Marvel: Start with God of Destruction

Chapter 197

In the last battle, Ah Li had already seen it clearly. Logically speaking, no one should be able to move him.

Ah Li was still in a daze, and guessed to himself that it might be some very special problems! Possibly attacked? Poisoned? Or experience the underground life?

When comparing the previous guesses, Ah Li felt that the only one who could convince herself was the last one, but it sounded so... so strange.

Ah Li guessed for a long time, but still couldn't understand the reason why Vegeta might be here, so he simply gave up guessing wrong and asked directly.

"Veget, why are you here? You are so powerful, you shouldn't be here!" Ahri asked very sincerely.

But it came, and Vegeta rolled his eyes, "Why can't I be here! This is my home. Does it matter whether I'm good or not?"

"Of course it does! You are so powerful. Logically speaking, no one should be able to move you, but you are here."

When Ah Li said this, he smiled and then continued, "But... you're here, although you shouldn't feel very happy, but I feel very happy, hehehehehe..."

"Oh, I don't know what to say, anyway, I'm so happy to see you."

(!1;?!2\") When Vegeta listened, the depression in his mind became more and more intense, plus a question mark in his head, "Are you sick! Do you want to take a look, check and check. "

"Hey, what are you talking about? I see you are so happy, but you say I'm sick. How can you do this! After you die, it's understandable to be angry, but you can't take it out on my head!"

"I didn't invite you to provoke you, but you treated me like this, hum!" Ah Li was really angry, and she was really, very happy to see Vegett here.

You know, it's not easy to meet someone you know in this place, and it's someone she's always... always had a good impression of.

This made her even happier, but who knows, after talking to Vegeta, the other party also talked about himself. .

Chapter 373 Familiarity

Such a remark made Vegett's doubts and strange feelings clear.

The person in front of the relationship has always thought that he is dead! Hahahahaha. ...that's really fun! A man who thought he was dead was so happy.

Vegeta felt that what he said was right, such a strange person could still laugh when faced with such a thing, and his heart was really big.

Dare to ask, which person, after death, can still laugh when he knows it? There should be few people~!

Moreover, after death, I am afraid that there is no consciousness! This person doesn't even know this, is he still living in his own fantasy? Really this is the first time Be-Git met.

A living person lives after his own death.

"Hahahahaha..." It was so funny, Vegeta couldn't help laughing. To say this person is big-hearted? Or should I say she is stupid?

This laughter made Ah Li depressed, and she didn't know what happened to Veget. … Laughing so happily, is it possible that he is the same as himself? Are you happy after meeting yourself? Hahahahaha. ...

In that case, I can still reluctantly forgive her.

"Hahahahaha..." Ali also became happy, feeling very happy.

But Vegeta stopped abruptly, thinking that the other party must be sick, and he couldn't go crazy with her, so his expression changed, and in a blink of an eye he became serious again.

The change was sudden, and then he said again, "Who said you were dead! Your life is still big, you survived, since you now know that you are not dead, should you plan to leave here? "

After Vegeta finished speaking, he walked straight towards the sofa, leaving Ahri alone, messed up in the wind.

"What? Me... I'm not dead?!" Looking at the surrounding environment, although it is very unfamiliar, it looks very real. I thought it was the world after death, and it is the same as in real life!

Hey! This... It turns out that he is not dead! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Ah Li moved her stiff body, which had already been standing, and slowly ran in the opposite direction outside the door. She wanted to go out and feel the feeling of fresh air.

After running out and looking at the surrounding scenery, Ah Li was still at a loss, wondering if all of this really existed.

Or maybe Vegeta was deceiving her, but... it shouldn't be, Vegeta couldn't be deceived to deceive her.

Ah Li recalled the sadness, helplessness, confusion, and unwillingness that he felt after he died these days, and he still remembers it fresh!

However, up to now, she can actually stand here well, live well in this world, she is not dead, hahahaha. … She didn't even die, ahahahahaha. …. …. Ali was really happy.

Then, Ah Li thought back, what happened before she died, Oh, no, it was before she was alive, hey, it was not right.

She still remembers the things that happened in the forest very clearly! But there was some confusion, "Could it be... is it a dream that I had? In fact, nothing happened, I was just dreaming, right?"

Ah Li thought about it, and realized a problem. She is now in Vegeta's house, so in fact, she is not dreaming, all this has really existed.

It's just that it may be... Vegeta happened to pass by and rescued her, eh! It must be like this, in this case, everything makes sense, hahahahaha…

Although she had already made it very clear in her mind, she still felt unrealistic until a gust of wind whistled.

