Galan, and his Chinese name is Planet Devourer.

I am one of the five creation gods in the universe.

Most of the time, I'm the rudest one. It's a shame to be beaten by other gods of creation all the time.

My body is now a powerful collection of mechanical Zerg, known by outsiders as Planet Devourer or Planet Destroyer, generally referred to as swallowing stars.

People who like me will respectfully call me "Uncle Swallow".

I won't mention things like height, weight, nationality.

You don't care either.

My superpowers: I have cosmic powers beyond what humans can measure.

Can use the huge energy in the body to exert countless various effects.

Among the many superpowers are the ability to change molecular structures or perform material transformations, emitting huge shock waves of high-intensity energy. Teleportation between space and even time, as well as erecting powerful energy barriers and energy zones 0…

Even a messenger who has been given a small amount of power by me can manipulate matter and energy far beyond the comprehension of human beings!

Well, I said so much, maybe everyone wants to beat me to death now...

But in fact, you don't have to do it anymore.

Because I'm about to be hammered to death.

That bad guy is called a rune.

Similar to the guy with four faces in the Court of Life.

It is the only existence in the infinite universe.

The only existence of the infinite universe, in simple terms, is that there is only one in the Marvel world.

are endangered animals.

But this endangered animal is nowhere near as good-tempered as the Life Court.

This is a monster!

A scary monster!

Even if it stands still, it can make the world collapse!

No way, I in the main universe can only seal the rune in conjunction with eternity.

but now.

Life court is dead.

As much as I hate the chattering old **** who takes care of everything in the Court of Life.

But he died.

The world is all messed up!

The rune has run away!

And killed many planet eaters, which are my clones in various universes.


You ask me why this guy only came to kill me?

Because I am the prop to seal him!

Woohoo... That's right, I'm the scapegoat.

Well, I guess I don't have time to go on.

Because the rune is here, and he's going to beat me to death...

The world is coming to an end!

…0.1 "Huh?"

Eternity and Infinite looked at each other, and their expressions changed greatly. "This is... a rune of calamity?" Outside the galaxy.

The huge planet devourer exploded with a bang!

The breath disappeared.

Even if you want to rescue, it is too late. "Planet Devourer? Dead?"

Carol's eyes were about to pop out.

This special one, the Planet Devourer, one of the six creation gods, just died so casually?


Who did it? !

Vegeta didn't make a move, why did the swallowing star blew himself up?

Immediately afterwards, Carol's doubts were answered.

A pair of blue gods nearly ten thousand feet tall suddenly stood between the heavens and the earth.

A loud bang resounded in the air.

"Swallow the star to die, the divine rune appears, the world ends!".


Chapter 183 Captain Universe! Law enforcement team!

Immediately afterwards, Carol's doubts were answered.

A pair of blue gods nearly ten thousand feet tall suddenly stood between the heavens and the earth.

A loud bang resounded in the air.

"Swallow the star to die, the divine rune appears, and the world ends!"

That terrifying body, the supreme coercion, caused the void to collapse.

That is the opposite of eternity - the rune! "Destruction! Mission!"

As soon as it appeared, the tone of the rune began to become insane.

Behind him, a meteorite dragged a long flame.

However, before he could get close to him, he had already turned to ashes.


The rune threw something, streaked across the starry sky, flew towards the earth, and finally broke through the atmosphere.

There was a huge hole in Times Square in New York.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, it was discovered that it was the head of the Planet Devourer!

The investigators of the relevant departments suddenly discovered that the head was not reflexively moving towards the earth, but someone deliberately smashed it to the earth!

The Earth Federation fell into a panic.

After the integration of federal resources, everyone was shocked to discover.

This is the planet devourer, one of the six creation gods of this universe!

For a time, it caused a big uproar.

In other words, someone murdered this god! and launch its head onto Earth.

Suddenly at this moment, the head split open and a strong light was emitted, and the Earth Federation found a comatose girl - a new star.

They took her back to the lab for examination.

They found out that the girl was also not from this universe.

At this moment, the girl opened her eyes and stood up, revealing a strong figure, and she said frantically: "Destruction! Mission!"

Everyone wasted a lot of energy and finally let her settle down again.

But nothing could be learned from her.

So they encountered difficulties and decided to visit a wise man, the observer on the moon Frog map, as the observer who knows the planet eater best.

They believed they could find the answers they were looking for, but the unexpected happened.

Because when they reached the moon, they found that Frog's home had been destroyed, and Frog had amnesia, and half of the full medal on his chest was missing.

Faced with this situation, the federal guards who did not know what happened had to return to the Earth headquarters.

When they returned to Earth, they were told by their subordinates that the nova flew away like a bullet!