The icy chill made Ali shudder and shudder.

Looking down at his body, he was still wearing the clothes he was wearing that day.

He was so thin that he felt very cold, and Ali couldn't help but put his hands beside his mouth, exhaled, and then hugged his body tightly.

The touch of the body is so clear, even the cold is such a biting feeling, the cold is also extraordinarily real, Ali stretched out his hand and squeezed his face and his arm. 0.. Asking for flowers

All of these are reminding her that these are not her dreams, all these are not dreams, they are all real, and she is really alive.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!" Ah li has a feeling of life after death, the feeling of being reborn, all of this made Ah li excited, Ah li shouted and laughed loudly, She was so happy.

"There's something wrong with this person! What the **** is he called here in the morning!"

"Hey! Which neuropathy is screaming! Don't you know that other people are still sleeping?"

"What's wrong with this person? It's not crazy to be mad here! Let's go quickly, stay away from her, and don't get hurt by her crazy." The voices coming from all directions sounded extremely dissatisfied.

But it didn't affect Ah Li in the slightest. Ah Li was really too happy at this time, and he had long since ignored her face, and even forgot what shyness was.

No sound could interrupt her happiness at this time. Until the end, Ah Li's face froze with laughter, and her voice was hoarse, and she finally stopped.

Then he ran back to Vegett's house again, saw Vegett on the sofa, and ran directly to the target.

Where is Vegeta drinking water at this time? Looking at the person running towards him, he immediately stretched out his hand to stop the other party, the cup in his hand was not even put down, he just held it in his hand.

Ah Li looked at it, but didn't mind, and immediately took the cup from Vegett's hand and took it in his own. Then, Ahri put the pestle on top of the cup.

There is still water in the cup, and you can vaguely see your own appearance through the water. Ali looked at the reflection in the water, and an unspeakable excitement surged up in his heart.

Her face was still the face she remembered, and everything was still so familiar. one.

Chapter 374

After a lot of tossing, Ah Li calmed down again, but there was still a happy expression on his face, the kind that couldn't be stopped, and his mouth almost reached the back of his ears.

Ahri, who finally calmed down, realized where he was, and Vegett in front of him was staring at him with an ineffable expression, as if... as if he were looking at another fool.

Although I didn't express it, I said it, but I don't know why, just to give Ah Li such a feeling, at the end, Ah Li became shy.

I finally realized that I had done something in front of Vegeta just now. I can't blame Vegeta for looking at her like this. If she was, she would not understand it.

"That...that I was too excited for a while, I didn't suppress the torrent in my heart, and let you see a joke, hahahahaha... Don't mind, don't mind! I don't usually do this."

Ahri hurriedly explained to Vegett that he wanted to restore some of his impressions in his mind.

Vegetto didn't react, and didn't continue to look at her, but just said, "Since you've come back to life, shouldn't you go back too?"

Vegeta glanced at the person in front of him. Ahri was still standing there with the glass of water in his hand. Hearing these words, 290 was stunned again.

"Ah? Where am I going back!" The voice was obviously dazed and at a loss, as if he had lost his memory. Ahri was really still confused.

Although she has regained her senses now, it is only limited to whether she is alive or dead. Between the two, she has regained her senses, and when she heard such a sentence, she was stunned to ask again.

"How do I know where you are going? You can go wherever you want. It has nothing to do with me, so you don't need to ask me." Vegeta carefully observed Ahri for a long time before saying again.

Vegetto wanted to see something from the other party's expression, but after looking at it for a long time, he found that the other party was really confused, and then said again.

Vegeta didn't expect the other party to be... so excited, and the degree of confusion was not low. Looking at the confused look on the face of the person on the opposite side, she knew that she had not fully reacted to what happened before!

After Ah Li heard this, his face wrinkled again, and Lao Gao's mouth was pouted, and he could hang a bottle of soy sauce.

Ah Li reacted for a while, she didn't want to go back so soon, after all, she just regained the feeling of a new life, and then. ...and see Vegeta, stay with Vegeta.

He suddenly said that he wanted to leave, but Ah Li was still very reluctant, so he cautiously said, "Can you take me in for a while!"

"What? You want me to take you in? My house is not a shelter."

Vegeta gave Ahri a roll of eyes and said disdainfully, as if he had heard a joke.

This remark made Ahri excited again, and immediately put the cup in her hand on the table. When she heard that Vegeta would not take her in, she became excited.

After putting down the cup, I felt a little overwhelmed again. I felt that I didn't have Dingxi in my hand, and I felt uneasy, so I touched the table casually.

Ah Li didn't even have time to take a closer look at what it was, so he held it tightly in his hand. Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Vegeta.

"What? Do you want to commit suicide? If you don't stay here, you're going to do this? Suicide? Then don't die in my house!" Vegett's voice was cold, and a trace of disdain appeared on his face.

As for the actions of the people in front of you, it seems that you are not worried at all.

Ah Li hasn't reacted yet, what about the last one? How did it become that she was going to die? It was inexplicable, and then it seemed as if something suddenly occurred to me.

Looking down at his hand, he was holding a knife inexplicably at this time. Seeing this, Ah Li understood and knew that the other party had misunderstood.

In fact, even she herself doesn't know, how could she (agab) just grab a knife in her hand?

In order to avoid misunderstanding by Vegeta, he threw the knife out casually.

"Bang!" In the quiet space, a very abrupt voice sounded, startling Ahri and making Vegett very angry.

If this person wants to commit suicide, just commit suicide! What's wrong with her own knife, although holding a knife is actually nothing to him, but... After all, it's his thing, how can you just throw it away?

"You... what are you doing? Don't you want to die? Why don't you die? It's changed to a knife that tortures me. Is my knife messing with you?"

Vegeta gritted his teeth and said.

Ahri was stunned for a moment, but he hasn't reacted yet! The words were no more than his brain said, "Don't mess with me." Then he reacted.

I felt like I ran towards the place of the knife, and then came back with the knife, feeling anxious to explain, "I.... I.... I don't really want to die, and I have no grudge against your knife. Yes, it's just a sudden excitement."

"Then I didn't see it clearly, so I just grabbed it, and I didn't expect to get a knife at home, hahahaha... I really didn't want to die, hahahaha... I just came back to life, how could I go to seek death, right! "

Ah Li laughed and laughed, and kept explaining to Vegeta, and then continued: "Don't be angry! I really didn't want to threaten you with death."

At the end of Ah Li's words, he gradually lowered his voice and muttered softly.

Vegeta is speechless for saying this. When did he get angry, really, "I'm not angry, it doesn't matter if you die or not, doesn't it?"

"Uh... yes."

It's true that Ah Li's heart was hurt, but she still didn't plan to give up, and she would stay here even if she was shameless.

"Just take me in for a while! Just for a while, really, I'll leave after that, and I won't cause you any trouble. I can help you clean up the housework, wash the dishes, cook, and..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted again by Vegeta, "Hey....Stop, stop, you've come to my house to be a nanny!" Vegeta said jokingly.

It was just a joke, but I didn't expect the other party to agree directly.

"Nanny? Yes! Really!" Ali said sincerely, with a sincere expression on his face, what he said was a firmness.

Vegeta stroked his forehead, his mind turned quickly, after thinking about it for a long time...

Chapter 375 Sharp

Vegeta thought about it for a while and agreed. She said so, and she couldn't say anything else. "That's fine, then you can stay, but I'll let you stay for a while!"

"I don't really need you as a nanny," said Vegetto.

"Hmm, okay, I got it," just like that, Ahri managed to stay.

"Dong dong dong..."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Vegeta hasn't acted yet! Ahri had already stepped forward to open the door, Veget raised his eyebrows, and was lying comfortably on the sofa.

"Begit, there are two people at the door. They said they were applying for a babysitter job. Is it true? They can't be liars!" Ah Li had already closed the door, isolating the two outside.

With a serious and cautious expression, she always felt that the people outside did not look like good people, with an indifferent expression, how could she look like someone looking for a babysitter position!

It's almost the same as the candidate who came to apply for the killer, fierce and arrogant, hum! Who do you look down on? I still look down on you! Really a nasty woman.

Although it was only one of the two, she still felt that it was not a good person to be with such a person, so Lan Ya was like this, and she was shot while lying down successfully.

Just when Ahri was still thinking wildly in her heart, Vegeta had already walked to her side before she noticed anything.

"Oh, it seems that there is such a thing." Vegett said slowly, he really forgot, and when he did something, he really forgot everything.

If it weren't for these two women coming again, he probably wouldn't remember it for a while.

Saying that, his arms crossed Ahri's body and opened the door. It was the same two people standing outside the door, but they seemed a little tired.

It wasn't because of how confident Vegeta observed, it was because the two dark circles under the eyes were too conspicuous, and they were the kind that couldn't be stopped, which really stunned Vegeta.